Jeez, you're all wrong. The Left wants to control you and destroy your liberty and freedom. The Right wants to control you and destroy your freedom. Obama has been and continues to be a disaster for this country. I don't really hold out any hope that Trump will be great either. It seems to me he's only interested in talking about how great he is and hurling insults. Neither of those pastimes seem very presidential to me.
The ONLY way we can have freedom is by removing the Obamas, the Clintons, the Boehners, the McConnells etc from office. Our government was never intended to be run by career politicians. It was meant to be a representative gov't from the start, but now we have a ruling political class. Obama and Clinton and all of the Leftists are just as fascistic as those on the far right. Gary Johnson is a putz or I'd have gladly supported him. And as we all learned, Bernie Sanderas is an octogenarian sellout despite what his supporters say. Clinton and the DNC rigged the primaries against him from the start and he rolled over and took his new lake home like the good little sellout that he is. I guess he's reeeeeall worried about "Global Warming" and rising water levels and redistributing everyone's money and possessions to the "poor," right?
They're all dirty. They're all corrupt. They all deserve to be forced to work on a methane factory like the one in Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome.