Tell something truthful


Well-Known Member
This thread title leaves interpretation so have fun but what I would like is something truthful about yourself.

Do as you may but atleast add one to my hopes because I did try and not screw up the spelling or grammar too hard.

Ill start

I have done federal time before, that is 2 years+ a day.

I havent been in detention since aug 31st 2015
The first kiss and sexual intwraction I had was summer going into grade 8 with my neighbor a trini girl who always used to hangout wjth me.

I have seen her once in thw last ten years but we do talk.

I saw hef 3 years ago.

Its nice knowing Iwas once human...
Carry on
I let my neighbor give me a handjob once.

She was 3 yrs. older than me, pretty, and said she would be my girlfriend when we got older. I asked her what that meant and...

I was actually somewhat shocked to see that fly out of my penis. I was scared for a few minutes, kind of ruined it for me.
Yall aint wvwn ahot that fyre before

People have died on my steez

Why i cut for the average forgery types

They cant handle an sf

I do close to 1.5g of the h i posted

I have odd once aweek for more ghen a ymonth

I am a real h boy

I got that brick off a connected red dragon for 65.

My brick is stamped dirty brothel and