Free CO2 with Living Soil

Never said I know it all (actually quite the opposite windbag) but seeing how you seem to enjoy trolling, then have at it. You have been here for four years and have 70 messages including the four worthless ones you posted here? Really and you are going to talk shit? Really? What an asset you are to the community! Fuck you both than! Maybe @Rrog can give you advice on how to grow, he is super smart like Buddha. That is about what you get for the level of intelligence around these parts. You think I care if a group of non educated stoners who care nothing about progressing their knowledge miss me? Yeah pal, that's what I live for.
Who the fuck you think you are anyhow? Lets see something bitch? You have brought nothing just like your little douchebag friend.

Y-i-k-e-s !

You can't let people get under your skin like this, brother.

i never claimed to be the most experienced grower... but I also don't flip my shit over nothing lol and yeah i do mostly lurk and learn and not shoot my mouth off... you should try it duder (-;
Lol. Google "intelligence" and you'll see that intelligence is generally accepted to mean the capcacuty to learn, not the amount you've learned. Just like IQ isn't supposed to relate to what you've learned, but rather what you could learn

It's telling that such a small irritation would cause you to open up and call someone retarded.
noun: intelligence
the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

i call em like i see em.

maybe college isn't the right place for ya rrog. the world needs ditch diggers.
Intelligence quotient is higher in students who stay in school longer

Staying in school really can make you smarter. A new study from Norway finds that students who remain in school longer than their counterparts have higher IQ scores.

this is too easy rrog. gotta go. got some lurnin to do
noun: intelligence
the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

Thanks for making my point. I have two Bachelors degrees. Chemistry and Biology. Neither made me more intelligent. Both made me more educated
noun: intelligence
the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

i call em like i see em.

maybe college isn't the right place for ya rrog. the world needs ditch diggers.
Technically, he's right; the ABILITY to acquire knowledge is not conferred or improved in college. They just cram your head full of facts, which is not at all the same thing.

That said, can we all stop inanely sniping at one another and get on with the discussion?

I'm agnostic; I don't give a fuck where or from whom good ideas come from; as long as they work, I'm interested!

PS- I've been ripping the lid off curves on intelligence tests since I was just out of diapers. It didn't go up when I got a degree. Just saying.
Intelligence quotient is higher in students who stay in school longer

Staying in school really can make you smarter. A new study from Norway finds that students who remain in school longer than their counterparts have higher IQ scores.

this is too easy rrog. gotta go. got some lurnin to do
False correlation unless you control for the variable of self selection.
Thankd for the vid, Fizzy. Locked CO2 in Rhizosphere doesn't benefit the Phyllosphere.

This video has nothing to do with your original premise, nor discovered results. You did find a video where they talked about both plants and CO2 in the same video, so I guess that's an accomplishment.
Thankd for the vid, Fizzy. Locked CO2 in Rhizosphere doesn't benefit the Phyllosphere.

This video has nothing to do with your original premise, nor discovered results. You did find a video where they talked about both plants and CO2 in the same video, so I guess that's an accomplishment.
Be nice! Everyone else is trying to...

I still think the approach has promise without resorting to 100 gallon pots of soil or separate worm bins.
Technically, he's right; the ABILITY to acquire knowledge is not conferred or improved in college. They just cram your head full of facts, which is not at all the same thing.

we'll have to agree to disagree then.

for me at least, high school was memorization and regurgitation. college forced me to think for myself. come up with my own thesis, try to find facts that proved my thesis, present this information to peers and professors etc.

moving on then...
Apparently it's still OK to label someone "retarded" when you're clearly in error.

i can find many studies that show that college education improves an individuals intelligence. abstract thought, cognitive thought all improve intelligence.

if you felt college was a scam as you put it, why did you scam yourself into 2 degrees?