It's the size of the possibility that matters. Don't let anyone tell you size does not matter.Aliens..... i see what i see.. i hear the explanation.... anything possible is a possibility...

It's the size of the possibility that matters. Don't let anyone tell you size does not matter.Aliens..... i see what i see.. i hear the explanation.... anything possible is a possibility...
But makes ok toilet reading?Fuck me. We've been through all of this in the Flat Earth thread. There's nothing new being brought up here. That thread is locked, not deleted, so one may go peruse it if they are feeling particularly masochistic. Why rehash this shit again? Seems like such a waste of time...
But makes ok toilet reading?
Which way does the water swirl in a flat earth toilet flush?
Case closed, Next?
No. A fundamental rule of academic discourse is "bring your own weapons". In this context, asking me to do your work for you, however skillfully deflected into an appeal to my vanity, is a major breach of manners.Cannabineer I am not still here to win any argument. I am trying to get you lot to research this yourself.
Paydirt. I have not once heard of Superfluid Vacuum Theory, and here you imply that my NOT knowing it is a kindergarten-grade fail. Provide a link to a Nature article or anything else that is correctly peer-reviewed and not an Internet pipedream disguised as an erudite monograph.If you understand space, why would you even ask me to link? The idea of spacetime being a fluid, known as ‘superfluid vacuum theory’ (SVT), isn’t entirely new – it was suggested as long as half a century ago.
The idea that there needs to be an analogy between acoustic and electromagnetic waves is primally attractive, but the antidote is studying college-level physics.Researchers Stefano Liberati, a professor at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) and Luca Maccione, a research scientist at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich, are the first to tackle the question of the viscosity of such a liquid. In their paper Astrophysical Constraints on Planck Scale Dissipative Phenomena, they tackle the question of spacetime being a fluid.
They did this by creating models attempting to fuse gravity and quantum mechanics into ‘quantum gravity'.
Consider how waves move through water, for example – the wave propagates through the water, using it as a ‘medium’ through which to move.
As far as we know, a transfer of energy of this sort requires a medium, like how sound passes through air or heat through metal.
How, then do electromagnetic waves, photons and so on move through space, where there is believed to be nothing?
The supposed existence of a medium in space is more commonly known as an ether, but proving or disproving its existence has been, until thus far unsuccessful.
A key point of evidence for their theory revolves around the four fundamental forces of the universe – electromagnetism, weak interaction, strong interaction and gravity.
Quantum mechanics is able to explain all of these except for gravity.
I will use gravity, to explain my answer to your second query.
You said, 'would such energy densities not first need to be proven to exist and be present? I don't think you thought about that question before you asked it. If anything you probably held back from a veiled insult, this is why I respect you, because you are a gentlemen.
Have you any proof that gravity exists?
Can you prove we have an iron core?
No. A fundamental rule of academic discourse is "bring your own weapons". In this context, asking me to do your work for you, however skillfully deflected into an appeal to my vanity, is a major breach of manners. Paydirt. I have not once heard of Superfluid Vacuum Theory, and here you imply that my NOT knowing it is a kindergarten-grade fail. Provide a link to a Nature article or anything else that is correctly peer-reviewed and not an Internet pipedream disguised as an erudite monograph. The idea that there needs to be an analogy between acoustic and electromagnetic waves is primally attractive, but the antidote is studying college-level physics.
My iron core is painfully apparent every time I travel by air.
What I am pointing out is that the above is not a seamless piece of logic. It contains many (imo deliberately emplaced, some yours and some your source c&p) fallacies, including false analogy. Consider this: water has no superfluid domain. The Voyager spacecraft, demonstrably several billion miles away, have not run into any. So to me the idea of space being full of water, with stars sonoluminescent phenomena, is absurd. Yours is the extraordinary claim. Therefore yours is the duty to bring forth the extraordinary evidence. Otherwise you are waving hands and exploiting psychological flummery ("it has been hypothesized" constitutes an example) in order to make an implausible idea sound harder to assail. It's a favorite technique of "electric universe" devotees. I kid you not; look it up. I cannot say whether such grand refusal to think is to laugh, or to cry.
So are there any new truths about aliens, since I last posted in this thread about page 3?
I think Donald the Chump was constructed by aliens to test our instincts for self preservation.No...
I think Donald the Chump was constructed by aliens to test our instincts for self preservation.
Are there aliens ? I think we all were kind of aliens before we were born on this planet and there are much more species of aliens in our universe and on our planet.
I saw a german video, where people were warning of the first official contact to those aliens.
They said demons and demon aliens are coming this year for a lot of people.
They will offer us 1000 years of heaven, here on earth, what should be a big fake and trap.
Some dropouts of satanists and magicians told about, how they are in contact with "them" and what they want. A lot of them want sex with people, i heard.
They want power on this planet and are trying to cause lawlessness. Also they want a mixture of races here on this planet. Maybe we already got this mixture.
Behind these bunge of demons ( people in eternity ), should lurk satan and his father elohim, that is the actual "god" of our dimensions. Both are evil and more dangerous than all criminals together, i heard. I red, in the real bible elohim was never god or kind of judge, like he presents himself today.
The contact should be like shizophrenia, some will hear their voices and see "them".
I found another english video that seemed professional and interesting.
A lot of this aliens can incarnate here, and cause serious physical harm or hijackings.
Some of them even can appear as they want, maybe as michael jackson, they said.
One form of them are incubus and succubus demons. The bible is warning of those demons.
A lot are crimnals, but not all. Like at south africans or russians.
Here is the english video:
Here is the german video ( very intersting, from minuite 3 to 20, a lot in english )
Hidden hands and algorithm. Who applied these methods to free trading?who runs the world?
You see, only that which you choose to see.LOL black holes on the moon you say?
You see, only that which you choose to see.
LOL black holes on the moon you say?