Big gardens


Well-Known Member
So all of this recall bullshit made me sort of conclude that if 3 or 4 are using crap to control problems, then the others probably are as well and just haven't got caught. That's not what I want to argue about here so please don't start.

I'm wondering if it is possible to grow indoors on such a large scale. It's starting to appear not. At least not without some problems. I don't know so my question is can the environment be controlled enough so that things like PM or mites don't start in the first place? And if it can, wtf is the problem? Itsmehigh, I expect to hear from you!


Well-Known Member
The problem is greed whatfg
A successful garden is usually one where the plants receive only what they need and are carefully monitored.
In an attempt to cut corners and maximize profits love and time is replaced by the latest greatest chemical.
In most grows yield and profit are the only thing that matters. Consideration of quality and cleanliness of the product is skipped altogether or secondary even though there's a bunch of forced testing.
Can you imagine the product these people would dump on the market if they were allowed to go unchecked? It would either kill people or be their best ever.
The lps would argue that these chems are only used because of the testing process but I think we all know better then that.

I think the most overlooked points on the subject is the therapeutic pride a grower also gets out of their gardens and I doubt any lp employees ever feel that in these "marihuana factories."


Well-Known Member
So all of this recall bullshit made me sort of conclude that if 3 or 4 are using crap to control problems, then the others probably are as well and just haven't got caught. That's not what I want to argue about here so please don't start.

I'm wondering if it is possible to grow indoors on such a large scale. It's starting to appear not. At least not without some problems. I don't know so my question is can the environment be controlled enough so that things like PM or mites don't start in the first place? And if it can, wtf is the problem? Itsmehigh, I expect to hear from you!
When I was putting my MMPR app together I interviewed a guy for my QA/QC position, at the moment I met him he was currently working for a LP but he wanted a better pay so he was looking for other places to work, he straight up told me "Hey dude, I can make any Cannabis pass any QA test, we have ways of making things pass" He now currently works as a QA for a larger LP.


Well-Known Member
For me I am fine with people using light things in veg, like neem, mega wash and safers. Just when you switch to flower keep it clean and stay on things, that is the best way to fight off any thing.


Well-Known Member
It can be done, and it's being done. Some issues are that everyone's an expert, and are too pig headed to know when to ask for help. Words to live by "you need to know what you know, but you need to know what you don't know" if you don't know something, don't fake it, swallow your pride and ask for help. There's a lot of ego in the cannabis industry, most of these so called "master growers" have never seen a commercial greenhouse or a commercial facility. Another issue is all these LP's need to do things by the book, that means hiring engineers, architects, pulling building permits, hiring contractors ect. Most of which have never seen a cannabis plant, let alone a medical facility. They have no model to follow and just make it up as they go. I've worked with and fired many engeneers who told me that my ideas weren't possible, tried and true methods that I've been using for years. Environment is key, and can be very costly. Dehumidification is very costly, and a challenge to control. Your hvac designer and environmental controls shouldn't cut corners, saving a few buck here will come back and bite you in the ass. Most LP's I've seen start off too big, filling a room over capacity, putting all there eggs in one basket. Smaller batches is key, don't crowd the plants and don't worry about plant counts, it's all about the canopy not the plant numbers. These pests and problems don't materialize out of thin air, they come from somewhere, they have a source. Sanitation is key and restricting access to your garden is crucial. Prevention is worth a pound of cure. You also need to see the big picture and not focus on a single crop, cutting your losses and destroying a sick/infested crop is better than trying to fix a problem that could potentially affect the whole facility. The QA is responsable for sanitation protocol and releasing of the tested product, they have no business in the garden other than to validate that the sanitation Sop's are being followed, they need to know there role and not pretend they know anything about growing. It's the head growers responsibility to grow a healthy pest free crop. The QA deciphers the lab results, and releases the batch for sale, and shouldn't micro manage the grower. A lot of these LP's over complicate growing, they want a high tech. Facility run by computers. It's a fricken plant that grows in shit. More words to live by "keep it simple" and "less is more" let Mother Nature do its thing. Don't be so arrogant and try and compete with her. Weather it's an LP or grey market facility, money is the bottom line. Don't fool yourselves the grey market will use any and all means nessesary to bring a crop to market. There are so many unscrupulous people out there who are using chemicals on there crops, from my experience the grey market are worse offenders than the LP's. They have no guidelines or regulations to follow, they do as they please. Personally I would never buy anything from a dispencery, I've seen too many lazy growers who would rather spray than clean. Cleaning and sanitizing is 90% of growing, it's not a very glamorous job, as many think it is.

Cheers Itsme.

Ps...have a happy new year everybody....


Well-Known Member
Advice is hard to give. I've got a lot of advice over the years and I never really learned until I paid for it or actually happened. I agree...

Keep it simple stupid
You get what you pay for
Don't go too big too fast
Environment is most important
Light the room not the plants
When in doubt, back to basics
Less is more (nutes)
Every process is important
Do things right the 1st time

Things I live by now following many mistakes and many many dollars.


Well-Known Member
Aurora is building a site near Edmonton that is 850000 square feet. That is 16 football fields.

Jesus H Christ.

Its to be automated. The most advanced system in the world. They say...

Imagine one infestation in a place that size? Imagine the work? The only way to stop it in time would be to lay down the DDT. Or whatever...

Bigger isnt always better or more profitable. Usually its just a matter of time before operations this size fail.


Well-Known Member
it will be funny when their greedy plan on goes out the window.

counting their chickens before they hatch... :)
and their stock price shows that too.

Hey did you borrow money to invest in a market that you have NEVER BEEN IN ? (:
and who gave you those ideas anyway? (: