Big gardens


Well-Known Member
I agree with the comments about keeping a maximum size. Not only for managing the plants and environment but also so all you're eggs aren't in one basket. You can control multiple smaller rooms easier and it provides more flexibility with things like running multiple strains.

Problem large or small is greed and LP's as we know are only in it for one thing, and it's not called compassion. Use of "allowed" chemicals will be used to their maximum, or even ignored if they can get away with it. I've used a stupidly simple and cheap organic spray on my outdoor and now indoor for years without the need to resort to chemicals. Using cheap/quick chemical sprays is a choice. When decisions are driven by $$$, guess what they'll choose...

Also, I don't care what degree you have, experience in any industry trumps education any day (both is better, but experience is key). Growing is not easy and growing dank consistently is even more difficult. Lab coats can talk all they want about their degrees but fact is it will take them years to learn how to grow dank weed in large scale production.