Young black males and public education.

Look no farther than Detroit to debunk your theory...

Our new secretary of education, Betsy Devos, has graced our state of Michigan with her "school of choice" philosophy, pitting private charter schools against traditional public schools, and guess how it's turned out? After almost 20 years, it's been an abject failure. It's lined the pockets of the 1%, so I suppose she has accomplished what she's set out to do.
The report seems quite subjective in cherry picking data to compare, that being said if your contention is true, parents now have a choice. It seems reasonable to me that JQ Public can send their children to the school of their choice. Let the market decide whether a school is succeeding or not. BTW, the swampland that was purchased and never used is a common wetland mitigation practice used when a building is constructed on ground deemed wetland.
The report seems quite subjective in cherry picking data to compare, that being said if your contention is true, parents now have a choice. It seems reasonable to me that JQ Public can send their children to the school of their choice. Let the market decide whether a school is succeeding or not. BTW, the swampland that was purchased and never used is a common wetland mitigation practice used when a building is constructed on ground deemed wetland.
Your commitment to the "free market" is cute. Are you 25 yet?
The report seems quite subjective in cherry picking data to compare, that being said if your contention is true, parents now have a choice. It seems reasonable to me that JQ Public can send their children to the school of their choice. Let the market decide whether a school is succeeding or not. BTW, the swampland that was purchased and never used is a common wetland mitigation practice used when a building is constructed on ground deemed wetland.

I graduated Trump university!
The report seems quite subjective in cherry picking data to compare, that being said if your contention is true, parents now have a choice. It seems reasonable to me that JQ Public can send their children to the school of their choice. Let the market decide whether a school is succeeding or not. BTW, the swampland that was purchased and never used is a common wetland mitigation practice used when a building is constructed on ground deemed wetland.

Yeah, nothing could possibly go wrong when there's a profit motive and corporate America gets on board. We'll end up having "choices" just like we do with cable providers.
so why didn;t private interests come together to deliver us a breakthrough like the interstate highway system?

not enough magical libertarian fairy dust?

You could have "peace on earth" if you could devise a method to kill everyone but yourself, but how you achieved your goal is something that should always be considered.


Ironic how Ike built up that military industrial complex to new heights for 8 years right before he had 2nd thoughts about it, isn't it?

Yes it is interesting, some people think Ike's predecessor, JFK, got snuffed for asking too many questions.

The military industrial complex benefitted from the nationalistic fervor left over from World War II and capitalized on it. It's been running wild ever since.

It's interesting that Woodrow Wilson confessed regret on his deathbed about the Federal Reserve.
that is just a pathetic attempt at a comeback, but i'd expect no less from a guy who molested his own son.

Hey don't try to align me with your special brand of demon-cratic poli-tricks because I am not into molesting anyone period!!!

Which is more than can be said for the folk you so love... what's that saying??? Ah yes birds of a feather will flock together, on that note have you and Hitlarly been to any Pizza palours lately???