What the F... Happened

that has been established beyond any doubt though, much like manmade global warming.
Wikileaks has never since its creation posted a fake news story, but ok, its a "Fake News" site according to you.

You start getting into some realms of thought, where ok Wikileaks posted true information, but why didn't they publish equal leaks about all candidates. So even though they posted truth, its fake news because its biased and they were hiding news and not equal! So even posting the truth is not good enough to be considered real.

Basically some people will only consider some news real if it confirms their viewpoints of existing opinions.
Wikileaks has never since its creation posted a fake news story, but ok, its a "Fake News" site according to you.

You start getting into some realms of thought, where ok Wikileaks posted true information, but why didn't they publish equal leaks about all candidates. So even though they posted truth, its fake news because its biased and they were hiding news and not equal! So even posting the truth is not good enough to be considered real.

Basically some people will only consider some news real if it confirms their viewpoints of existing opinions.
Again, you are confused about what fake news is. Nobody said Wikileaks is fake news. Even false stories based upon something found on Wikileaks, while they may be completely false aren't examples of fake news. Fake news is entirely made up. If I made up an e-mail and said it was from a Wikileaks file, that would be fake news.

The Wikileaks files that came from the Russian government are most properly thought of as propaganda. The files shape their message to influence people. Not saying the stuff in those files are fake or not, But the Russian government had a chance to cleanse and edit before the release. That stuff is suspect, to say the least. Fact.
Do you like being lied to? Republicans sure do. Fuck off with all this "both parties lie to us" shit. They don't.

They don't unless you think as Gingrich does: that "feelings > truth" Too funny thatl

Your own graphic proves him right; after all, lying less is STILL lying. Both sides lie and it's our own fault for letting them.
As I thought; non stop typical bullshit. Didn't even take the time to read through exactly what is being posted here. No need too right?....No matter what; you are right and the rest of the world is wrong that is not lockstep with you. So typical it is pathetic. No need for open facts on the big picture. All that matters is your political agenda is the only viable solution to an already failed system. It speaks volumes also to see that your argument always ends up the same: belittling, name calling and personal attacks at those that don't agree with you. The only credibility you have at this point is with your like minded haters.......have fun.

You call this a rebuttal? Of what, exactly? This is nothing but mush; there's no discussion here, nothing relating to facts at all.

A fifth grader can wrote a stronger argument for Santa Claus than you have for... whatever it was.
Well, plenty of news companies even today get their facts wrong plenty, even big dogs some of which are calling for warnings on fake news. I think people need to realize, news is for selling advertisements. Why did the big dog news stations all have Hillary winning the election by huge margins? Because that is what their customers wanted to hear, thus helping advertisers get more views. If they told the truth that Trump may win or it was 50/50, people who not watch it.

I think people get this indoctrinated view from the public schools that schools only teach you truth/facts, and its an entitlement that you deserve, America #1, drugs are bad, Christopher Columbus badass, CNN/Fox News only tells you the truth, etc...

The truth is now, if you really wanted good quality news sources, you could just find the ones that you think are the most truthful and only listen to them. The whole concept of labeling fake news site, its like that you want other people reading those sites to think the same way you do (forced consensus). However the government also has ulterior motives, they want to be able to control the public, force fake wars if it benefits them, make the public go along with them to elect public officials and have elected officials make decisions as needed to benefit.

Go suck George Orwell's dick; I know the difference between facts and lies even if you want to erase any divisions between them.
Don't like hearing people calling Limbaugh and his ilk propagandists? Too bad. That's what the word means. If you don't like hearing it, maybe you should retreat to a conservative safe space like Stormfront. LOL

To equivocate the crap that Fox News, Breitbart and right wing talk radio vomit out with other sources of information is false. I take it that you are part of the conservative white voting block that put Rump in power. Or maybe you "sent a message by not voting or voting for a 3rd party". In which case you still helped put Benedict Donald in power. And the majority of people in this country aren't fooled by your sources of propaganda. Not their fault either. Nope, the uneducated conservative white middle aged voting block is to blame. So fuck off with this "we are all to blame" crap.

Nope, not my fault one bit.

You were shagged.
So your saying you are right and the millions that voted to not let the clintons fuck up our country any longer are all losers?

Take a look in the mirror and stick your index finger out and your thumb out and put it on your forehead (foreskin lol) and you will see who the loser is!
