Trump Won...


Well-Known Member

What should I expect from previous examples?

You were wrong about the defection count in another thread though.
4 (D) WA electors TOOK votes from Hitlery for Colin Powell and Faith Spotted Eagle (which I had posted WAY before ya) and 2 (R) TX took votes from Trump.
But don't let (both) post election disappointments weigh you down. ;)
you just don't ever get tired of being wrong and spreading propaganda, do ya?

1 elector in WA defected to faith potted eagle. 1 in hawaii defected to sanders.

2 in texas defected to rawn pawl (LOL) and john kasich.

3 electors in washington tried to spur a charge towards a moderate republican, colin powell.

you should really stick to defending neo-nazis who target jews personally.


Well-Known Member
you mean 1928, when republicans held the presidency and both chambers.

what happened next though?
"As Murray Rothbard explains in America’s Great Depression, the Federal Reserve creates boom and bust cycles that destabilize the economy. The Federal Reserve created an unsustainable boom in the 1920s by lowering interest rates. Rothbard estimated that the money supply had increased by 61.8 percent between 1921 and 1929. The inevitable stock market crash was a symptom of the inflationary boom."
Republican history lesson:lol:
So the history is there regardless of affiliation for any honest viewer.


Well-Known Member
1 elector in WA defected to faith potted eagle. 1 in hawaii defected to sanders.

2 in texas defected to rawn pawl (LOL) and john kasich.

3 electors in washington tried to spur a charge towards a moderate republican, colin powell.
Not according to the NY Times:


In addition, three Democratic electors, in Colorado, Maine and Minnesota, initially declined to vote for Mrs. Clinton. Two were replaced by an alternate, and one ended up changing his vote.


Well-Known Member
Buckold proven wrong not just once, but two times w/i 5 posts.
Wrong about the votes (so was I...there were even MORE Clinton defectors but I posted before Hawaii was in) and wrong in assuming someone w/ a "sugar daddy" has to be black.

No matter your spin, Trump still won! (and we're still fugged, just not as much). ;)

Thanks for posting that @Maine_Coast!


Well-Known Member
Buckold proven wrong not just once, but two times w/i 5 posts.
Wrong about the votes
try again, neo-nazi.

no matter how much you try to spread your propaganda, it remains propaganda.

first of all, you completely fucked up the count. how hard is it to count to 7?

yet you were utterly unable to do so.

second, the three electors in washington who voted for powell would have voted for clinton had she won. they were not trying to defect from clinton and cost her votes, they were trying to rally republicans to also vote for colin powell.

simple reading comp[rehension on your part would have prevented you from making a complete ass out of yourself, but you demonstrate that being a dumbass is your essence, your reason for being.

now go on and defend a neo-nazi website that targets jewish children as legitimate news.


Well-Known Member
Choomer, if you could literally write at 12th grade level instead of 8th grade, maybe you'd make more sense. Exactly why is this important? Are you doing the equivalent of stretching you dick out and telling Buck -- yours is bigger? THAT is something an 8th grader might do so maybe this explains your facility at writing.


Well-Known Member
the NYT and other legitimate news organizations are all reporting on exactly why three electors from washington voted for colin powell, and it was not to defect from clinton. it was to spur a rally and encourage republican electors to defect from trump.

this remains true no matter what propaganda you try to spread, neo-nazi.

the record also shows you were unaware of what happened in hawaii, even after it happened.


"uncle buck's dick is this big"

"and choomer's dick is this small"



Well-Known Member
Somewhat amazing that Buckold saw the quoted NYT infographic and then tries to dispute it using that exact same source of information? (NYT, w/o linking your sources of course).
I clicked the link, read the article, and didn't find any discrepancy w/ the infographic or the other news sites I'd seen reporting the same thing but were posted before HI and AK were tallied, so I missed the HI defection.

Sue me. (oh're doing an expose` aren't you? How's that going?)

You wouldn't be thinking of this article from the related stories link posted in the article you're refuting, which says:

"While Mr. Trump’s opponents needed 37 Republican defectors to bring his electoral-vote tally below 270, the bulk of electors who broke ranks — four in Washington State — were Democrats who otherwise would have voted for Ms. Clinton. Instead, they voted for the former Republican secretary of state Colin L. Powell and Faith Spotted Eagle, a Native American tribal leader who has led opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline.

Elsewhere, Democratic electors who sought to vote for someone besides Mrs. Clinton switched back to her under pressure or were replaced with Clinton supporters. (the infographic says

In Texas, two Republican electors cast protest votes, one each for Ron Paul and Gov. John Kasich of Ohio. One other Republican opposed to Mr. Trump resigned and was replaced."
.....and to that mysterious 'Elsewhere' stated above (below from Maine's posted NYT article):

"In addition, three Democratic electors, in Colorado, Maine and Minnesota, initially declined to vote for Mrs. Clinton. Two were replaced by an alternate, and one ended up changing his vote."​

While the NYT article I link to above does have information on a lot of states electoral practices the only one that had a defector they cover is TX.

So Buckold says the 4 defectors vote from WA that were destined for Hitlery became the front of a Republican electoral coup, the 3 from other states weren't REALLY defectors because the were replaced or coerced to change their vote so it ultimately went to Hitlery, and 1 HI doesn't count because they're all stoners anyway and what really matters about it is I didn't care to look for more faithless electors after the already lopsided results and only Dem. states left to count?

You mind linking that NYT source of yours?
We did. ;)

Do you post pics of Mi-helle because they look like your wife, but M is much more easily accessible even though married to the president?

Now lets get back to why you think only black women can have sugar daddies as I'm sure there's a rational non-racist reason for that.


Well-Known Member
and another spectacular meltdown by the forum's newest foremost neo-nazi.

hillary had two defectors, trump had two defectors.

the three powell votes in washington were the 'hamilton electors'. if hillary won they would not have defected.

you are hopelessly stupid and just brimming with propaganda.

if you could achieve an erection i'd tell you to go fuck yourself.


Well-Known Member's a link. You cite it as a source, let everyone see how stupid I am.
BTW...Hamilton electors or not, it does not mean that WA electors are not bound to the popular vote.

In fact, a story about the 'Hamilton' movement here says that:

"In nearly every state, including Washington, the winner of the state’s popular vote gets all of the state’s electors. All 12 of this state’s electors are pledged to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton."​

You expect me to just believe the word of a proven welshing hypocritical liar?

I see your hand, rancid olive oil, and a stack of BUFF magazines in your immediate future. Enjoy.


Well-Known Member's a link. You cite it as a source, let everyone see how stupid I am.
BTW...Hamilton electors or not, it does not mean that WA electors are not bound to the popular vote.

In fact, a story about the 'Hamilton' movement here says that:

"In nearly every state, including Washington, the winner of the state’s popular vote gets all of the state’s electors. All 12 of this state’s electors are pledged to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton."​

You expect me to just believe the word of a proven welshing hypocritical liar?

I see your hand, rancid olive oil, and a stack of BUFF magazines in your immediate future. Enjoy.
why are you so bitter about being wrong?

just accept it and move on to your next line of propaganda, jew-hater.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps it's because I'm consternated 'bout how think only black women can have sugar daddies.

If you won't prove your 'content' by linking (haven't you learned how YET?), at least explain why only black women exchange sex for favors and are "kept women".


Well-Known Member
Perhaps it's because I'm consternated 'bout how think only black women can have sugar daddies.

If you won't prove your 'content' by linking (haven't you learned how YET?), at least explain why only black women exchange sex for favors and are "kept women".
Distortion pedals make my guitars sound better.

You, on the other hand, shouldn't use them on your incredibly stupid fucking posts.


Well-Known Member
What kind of pedal do you use? Tube Screamer here
More a fan of overdrive. Play soft and you're melodious, play hard and angry and turn your ax into a screaming chainsaw.

Here's a trip down memory lane (for me):

It was a great show. Too bad the artist liked swimming in the Mississippi while wearing work boots and as a result didn't do too many more.