Trump Won...


Well-Known Member
Hmm. She's from Colorado. Progressive Democrat. Kim McKinney Cohen. It's a good read. Hope you don't miss it.

“I went all in for Bernie,” she said. “But the DNC burned him, so I went off the plantation to become a deplorable.”


Well-Known Member
Buck I need you to "woo" me. You're not doing a good job with it yet.

As Democrats fret over how to woo back the white working class, they’d also be well served by taking a look at how many true believers like Kim Cohen they lost, as well, and what it will take to make peace with them.


Well-Known Member
Kim's a staunch liberal activist. Even so, as she says:

"A proud feminist, Kim Cohen had fought all her life for equal rights for women. But in the end, she decided, “I need a job more than I need a woman in the White House.”

Americans want jobs! Go Trump.


Well-Known Member
"arcticgranite" is an anagram from "can't, geriatric".

which nicely explains his inability to get it up.