right wing news

i'm glad you agree that we should implement hillary's agenda. i feel the same way. more people voted for her. 3 million more. we need to respect their will.

thank you.

You bet I support the constitution, the twelfth amendment, and the electoral college. There's a process to change the Constitution, and I support that too.
You bet I support the constitution, the twelfth amendment, and the electoral college. There's a process to change the Constitution, and I support that too.

well that's fine, there is nothing unconstitutional about implementing hillary's policy proposals. so your desire to see the will of the people respected does not clash with anything you just said. we do not need to change the constitution at all to make sure the will of the people is respected by implementing hillary's policy proposals.

glad to see you on board with respecting the will of the people, who are for hillary.

for a minute there i thought you were kinda dumb and brainwashed by propaganda.
We should respect people and their will. Even when it means a Federal Judge shuts down faithless electors in Colorado and also when that means we use the electoral college.
Republicans are known to go against the will of the people (gun control) they ignore the constitution when it doesn't fit their narrative, bitch that Democrats are sore losers but I remember too well how Republicans bitched for months on end when Romney lost and let's not forget that the incumbant Gov. of North Carolina recently conceded that he lost the election in November but the legislature that's run by republicans are passing bills that weakens the authority of the new Governor which happens to be a Democrat that's taking sore loser to a whole new level.

Trump will be a 1 term president for sure, people will realize he's totally for himself and the swamp creatures let's just hope we survive this tragedy that's about to unfold. He'll take credit for everything Obama did right during his presidency.
well that's fine, there is nothing unconstitutional about implementing hillary's policy proposals. so your desire to see the will of the people respected does not clash with anything you just said. we do not need to change the constitution at all to make sure the will of the people is respected by implementing hillary's policy proposals.

glad to see you on board with respecting the will of the people, who are for hillary.

for a minute there i thought you were kinda dumb and brainwashed by propaganda.

I love democracy in action. Here's a link to serve America. You can help with policy there.
There's a moral obligation to truth.
There's a common sense obligation to know what the truth is.
You can't change the truth.

All political views should be based on factual truth, not fabricated truth, fake news or propaganda.

So where would that leave you, exactly?

You said a lot there. There's a myriad of motivations/belief systems that support ones views. Disagreeing with political ideologies can be done without disliking the person. That's an important distinction to me. And for where truth is discovered and by truth I mean fact. Well there's no limit on that.
is your life really so shitty that you monitor your neighbor's trash output?

You monitor what everyone says on this forum. For pleasure. And you've done it for years from the looks of it. You can recite multiple lines to multiple people about what they supposedly said or did Lord knows when. You apparently stalk, dig for as much info as you can, and save their posts and recall it ad nausieum.

You can't say he doesn't have a life for knowing how many bags of garbage his neighbor puts out. I mean its rightt in front of him. Probably takes 10 seconds to count.

How many cumulative hours have you spent on your racism witch hunt?
You monitor what everyone says on this forum. For pleasure. And you've done it for years from the looks of it. You can recite multiple lines to multiple people about what they supposedly said or did Lord knows when. You apparently stalk, dig for as much info as you can, and save their posts and recall it ad nausieum.

You can't say he doesn't have a life for knowing how many bags of garbage his neighbor puts out. I mean its rightt in front of him. Probably takes 10 seconds to count.

How many cumulative hours have you spent on your racism witch hunt?

is this your fourth account trying, or your fifth?

dog fucker.
Greek mythology much? I didn't think so.

i don't believe in greek mythology. i believe in alaskan realism.

the myth:

I wrote a book about 10 years ago called "The Elements of Eroticism" but my computer crashed before I could send it to a publisher and I lost it. I could go on and on but I won't even though I didn't even get into the really hot stuff. Guys, study this; it's pure gold. ...and feel free to rep me.

the realism:
