right wing news

Record high gun sales this year! Glad to see folks employed. Some say Democratic gun control desire helped fuel this. IDK about that but it was a record year for sales.


That's alright, after collecting dust for years in a closet, They'll make great bird feeders. You just smear yourself some peanut butter all over the barrel of that old AR-15 and sprinkle some seeds up on there too. Everybody is going to need at least two or three in their yards, yee haw.
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That's alright, after collecting dust for years in a closet, They'll make great bird feeders. You just smear yourself some peanut butter all over the barrel of that old AR-15 and sprinkle some seeds up on there too. Everybody is going to need at least two or three in their yards, yee haw.
Lock em in a gun safe unloaded, not in a closet. Secure them. Store ammo separately. Keep your daily carry handy and safe.
Lock em in a gun safe unloaded, not in a closet. Secure them. Store ammo separately. Keep your daily carry handy and safe.

Ooh, you're are a good private, aren't you.

More than I did, then again I don't get food stamps, waste food nor weigh 300 pounds.

Don't judge.

You get about $5/day, and the only thing that fills your pantry are BOGO Ramen Noodles and other high sugar carbs.

You don't get to buy fruits, vegetables and meat..those things don't have trash.

Feel sorry for them.
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The thoughts are to pass federal legislation making ccw permits valid nationally akin to drivers license's.
Hmm, it appears that you're a little slow on the take.

Having a CCW does not afford you the right to carry any weapon you'd like. So what's the point? In Massachusetts, one can obtain a CCW with great difficult, but still obtain one nonetheless. However the scope of what they can carry is very limited. But in Arizona one can obtain a CCW with great ease and carry pretty much any firearm they'd like. The CCW may become reciprocal but firearms won't. So what's the point?

Besides, aren't you a states rights person? Shouldn't you be demanding the government be smaller?

I feel like your electrical synapsis are not firing on all cylinders.