My VA Dr. referred me to someone & the first thing he did was prescribe Zoloft, I took it for 3 days & told him I wouldn't take it any longer as it made me feel like I wasn't in control of my own thoughts/body. His next step was to prescribe another pill that I didn't even bother to pick up from the pharmacy.
Got a hold of my VA Dr. again & told her I didn't agree with just masking the pain w/ psychoactive drugs so she referred me to someone else whom took a different approach - sort of like immersion therapy where I was forced to talk & write about the events and to challenge the way I was remembering them.
My problem is that I was (& still am) taking responsibility for events I really had no control of, though I had convinced myself I did.
We were able to identify several triggers but I still get the panic attacks and very powerful feelings of dread/impending doom at random times though not as bad or as frequent prior to working with the program.
I don't have thoughts of hurting anyone or myself (Thank God) but when your brain takes you back to the "bad" place it really sucks.
I would strongly urge anyone that suspect's they might have it to seek help - I was at the end of my rope before I got help so I know where you're coming from.