Anyone else here with PTSD?


Well-Known Member
I'm worried about what being labeled with ptsd would do for certain rights.
I’m in a similar boat. Wondering if it’s a good call to be “a person with a disability” legally. I will have to tell my next employer in all likelihood because I’ll need time off for my treatment. I’m not certain once you are labeled as such how many agencies would even know about it if you didn’t tell them. I have bipolar 2 disorder, and will have it forever. But when I go to get a car loan or anything; it will never come up because that’s none of their business.


Well-Known Member
4 letters for those with ptsd

EMDR lòk it up ..... it works to help with that shit ty gut wrenching feeling and those fucked thoughts
Worried about talking with a professional think about those times when your right fucked.....make the call get some help
When I had this therapy done it improved my mind so much I could start thinking about it without all the crap
Just something to help all my ptsd bros


Well-Known Member
Saying that you willed yourself into not having PTSD in a thread about PTSD sufferers is a little insensitive. If you willed yourself out of it then you probably just had gas or something; not PTSD. Glad you’re doing better though.
Like I said, never been diagnosed with it.

I have outburst and get angry sometimes. For no apparent reason. I sometimes pace the floor and get nervous. Things like that.

I don't think it can be willed away. It might be possible. Mind over matter and all.

I exercise, eat right, drink plenty of water. Meditate daily, sometimes for a couple hours in the middle of nowhere.

I try to count to 10 in my mind before saying something when I get like that.

Here is a hollow where I have a deer stand. I sometimes go sit for hours in silence even if I am not hunting.


Well-Known Member
It's extremely important to have a diagnosis of PTSD if you have it.
Because then you have legal protections in certain situations. Also if other medical emergencies happen this needs to be recorded and get counselling after to try and prevent things from getting worse.
As for EMDR the only people I've gone to didn't seem to know etf they were doing and it made it worse as they would try and made me recall the memories in vivid detail.
Fuck that
When I can afford it I'll get quality CBD and hopefully grow what I need for meds


Well-Known Member
It's extremely important to have a diagnosis of PTSD if you have it.
Because then you have legal protections in certain situations. Also if other medical emergencies happen this needs to be recorded and get counselling after to try and prevent things from getting worse.
As for EMDR the only people I've gone to didn't seem to know etf they were doing and it made it worse as they would try and made me recall the memories in vivid detail.
Fuck that
When I can afford it I'll get quality CBD and hopefully grow what I need for meds
I applied for a hemp license for next year. If it goes through I will specialize in cbd and other cannabinoid extraction.


Well-Known Member
The rate of suicide skyrockets to rates of 80% when people with PTSD have access to firearms according to one research paper I read
I get that but I never had any diagnosed for such and this was family dr and the like. No reason to be asking if I own firearms. I told the VA it was none of their business either.