Pictures of your DIY lights - Post your pics!!!

salvia divinorum is a sage relative. extremely psychoactive in concentration, and yet still legal lol. only lasts like 5 min but those 5 min feel like an eternity. you will meet the gods and aliens alike lol. san pedro is a fast growing cactus with the same active alkaloid as peyote but in less concentration. HBWR is Hawaiian baby wood rose, contains LSA which is a close natural realative of LSD.
Crazy stuff lol
Ok so I finished the controller took it outside and plugged it in.......... Wahla no smoke, no fire, no tripped circuit breaker and all functions work with only one minor issue. I have three position switches for all of the relays on/off/and run Arduino. I am using one of these to control the 12v cob fans and the 730 nm SemiLeds:
ScreenHunter_103 Dec. 11 16.52.jpg
They are different in that they function on a low signal (ground) and when I provide a switch to ground (for ON) as opposed to the Arduino running them the cob fans pull the far red on so I either need a diode somewhere or more resistance to ground.

Or a different kind of relay altogether?

The dimming function on the 100 ohm pots did not seem very linear but there is a considerable range. I will check the wattage later.

There did not seem to be any heat build up on any of the components. so I am almost there.

DSC00228.JPG DSC00230.JPG DSC00232.JPG

By the way you may notice the Molex connector on the wiring to the light fixture; it will accommodate making connections with the controller and drivers outside of the tent. I want to keep as much heat out of the tent as possible. Working with those little terminals was a PITA but I could not think of a better way to do it. If I were to do it again I might just use screw terminals. all this becomes mute next year as I will build a more permanent grow room.
Here is the Arduino code to run my tent:

/* This program runs a cannabis grow tent.
* The tent is equipped with DIY COB LED lights,
* active heatsink cooling on the COBs
* 730nm SemiLeds for phytochrome manipulation
* CO2 from compressed cylinder injected based calculated flow rate per cubic foot
* exhaust fan to control heat and humidity
* It will determine the time point of the active 24 hour cycle and resume
* running at the real time point after a power failure.
* INPUT the hour for the lights to come on(LightsOnH),
* INPUT the minutes for the lights to come on(LightsOnM)
* INPUT Lights On run time (LORTime)
* It requires a DS3231 time clock
* The CO2 cycle is based on the observed heat load in the tent wihch allows a 40 minute cycle
#include <DS3231.h> // real time clock library

int LightsOnH = 17; //Hour of day to turn the lights on (0 - 23)
int LightsOnM = 15; //Minute of hour to turn lights on (0 - 59)
//Seconds not set default = 0
int LORTime = 18; //Length of Lights On in hours (12 or 10.5)
int FarRedOn = 900; //Turn 730nm lights on for 15 minutes
int WakeUpDelay = 2400; //40 minute plant wakeup time in seconds before CO2
long UST; //Calc lightsOnTime as a unix in this 24 hour cycle
int myyear; //current year
int myday; //current day
int mymonth; //current month
long UTNow; //unix time now
long DarkTime; //Lights off time in seconds
long LOT; //hold calculated LORTime
long CGasOn;
long GasOn;
long GasOff = 2700;
// Init the DS3231 using the hardware interface

DS3231 rtc(SDA, SCL);

// Init a Time-data structure

Time t;

void setup() {

// Setup Serial connection
// Initialize the rtc object

digitalWrite(5, HIGH); // this relay is OFF on HIGH
digitalWrite(9, HIGH); // this relay is OFF on HIGH
pinMode(5, OUTPUT); //Cob Fans
pinMode(6, OUTPUT); // COB LIGHTS
pinMode(9, OUTPUT); //730nm lights
pinMode(10, OUTPUT); //CO2
pinMode(11, OUTPUT); //Exhaust Fan

// The following lines can be uncommented to set the date and time in the DS3231
//rtc.setDOW(WEDNESDAY); // Set Day-of-Week to SUNDAY
//rtc.setTime(12, 0, 0); // Set the time to 12:00:00 (24hr format)
//rtc.setDate(1, 1, 2014); // Set the date to January 1st, 2014

t = rtc.getTime(); //Get time and date
myyear = t.year; //set to current year
myday =; //set to current day
mymonth = t.mon; //set to current month
t.hour = LightsOnH; // determine the unix time for LightsOn time in this 24 hour cycle
t.min = LightsOnM;
t.sec = 0;
t.year = myyear;
t.mon = mymonth; = myday;
UST = (rtc.getUnixTime(t)); //LightsOn "UnixStartTime"
LOT = LORTime * 3600u; //Lights On length in seconds 64800
DarkTime = 86400u - LOT; //Calculate DarkTime 21600
DarkTime=DarkTime-FarRedOn; //Take FarRed out of DarkTime 20700
LOT = LOT + FarRedOn; //Add FarRedOn time 900+ 65700
LOT = LOT -WakeUpDelay; //Subtract WakeUpDelay 2400- 63300
LOT = LOT - GasOff; //Subtract GasOff EOD 3600- 59700


void loop() {
UTNow = (rtc.getUnixTime(rtc.getTime())); //get current unix time

// wait until lights on time
while(UTNow < UST){

UTNow = (rtc.getUnixTime(rtc.getTime()));
//Wake plants up

digitalWrite(10, LOW); //set CO2 off
digitalWrite(9, HIGH); //set 730nm lights off
digitalWrite(5, LOW); //turn cob fans on
digitalWrite(11, HIGH); //turn exhaust fan on
digitalWrite(6, HIGH); //turn cobs on

while(UTNow >= UST && UTNow <= UST + WakeUpDelay){

UTNow = (rtc.getUnixTime(rtc.getTime())); //get current unix time

/*Start CO2 cycle and set stop CO2 at 45 minutes before DarkTime minus run over
* each CO2 cycle is 40 minutes long

while(UTNow >= UST + WakeUpDelay && UTNow <= UST + WakeUpDelay + LOT){

digitalWrite(6, HIGH); //Turn Cobs on needed in case of power outage
digitalWrite(5, LOW); //turn cob fans on needed in case of power outage
digitalWrite(11, LOW); //turn exhaust fan off
digitalWrite(10, HIGH); // turn gas on
delay (180000); // gas on for 3 minutes
digitalWrite(10, LOW); // turn gas Off
delay (420000); //wait 7 minutes
digitalWrite(10, HIGH); // turn gas on
delay (60000); // gas on for 1 minute
digitalWrite(10, LOW); // turn gas off
delay (540000); // wait 9 minutes
digitalWrite(10, HIGH); // turn gas on
delay (60000); // gas on for 1 minute
digitalWrite(10, LOW); // turn gas off
delay (540000); // wait 9 minutes
digitalWrite(11, HIGH); //turn fan on
delay (600000); // run exhast fan 10 minutes

UTNow = (rtc.getUnixTime(rtc.getTime())); // get the time

//Stop CO2 prior to lights out

digitalWrite(10, LOW); //turn CO2 off needed in case of power outage
digitalWrite(11, HIGH); //turn exhaust fan on needed in case of power outage
digitalWrite(5, LOW); //turn cob fans on needed in case of power outage
digitalWrite(6, HIGH); //Turn Cobs on needed in case of power outage
digitalWrite(9, HIGH); //turn 730nm off needed in case of power outage

//wait for lights out time
while(UTNow >= UST + WakeUpDelay + LOT && UTNow <= UST + WakeUpDelay + LOT + GasOff){
UTNow = (rtc.getUnixTime(rtc.getTime()));
// run 730nm lights for 15 minutes

digitalWrite(6, LOW); //turn cobs off
digitalWrite(9, LOW); //turn 730nm on
digitalWrite(10, LOW); //turn CO2 off needed in case of power outage
digitalWrite(11, HIGH); //turn exhaust fan on needed in case of power outage
digitalWrite(5, LOW); //turn cob fans on needed in case of power outage

while(UTNow >= UST + WakeUpDelay + LOT + GasOff && UTNow <= UST + WakeUpDelay + FarRedOn + LOT + GasOff){

UTNow = (rtc.getUnixTime(rtc.getTime()));

//start night

digitalWrite(6, LOW); //turn cobs off
digitalWrite(9, HIGH); //turn 730nm off
digitalWrite(10, LOW); //turn CO2 off needed in case of power outage
digitalWrite(11, HIGH); //turn exhaust fan on needed in case of power outage
digitalWrite(5, HIGH); //turn cob fans off needed in case of power outage

while(UTNow >= UST + WakeUpDelay + FarRedOn + LOT && UTNow <= UST + WakeUpDelay + FarRedOn + DarkTime + LOT + GasOff){

UTNow = (rtc.getUnixTime(rtc.getTime()));

//Night over
t = rtc.getTime(); //Get time and date
myyear = t.year; //set to current year
myday =; //set to current day
mymonth = t.mon; //set to current month
t.hour = LightsOnH; // get unix time for LightsOn in this 24
t.min = LightsOnM; //hour cycle.
t.sec = 0;
t.year = myyear;
t.mon = mymonth; = myday;
UST = (rtc.getUnixTime(t)); //unix lightsOn time


There are warnings about side effects from ill informed people. The worst that can happen is you take too much and vomit. I have used this stuff for 5 years. I have never had any issue.
just ordered 2 ounces of Bali kratom and some gel caps to put it in. what would you recommend as a starting dose for a newbie?if this stuff works I may try growing some in a indoor closet
just ordered 2 ounces of Bali kratom and some gel caps to put it in. what would you recommend as a starting dose for a newbie?if this stuff works I may try growing some in a indoor closet
Careful. Bali, in particular, is super-heavy opiate feel. 3-5 grams to start. You should have ordered from Kratora instead. They have the best quality. It was so strong, it made my friend who usually went through TheKratomSyndicate or MmmSpeciosa vomit because it was too strong.
Careful. Bali, in particular, is super-heavy opiate feel. 3-5 grams to start. You should have ordered from Kratora instead. They have the best quality. It was so strong, it made my friend who usually went through TheKratomSyndicate or MmmSpeciosa vomit because it was too strong.
thank you.I am looking for pain relief but we all have a learning curve when we are starting out
just ordered 2 ounces of Bali kratom and some gel caps to put it in. what would you recommend as a starting dose for a newbie?if this stuff works I may try growing some in a indoor closet
Good luck trying to order some plants.
Unless you see a site that has some in stock
If you drill aluminum go as slowly as your drill will function. I've drilled so much aluminum and steel in my life and learned quickly that going slow and using a touch of oil or whatever you have makes a huge difference.
Any tips on drilling aluminum heat sink? Keep breaking bits and getting pissed
Use a drill press lowest speed and high quality cutting fluid. Most people cannot hold a handheld drill motor at precisely the same angle and when that angle changes in the hole the bit will seize and break. Then when you want to tap the hole use a high quality T handle with cutting fluid in the hole and be sure to clear the threads by reversing after every revolution. A small 4-40 tap will load up quickly and once it seizes your tap is doomed.