the 2020 democratic candidate (and VP)


  • kamala harris

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • john hickenlooper

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • tim ryan

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • sherrod brown

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • kirsten gillibrand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • tim kaine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • chris murphy

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Lol LOVE that fine print; between 7-11pm, during the WHOLE THREE WEEKS of Match 21 to April 15.

Cherry-pick much?
Bullshit. Colorado's primary was three weeks earlier, and definitely setting a tone the donor class wanted quashed.

I know media suppression campaigns when I see them, and I'm not alone.

so then it should be totally easy for you to find evidence of it, just as i found evidence that there wasn't any bias.

But go on believing the media story if you like. After all, neither of us got our desired candidate elected, did we?

Therefore, I'm thinking that focusing on yet more division isn't likely to succeed in that aim, so maybe it's time to try something different. How about finding some common ground, just for starters?
A precinct, with the university of CO in it, my guess? Not that I'm disagreeing with your assessment but it was a precinct. That's not a very large sample from which to extrapolate. And I don't understand what's got your panties in a bunch. So what if the press didn't focus it's attention on your precinct? Mine didn't get a lot of press either. By the way, do you know how I know that Bernie won in CO? I learned that from reading reports in that totally biased press you keep rambling on about.
A precinct, with the university of CO in it, my guess? Not that I'm disagreeing with your assessment but it was a precinct. That's not a very large sample from which to extrapolate. And I don't understand what's got your panties in a bunch. So what if the press didn't focus it's attention on your precinct? Mine didn't get a lot of press either. By the way, do you know how I know that Bernie won in CO? I learned that from reading reports in that totally biased press you keep rambling on about.

CU is in Boulder and this is in Ft Collins in a neighborhood full of owner occupied housing, not so many students.

As it happens, CU isn't nearly so liberal as many would have you believe. It's gotten pretty trendy with the upper crust over the past 30 years.

There was a nationally known TV reporter from CNN at the high school where mine and many other precinct caucuses were held; there were none that showed a majority for Mrs Clinton. NONE, at least that night.

Agreed it's a small sample. I still believe I saw media suppression of Mr Sanders' campaign at work.

Did that totally non biased media outlet mention the record turnout for a primary? I bet not. How about the historic tilt towards one candidate? Nope.

Still think the media isn't biased? Come on, dude, YOU were the one who posted evidence of the toothless FCC 'policy' about truthful reporting! Connect the dots, or does someone else have to hold your crayon?
CU is in Boulder and this is in Ft Collins in a neighborhood full of owner occupied housing, not so many students.

As it happens, CU isn't nearly so liberal as many would have you believe. It's gotten pretty trendy with the upper crust over the past 30 years.

There was a nationally known TV reporter from CNN at the high school where mine and many other precinct caucuses were held; there were none that showed a majority for Mrs Clinton. NONE, at least that night.

Agreed it's a small sample. I still believe I saw media suppression of Mr Sanders' campaign at work.

Did that totally non biased media outlet mention the record turnout for a primary? I bet not. How about the historic tilt towards one candidate? Nope.

Still think the media isn't biased? Come on, dude, YOU were the one who posted evidence of the toothless FCC 'policy' about truthful reporting! Connect the dots, or does someone else have to hold your crayon?

this is almost as bad as choomer's fluoride conspiracy now.
remember, that margin of nearly 4 million was done without running a single negative ad against bernie, or dragging out any of the oppo research against him.
Neither did Bernie, i was waiting for him to chastise her for all the questionable things she or he name at least were involved in. He didn't, I debate when emails were brought up, he should have chewed her up and never let up. But hindsight is 20/20 so Hillary made it and went against trump with all the dirty laundry. IMO Bernie would have stood a lot better chance the momentum he was building was astonishing. But like the rest of us, I'm stuck with a dimwit for president for four years, but if i had to do it over i still wouldn't vote for hillary. The Democrat party should have found someone else to run if they didn't like Bernie's "liberalism"
debate when emails were brought up, he should have chewed her up and never let up.

for what?

the "classified" emails were nothing. one was a new york times article. it was categorized as classified because it acknowledged the existence of a drone program. another "classified" email was just directions on a condolence call to the new president of malawi after the previous president passed.

there was literally no fucking scandal there. idiots got duped into believing there was. are you an idiot?
Wow, Captain Obvious Speaks!

Yup, Clinton lost. Yup, Trump won in states mostly filled with cows, sagebrush and corn. Are you happy that Trump won because he wasn't Clinton? Or do you expect Trump to make something of his win?

What promises did Trump make that makes you thrilled with his win?

I must say, the fact that Trump's win has caused so much consternation to all you loons has been an unexpected boon in entertainment for me --- who what have thought! Thanks Obama!

The fact that I may have the opportunity to keep more of my investment earnings is just frosting on the cake!
this is almost as bad as choomer's fluoride conspiracy now.

Well here's my response to that; perhaps you aren't considering how this data point might integrate with the rest of the information we have about those events in a larger context.

It's very possible mine was a unique experience. I doubt it; people kept asking me in the days that followed who I'd caucused for and Bernie backers far outweighed the Clinton supporters.

But beyond that, the timing was critical; the whole damn reason Colorado moved its primary up so far was to be a bellwether early primary state and influence the rest of the nation! Why is THAT important?

Suppressing the details of the pro Bernie vote early made suppressing the rest of it possible. Not publicising just how lopsided the contest was between the candidates shows there was active influence at work. Why else would record numbers for primary turnout and hugely lopsided votes get ignored? Those are news! And even cub reporters know that.

Call me a flake if it makes you feel better, Buck, it's okay. Go read a book; how about, "Bad News" by former CBS Senior Correspondent Tom Fenton. He predicted this. Of course he was far from alone in doing so.

My pop used to work for the State Department, I'm sure you've seen me mention it. At one point he was assigned to the political operations section, whose job it is to analyze events exactly like the ones we're discussing.

He's a Trumpster thru n thru- hardly surprising for a career Federal Government employee- but a curious thing happened next in the conversation; we stopped disagreeing about what's going on in the country and why, and he shed some interesting light on events using his experience in the Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs.

The bottom line here is that it's become quite clear to many if not most Americans that our system of election and governance is corrupt. We are not getting what could be reasonably be called democracy as a result, and this has been going on and getting worse for a long time. The only difference with this most recent election is that the powers that be felt secure enough that hiding the fraud was unnecessary.
the stock market is gonna crash massively under trump's regime.

I must say, the fact that Trump's win has caused so much consternation to all you loons has been an unexpected boon in entertainment for me --- who what have thought! Thanks Obama!

The fact that I may have the opportunity to keep more of my investment earnings is just frosting on the cake!
Lol, your stacks of copper pennies are not "investments".
To be a winner there has to be a loser.

Magic of the stock market.

We could stop printing and pumping easy money into it tho, they shouldn't have trillions of dollars per day to speculate with.

In the futures market, you are correct. Everywhere else, no. A bubble will cause all the stocks to rise- and the inevitable crash will drive them all down.
I must say, the fact that Trump's win has caused so much consternation to all you loons has been an unexpected boon in entertainment for me --- who what have thought! Thanks Obama!

The fact that I may have the opportunity to keep more of my investment earnings is just frosting on the cake!
Savor the moment because it's going to be four years of stories of corruption and double dealing from here on.

What I get from your post is you have no expectations whatsoever for Trump. You just knifed yourself in the eye so that you don't have to look at liberals anymore. LOL. Figures.
The bottom line here is that it's become quite clear to many if not most Americans that our system of election and governance is corrupt. We are not getting what could be reasonably be called democracy as a result, and this has been going on and getting worse for a long time. The only difference with this most recent election is that the powers that be felt secure enough that hiding the fraud was unnecessary.

It''s true.

I for one, feel the republicans and democrats are dead. They have made me feel that.

If it is true that this country has become corrupt to the core, then there is only one class of people to blame for that. The people who have power.

surely it isn't the people without power that have led the country. so it can only be the opposite.

who has been in power over this last 30/40 years? dems and repubs. they are to blame if you feel shit is going down hill. If you feel that things are going great, then it's to their credit. I think there are less and less people in the latter.

There is less and less belief and trust in all areas.