Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0

Proberly best that your growing indicas this year because they love cool weather and can grow great in lowish warm weather. Makes me want to grow more purish indicas again next year. Your patch is going to look awesome at seasons end.
Ty man, as will yours.
Looks great :) that first plant looks great.
yea, its powering along, lets hope its a girl!. The second plant is the one that got dragged under the cage and gang rapped. Its bounced back well. The 3rd plant had the cage lying accros it when i got there this mornin, wallabie must of smashed into the cage and was the one that got sluged as a seedling. Will put a 2nd plastic cage around it next visit
yea, its powering along, lets hope its a girl!. The second plant is the one that got dragged under the cage and gang rapped. Its bounced back well. The 3rd plant had the cage lying accros it when i got there this mornin, wallabie must of smashed into the cage and was the one that got sluged as a seedling. Will put a 2nd plastic cage around it next visit
Plants are looking great. Hopefully the wallabies leave your plants Alone
yea, its powering along, lets hope its a girl!. The second plant is the one that got dragged under the cage and gang rapped. Its bounced back well. The 3rd plant had the cage lying accros it when i got there this mornin, wallabie must of smashed into the cage and was the one that got sluged as a seedling. Will put a 2nd plastic cage around it next visit
Damn brother the wildlife are giving them hell eh
Morning all...went mia yest had a huge day/nite with 3 mates my missus and her friend
Between the five of us we cleaned up near on an oz and 4 cartons of beer one bottle whiskey
Great to wake up and see everyones updates ..
Prince the come back well
Bob yer plants looking healthy
Luke that first one looks like shes growing into a female looking gd man
Bict ive learnt so much bout your weather man now u got me looking at the tassy weather in the news each nite lol
Had a pleasent surprise looking at my girls this morning when watering...the dog got bushier since its first real feed 3 days ago pics to come.....