Is there anything currently better then amare?

This stuff here is very interesting.
Published on Mar 25, 2016
PlatinumLED Grow Lights P300 vs Kind L300 vs Mars Hydro vs Amare vs GalaxyHydro - 5 way comparison

Here we PAR test and perform spectral analysis on 5 competing LED grow lights: The PlatinumLED Grow Lights P300, Kind L300, Amare Solarspec, Mars Hydro 300w and GalaxyHydro 300w. What we can illustrate is that there is a huge variance in LED grow light quality and intensity. Cheaper, inferior LED grow lights only cost you time and money while delivering substandard results while paying more for an LED grow light doesn't always mean higher performance.

What a stupid fucking video. "Plants don't use green light". WRONG It's sad that people will see this video and believe it :-(. The platinum is lower and actually level in the center.
Secondly what spread do each of those lights have. I'll say it again it's how much light is coming out of that fixture that matters.
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What a stupid fucking video. Plants don't use green light. It's sad that people will see this video and believe it :-(. Hes got the platinum right against the reflective surface. (notice how he puts the best lights twords the center)
Secondly what spread do each of those lights have. I'll say it again it's how much light is coming out of that fixture that matters.
The video is fucking retarded. You'd have to be an idiot to not see the errors.
I give a shit about any of it really.......Almost all of you guys are way OVER priced.

Trying to clear way to much Profit with tech that is either old or about to be replaced.

SO again unless you are a complete MORON DIY is the way to go period.

and yes ignore is wonderful!! o/ have fun dudez.
Nice vidoe. We are the brightest out of the shitty units we've chosen to compare.Overpriced and underperforming. It's like bragging that you beat 4 people in a race when you got beat by 4 people as well. Most of these companies aren't even in the race anyway they just haven't realized it yet. Just my opinion.
I do not think so man....$3 a watt is a Huge rip off. Fucking HUGE!

Esp for older tech.

Prices are changing fast they better regroup and upgrade or they will end up left behind.

Let's put this in perspective...first are we talking apples to apples?

As I often point to: solo CoBs can be thought of as a normally aspirated high performance engine, but there are lots of people who want more power and happily pay a lot more for as little as 10% more power, adding either turbos, or superchargers, which I liken to. Amare's judicial use of surrounding each CoB with spectrum enhancing diodes.

The difference in price between $2 or $3 on a ~300w LED is $100. I, for one, feel I am getting excellent value for the extra dollars, BUT Amares' are now closer to $2 than to $3/w

OR, $100 is about the price of 1/4 O, BUT, under the additional diodes one might easily get an extra 1/4 O
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Let's put this in perspective...first are we talking apples to apples? As I often point to: solo CoBs can be thought of as a normally aspirated high performance engine, but there are lots of people who want more power and happily pay a lot for as little as 10% more power, adding either turbos, or superchargers, which I liken to. Amare's judicial use of surrounding each CoB with spectrum enhancing diodes. The difference in price between $2 or $3 on a ~300w LED is $100. I, for one, feel I am getting excellent value for the extra dollars, BUT Amares' are now closer to $2 than to $3/w

at 2x 3x what you can build it.....RIP OFF most of these LED COB companies.

Timbergrowlights is period one of the lowest cost places to get the most light for your bux.

There are a couple other DIY Cob guys selling similar prices not tryin to just kill people.

Only a few of their prices.Complete easy to set up kits ready to go.
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100 Watt Citizen CLU048 (2) COB Grow Light Kit
100 Watt Cree CXB3590 (2) COB Grow Light Kit
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225 Watt Cree CXB3590 (3) COB Grow Light Kit
300 Watt Vero29 V7 (3) COB Grow Light Kit
400 Watt Vero29 V7 (4) COB Grow Light Kit
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Can someone either link some good complete lights between 1000-1500 and then some easy diy options in the same range. This thread made my head hurt haha. I really can't decide what to get now.
Did you guys notice how much IR is in the Amare spectrum? And how nice that spectrum is?
And that's only their Epi-Version.
If they used the Cree-Version of the 150, I doubt the Plat reading would've been higher.
Not to mention as good as that spectrum was, the Equatorial spectrum provided by their cob lights & Cree diode lights is even better.
Yeah, it's pretty hard to beat Amare in a pre-built fixture.
Instead of a par test, I bet the best test would be to put identical plants in there all @ week 4 of flower n see the difference.
That's the test for all lights.
Many poeple don't realize that you can have par #'s through the roof but w/o the right spectrum it's pointless.
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Did you guys notice how much IR is in the Amare spectrum? And how nice that spectrum is?
And that's only their Epi-Version.
If they used the Cree-Version of the 150, I doubt the Plat reading would've been higher.
Not to mention as good as that spectrum was, the Equatorial spectrum provided by their cob lights & Cree diode lights is even better.
Yeah, it's pretty hard to beat Amare in a pre-built fixture.
Instead of a par test, I bet the best test would be to put identical plants in there all @ week 4 of flower n see the difference.
That's the test for all lights.
Many poepl don't realize that you can have par #'s through the roof but w/o the right spectrum it's pointless.
you always claim Amare and Victor has done all this field testing and i have a hard time even finding consistent grow journals using his lights. can you get Victor to supply these claims you keep making for him. how about some testing from the manufacturer like the other grow light companies around here