Well-Known Member
you guys would have to hold one in your hand to appreciate it. at 50W i could put my nuts on top of it. thermal management is not an issue in the slightest
So you garden naked?
you guys would have to hold one in your hand to appreciate it. at 50W i could put my nuts on top of it. thermal management is not an issue in the slightest
you guys would have to hold one in your hand to appreciate it. at 50W i could put my nuts on top of it. thermal management is not an issue in the slightest
nope, but i did get offered a job by robin and stephen as ladies representative at the trade show
Solid core works better. 18-22 AWGI'm about to modify my chinese panel and the only thing I need to know is what kind of wire to use to connect between the quantum board and the driver? Does it have to be solid wire?
Yes the heatsink can be joined with L channel. Will do a 2 board diy with 120h-c1400and L channel next week. Need a new lamp for 2x2.5 Tomato plant tent.Robin thank you for the update on the heatsinks. Question, once the heatsinks are attached will we be able to mount them via L channel frame ? Do the heatsinks allow the use of active cooling ?
Will try Active cooling too. Will have to see how to mount the fan.
It's ok, I live 2 blocks from a home depot. I just grabbed some AWG18 solid core thermostat wire.
The board fits almost exactly in the opening of the "300w" Roleadro. One row of LEDs on each end is sort of half-shaded by the case, so it throws a lot of light inside the case, but that's no big deal really.
I had to drill a hole in the heat sink because it only had one hole that would line up, but otherwise it went pretty smoothly.
It's putting out twice as much light and using half as much power as before. My veg room is really just my hall closet, and even without a reflective tent this is still putting plenty of light on my plants even without optics.
Damn almost a perfect fit! Glad you are happy with the board. Yeah with a fan running that thing will run cool to the touch. Awesome.
Great looking DIY.Another from below:
Yeah, I took the other one out of the case for improved airflow and less weight, and put the extra driver in my junk drawer.
I plan on snagging a couple more with heatsinks once I have the cash. One for each side of my V scrog.