Thanks To 'Fight For $15' Minimum Wage, McDonald's Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks

dumber than fuck, like usual.

colorado only allows registered dems to caucus, and bernie won it here.

your narrative is plainly false in just about all the other primaries and caucuses closed to independents.

just give up.
Illinois is an open primary. Anybody who wanted to vote for Bernie could have.

However, to vote for Trump, one had to be certifiable 30 days before the election.
You think corporations are going to give in to Trump's bully tactics? All Trump is going to accomplish is speed up R & D into automation, now he's trying to bully Boeing to lower the cost of a new Air Force One.
Right. Because the biggest private jet in history isn't good enough.

Egos like his start wars and get a lot of people killed.
Hillary wanted a no fly zone in Syria, that would mean war with Russia, she advocated the Serbian bombing and the destruction of Libya. Hillary has already killed a lot of people
Hillary wanted a no fly zone in Syria, that would mean war with Russia

not really. you've never been known for saying anything bright though, so we will forgive you for being a dimwit.

and by the way, i think your hare-brained conspiracy theory would lead to war against russie, not war with russia.

war with russia is what we will get under trump. ready to help them annex eastern europe?
not really. you've never been known for saying anything bright though, so we will forgive you for being a dimwit.

and by the way, i think your hare-brained conspiracy theory would lead to war against russie, not war with russia.

war with russia is what we will get under trump. ready to help them annex eastern europe?
so i didn't watch your video, but i do have a question for ya.

decades into the future, when people ask you what you did to stop dictator trump, are you gonna proudly boast about how you warned people about how bad hillary's emails were?
You should watch the video, it proves you wrong about Clinton's stance on the no fly zone over Syria

No, can you find a single post of mine where I have criticized Clinton's email issue?

Then again, your claims of 'dictator Trump' and others claims of the apocalypse are completely unfounded and exaggerated imo.

Steven Pinker's take

"I didn't read your link..."

OK, bud, OK.. at this point, the references aren't for you since you dismiss them outright anyway. You don't have to mention you didn't read them. All that does is support my proof without a rebuttal from you, so if that's the way you choose to debate/answer questions/acknowledge legitimate criticisms, so be it.

Dictator Trump will turn out to be pussy Trump and you know what's funny? If The Democratic establishment resumes control of the Democratic Party, like it looks like they will from here, Trump will probably win again in 2020. If they choose to support a progressive candidate, they might actually win depending on how badly Trump fucks up until then. If they don't, they won't. Mark these words because I will definitely be quoting them again in 2019, having been a member of this forum for 13 years since (what a trip!).
You should watch the video, it proves you wrong about Clinton's stance on the no fly zone over Syria

No, can you find a single post of mine where I have criticized Clinton's email issue?

Then again, your claims of 'dictator Trump' and others claims of the apocalypse are completely unfounded and exaggerated imo.

Steven Pinker's take

"I didn't read your link..."

OK, bud, OK.. at this point, the references aren't for you since you dismiss them outright anyway. You don't have to mention you didn't read them. All that does is support my proof without a rebuttal from you, so if that's the way you choose to debate/answer questions/acknowledge legitimate criticisms, so be it.

Dictator Trump will turn out to be pussy Trump and you know what's funny? If The Democratic establishment resumes control of the Democratic Party, like it looks like they will from here, Trump will probably win again in 2020. If they choose to support a progressive candidate, they might actually win depending on how badly Trump fucks up until then. If they don't, they won't. Mark these words because I will definitely be quoting them again in 2019, having been a member of this forum for 13 years since (what a trip!).

elitist establishment!

and parroting the whole "a no fly zone over syria will lead to WWIII" is just fucking dumb. if you find yourself following the lead of people like pie and choomer, some introspection is definitely in order.
elitist establishment!

and parroting the whole "a no fly zone over syria will lead to WWIII" is just fucking dumb. if you find yourself following the lead of people like pie and choomer, some introspection is definitely in order.
Well, since you are the number one joke on this forum, I'll take your words with a grain of salt

How is it "parotting" when the words are coming from the horse's mouth herself? I'm not the one who said it might lead to another war, the Fox News debate moderator - what was it, Chris Wallace? - claimed that. I simply posted the clip where her stance on the Syrian no fly zone was asked during the Fox debate. That doesn't mean I support Wallace's idea of a war with Russia.

But that's one of the main objections about you that has lead to my opening accusation; that you're the biggest joke around here exactly because of bullshit like that. I know you know that's not what I meant, but you claimed it anyway, wasting both of our time posting about it and responding to it, simply because I oppose your opinion about Clinton.

You're not here to have real conversations with people about real topics, you're here to get your kicks out of talking down to people who you deem less than you. "Less than you" = anyone who disagrees with your political stances. You've been nothing but nice to me up until I began questioning your political beliefs, nearly 9 years going. So to ask "well what changed?" would be naive. I've been around here long enough to know what's changed.

Like I told you before, real people who legitimately respect you do not show such abrupt change so quickly unless there's something else going on.. Take Fogdog for example. He and I have completely parted ways this election in regards to affiliation, but he doesn't share 1/10th the vitriol you do towards those he opposes politically. He and I can even reach common ground because he knows we will have to if we expect to defeat Trump in 2020.

Again, hit me with the TL;DR, this ain't for you, bud. It's for those with longer attention spans who value the truth.

If you don't believe the political establishment is real, you have got a long way to go before people begin to take you seriously about the true nature of the game.
Lol, I was wondering who Paddy was talking to! I thought your stupid ass left after the election. A waste of time arguing with trolls so back in the troll box you go. Honor your word and leave moron.
Apparently nobody took his bet, which allows him to stay

Gotta support that stance.. I doubt we'll ever see a more sure-proof Bucky vote than that, too, which supports my notion of such a dramatic loss even more. Epic loss. Political science majors will be learning about it for decades to come!
you are the number one joke on this forum

i've defended you endlessly over what cannabineer and annie and clayton smear you with. careful with this line.

How is it "parotting" when the words are coming from the horse's mouth herself? I'm not the one who said it might lead to another war, the Fox News debate moderator - what was it, Chris Wallace? - claimed that.

LOL. and you wonder why i am finding more disagreement with you. it's like you sold your account to someone.

taking an ages old policy like a no fly zone and implying that it is even a bad idea, much less on par with the bad idea that is letting trump play with the controls for a while, is asinine. moronic. stupid. dumber than fuck.

i'm not sure what point you are evn trying to make. i don't need to watch your video because i watched the debates. not sure why you even posted the video.

ou've been nothing but nice to me up until I began questioning your political beliefs, nearly 9 years going.

not really, i've pegged you as MRA for a while now. if you're not insulted by that, that also explains the nature of our developing rift.

If you don't believe the political establishment is real, you have got a long way to go before people begin to take you seriously about the true nature of the game.

there's that whole establishment thing again. what do you even mean by "establishment" and "elitist"?

you throw them around as if they are even bad things, much less as if your vague grunting has any real meaning.
Doesn't prove a thinng

Lol, I was wondering who Paddy was talking to! I thought your stupid ass left after the election. A waste of time arguing with trolls so back in the troll box you go. Honor your word and leave moron.

lol, you incubated. good for you.
You think corporations are going to give in to Trump's bully tactics? All Trump is going to accomplish is speed up R & D into automation, now he's trying to bully Boeing to lower the cost of a new Air Force One.

A chinese businessman just committed 50 billion to US jobs.

Yes, they are going to give in.
A chinese businessman just committed 50 billion to US jobs.

first of, he's japanese.

second of all, $100 billion was committed - in october.

third, $45 billion of it comes from saudi arabia - the same saudi arabia which you said it was wrong to take money from because they are a state sponsor of terror.

you really are easy as fuck to dupe. not a functional brain cell in your empty head that is capable of critical thought whatsoever.

go watch some more fox news.
I posted an article over on the Democrats 2020 thread. I got lots of likes for playing the shit talking game, but it's as if no one read the article at all.

If all we can manage to do is bicker like middle schoolers, our country will go down the very drain it's currently spiraling towards.
I posted an article over on the Democrats 2020 thread. I got lots of likes for playing the shit talking game, but it's as if no one read the article at all.

If all we can manage to do is bicker like middle schoolers, our country will go down the very drain it's currently spiraling towards.

Calm down, it's only early December, 2016

We're still adjusting, it'll change ;-).
The bickering? I'll believe it when I see it.

Then admit that you fuck up once in a while like I do. It would be nice to have a discussion with you once in a while where maybe a new topic could be touched upon here and there...for example; your taxing the rich while still leaving out the giant elephant in the room which is their access to easy credit, regardless of the taxes you would propose. You made a thread about it a few weeks ago, basic premise was "rich are careless with their excess capital and thus fuck shit up"....something along those lines.....

I don't want to discuss this topic here because you already have a thread about this authors article..... but you catch my drift. I think it was @see4 caught me on something a couple weeks ago, I admitted "you got me dude". This is how we move forward. It would be nice to have real discussions here from time to time.