Led Users Unite!

First off there is no way you pulled 1.5 from your 4x4's I saw the grow and actually felt bad for you with All those lights hanging.

Second off You came in again like asshole with your ridiculous comments putting down a grower and light company. All I asked was for you to post results so there could be some sort of comparison here. Thank you 1.5lbs from a 4x4 what ever that works out to gpw.
That fact that you have to doubt everything I do shows where you are at in your life. It's sad you're so messed up.
1.5 of grade A++ bud...and 1/2lb of larf per tray too...but you know all this because you watch my channel all the time.

Never bad mouthd a light company either...get your head out of your ass bro. But you knew that too...you just need to have something to bitch at.
Never once did I specify a company or say anything bad about a company. What was in question is what "HE" not a company deems as results so much better than certain others.

So again to be clear...I asked how 1 month vegged under T5's... moved immediately over to brand new lights are results???
So you can continue to try and discredit me with absolutely nothing but your hurt feelings and keep making yourself looking more petty than anyone on these boards. Or you can put your tail between your legs and show some results of your own and go keep watching my videos that you loathe so much.
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I know what 1.5 lbs looks like and that grow was not 1.5 lbs per 4x4.

I have results and constantly show results. 1/2 the growing times of most people here too and still hit very high gpw. That's 1.3 lbs in a 3x3 with 450w On 75 day seed to chop autoflowers. IMG_0464.JPG
As for you trying to put me down it was a response to one of your yet again cocky comments. I despise you like so many others do too. You are not some sort of king as we are not peasants looking up to you. "I have done this and done that bs" your a disgrace. I don't care how smart you are or how smart you pretend you are. Your the pathetic one here and I have said this from your first reply to me. Check your comments and check the comments of other vendors here.

"Shows where I'm at in my life" you would be very embarrassed if we compared any single part of my life to yours. Thank god you can block people here. I should have blocked you months ago. Fuck off
I know what 1.5 lbs looks like and that grow was not 1.5 lbs per 4x4.

I have results and constantly show results. 1/2 the growing times of most people here too and still hit very high gpw. That's 1.3 lbs in a 3x3 with 450w On 75 day seed to chop autoflowers. View attachment 3847974
As for you trying to put me down it was a response to one of your yet again cocky comments. I despise you like so many others do too. You are not some sort of king as we are not peasants looking up to you. "I have done this and done that bs" your a disgrace. I don't care how smart you are or how smart you pretend you are. Your the pathetic one here and I have said this from your first reply to me. Check your comments and check the comments of other vendors here.

"Shows where I'm at in my life" you would be very embarrassed if we compared any single part of my life to yours. Thank god you can block people here. I should have blocked you months ago. Fuck off
So again...you have nothing but hurt personal feelings??? And you lash out to do what???

So out of all your post it took you deep inner hate of me to get you to post results. Glad I could help get you over your fear.

So again...keep harping on one grow of mine. I'm not worried and either we're the clubs. Your need to get off YOUR high horse.either contribute or shut the fuck up. Your selective troll shit talking is no contribution.
Here's an old Picture of the HPS room I retired before it was dialed in. Didn't even know I still had this picture because I erase them immediately after sharing & documenting with the community. My LED results came out to be two and three times the GPW I pulled from my HPS while increasing my G/sq'. Reason being is I bought good LEDs from honest owners that care deeply about their customers (unlike yourself). View attachment 3848016View attachment 3848017 If you or anybody else would like to see documentation of HPS versus good LEDs they are welcome to visit my threads.
If you insist on disrespecting my man BigSmoBro & talking shit to me, then I will be forced to post my results further embarrassing you Beyond what you have already achieved with your own big mouth.

BTW, The plants in that photograph where vegged under one T5 and CFL's for the past month and a half prior to going in the LED room. They were in very poor shape, I picked off more dead from these plants then you picked bud from your harvest. View attachment 3848021View attachment 3848022 The plants in the sun cloak just came from 6" pots and into 5 gallon bucket's. In less than a week my My Amare's & SunCloaks have brought these babies all back to life. As My Man SmoBro would say "The growth is Violent".

It's really too bad that you persist on haggling me seeing how we share the same views on the NG's & some of the data-sheet Nazi vendors around here whom tend to rely more on false equations than actual results.
If you could just check your tude dude, I'm sure you'd be a decent person to have a conversation with.
Wow...just wow. So you post flowering pics of the HPS. And no LED...ya I your trust worthy.
And then call me a NG...hahah. You are a fuckign tool dude. Just stick to what you are doing and stop embarrassing yourself by lying and getting it thrown in your face. Then maybe, you can salvage some credibility.

Please show me when slomo became a customer of mine?? It's funny how you have to result to false personal attacks(aka liable) instead of just letting your result speak for them selves...OH...YOU JUST GOT THE LIGHTS A WEEK AGO and posted a pic to seem like your "new lights" produced that. STOP FUCKING LYING. I think that you honestly believe the bullshit you spew and that is just sad.
Wow...just wow. So you post flowering pics of the HPS. And no LED...ya I your trust worthy.
And then call me a NG...hahah. You are a fuckign tool dude. Just stick to what you are doing and stop embarrassing yourself by lying and getting it thrown in your face. Then maybe, you can salvage some credibility.

Please show me when slomo became a customer of mine?? It's funny how you have to result to false personal attacks(aka liable) instead of just letting your result speak for them selves...OH...YOU JUST GOT THE LIGHTS A WEEK AGO and posted a pic to seem like your "new lights" produced that. STOP FUCKING LYING. I think that you honestly believe the bullshit you spew and that is just sad.

Pretty neat set-up there. Nice! To bad after being a vendor here & teaching everyone how to build your lights, there is nobody to post results using your lights on this forum.
Or any others that I'm aware of for that matter.
If you re-read what I wrote, I stated that it's a shame you're such a dick to everyone cuz we share the same Views on the NG's, not that you are one. When you let your panties get al knotted up, that's what happens c. My ex-wife does the same thing, it's called selective hearing.
I'm working on my growing right now & I don't play the link game very well. Also, when one grows on the scale that I do, it's best to constantly erase photos. But, luckily for anyone interested in the truth, they can easily view the results on my threads as well as details to all the controls on the environment being utilized.
But, if you'd like a quick run-down before I get back to work I can do that.
Last grow using my Amare's & SunCloak I averaged 1 GPW w/ my Amare's & that was going 6 wks with only 1, SE-450 & 1, crappy Hydropincs Hut (your Kind Comparison for the second time) before getting 2, Pro-4's to add to the 450 & replace the HH. If all the Amare's were there for the whole grow, I believe I would've been around 1.3 GPW but I had to do an average based on the 6 wks using inadequate amounts of light. And even at that, I did the math based on 4 wks (splitting in half) because I'm no mathematician.
My SunCloak yielded 2#'s in a 32" x 4' space using only 600w w/ 4 medium sized, medium to low yielding strains. The average was 1.5 GPW there, although the Chem-D #4 came in at 1.66 GPW but there was only 1 of them in there.
As you know, my first Amare grow yielded 11oz. More the my Hydroponics Hut (Kind Comparison again) in a 4'x4' w/ the same strains in a side by side. That's w/ an extra 2-4 oz of popcorn on the bottom from not loli-popping to test for density & penetration as it was my first grow using LEDs & I wanted to provide as much useful info. To the community as possible. The popcorn was not added to the 18oz total. I also got the Spider-Mites that grow & still came in @ 1.2 GPW using my SE-450 w/ terribly vegged, poor Pheno GG#4's.
The only new lights in that pic. are the 27k SunCloak & 4k SC Horizons that I requested to be built for me & was accommodated by the honest & very stand-up owner, Doug.
The other new light is the Amare Pro-9 which is being replaced w/ Pro-4's cuz they fit my grow space better & provide even coverage. Thanks to the understanding of Victor & how much he cares about his clients/family, he gladly took back the Pro-9 & sent me 2, Pro-4's to replace it because he cares about my success & results. He shows this same courtesy to all his clients & that is only one reason why so many prefer to deal w/ him instead of you.
Is there anything else I can answer for you today my good friend?
All the answers should be right there in my threads. Maybe you should take just half the time you use to harass other growers & the companies they prefer to read a lil & educate yourself on the false things you constantly say here to the public. Then you'd save yourself the embarrassment of looking like an ignorant person.
Ok, good luck big guy!
I'd still be happy to take your new 420 light & put it up against my SE-450 if you're ever feeling Froggy.
Take care!
Wow extrapolating figure now are we.
Keep killing any chance at credibility.

And PS...you only have 10k...you are a tiny fucking mosquito in the pond. Get over yourself. Not to mention it can be done 100% legally and pay your taxes on it. But hey...what do I kno about the legal market...oh wait.

And if you excuse is it not legal where I live...fucking move if you want to pretend to be a big boy.
What's with all this continued LED Brand Hate BS??
Can't any led users truly just share results and chat in a civilized manner?
I still challenge all of you tools to grow a decent head of lettuce under any of those fancy pants multi spectrum, cob, or DIY Fixtures! Then we will see how they all fall short of truly mimicking the sun:hump:
What's with all this continued LED Brand Hate BS??
Can't any led users truly just share results and chat in a civilized manner?
I still challenge all of you tools to grow a decent head of lettuce under any of those fancy pants multi spectrum, cob, or DIY Fixtures! Then we will see how they all fall short of truly mimicking the sun:hump:
My goal is to grow good cannabis, not mimic the sun in my basement.
This kind of arguing and dung slinging really doesn't reflect well on yall in a professional way. I'm surprised there are people in this thread who claim to run a business and they're in here calling names at the same time. That just doesn't seem like good form, but what do I know?
Your on a growing forum. Not a website for buying lights. And that brutal honestly, truth, and in your face results are what put things where they are. Not pussyfooting around some BS online that no one wants to call out.
The results and the truth are all that matters
Wow extrapolating figure now are we.
Keep killing any chance at credibility.

And PS...you only have 10k...you are a tiny fucking mosquito in the pond. Get over yourself. Not to mention it can be done 100% legally and pay your taxes on it. But hey...what do I kno about the legal market...oh wait.

And if you excuse is it not legal where I live...fucking move if you want to pretend to be a big boy.

Lol! You're to much grower for me. My HPS room was not 10K in lights. Only about 72-77. Barely 10K w/ all the fans n AC.
Why don't you tell poeple those pics are not your grow & that you gave those lights to a real grower so that you'd actually have pictures to show & results to post other then your own?
Well, here we go again, you sounding like threats of snitching. That's terrible. It must suck to not have Mods to run to every time someone calls you out on you BS. Can't edit everything anymore to work to your favor. Thing is, me nor anyone else would speak the facts about you if you didn't always try to pick on others n say such negative things that are almost never true.
I'm not boasting about being a big-boy. All I do is share w/ others, give them props where they are do, & try to help when I can.

I have NO idea why you're so rude to others & constantly try to make them feel inadequate. You almost had BigSmoBro as your first customer that may have came to your side in defense as well as posting results from your lights. But you were such a jerk to him he decided to go where his money is appreciated. Now he's sooooo glad he did. That dudes awesome & doing things w/ autos that are very rare to find.
He's also building great lights for poeple & helping DIY'ers all the time. He consistently pulls 1.5 #'s each off his SE-450's & shares his knowledge w/ others. Why you continue to badger us cuz we chose Amare over PLC is beyond me.?.
Listen, I have work to do & cannot continue to respond to your silly accusations & snitch like ways.
Please do NOT talk to me anymore or talk about me. Thank you!
I do however wish you the best & hope you can identify your character flaws that seam to prevent others from liking you or purchasing your DIY lights.
Good luck buddy!
That fact that you think a company relays on a single grow forum is hysterical.
There are more lights in one room shown then actual grows posted in the whole LED section. Not sweating that said light don't fit 2x2's.

Results are results. And if you think those lights were free...you should tell them their checks were valid.
Cause I called you ego out you think I'm going to call the cops on you???. No bro...and that fact that that thought goes to your head show where your at. Cover up your IP better if your that worried. stick to results when you ever get them. Notice the plural of that statement.
Nothing to hide dude...that is you. And why you can't support any of you claims with pics.

And stop trying say I want you to buy lights. All I want is truthful results without shilling. You cannot do that. And I will call you on it and the bs you drag with it every time. Show results...simple as that
Your on a growing forum. Not a website for buying lights. And that brutal honestly, truth, and in your face results are what put things where they are. Not pussyfooting around some BS online that no one wants to call out.
The results and the truth are all that matters

Fair enough. On an off note, you should do some videos on those new quantum boards if you get the time, that would be awesome.
Fair enough. On an off note, you should do some videos on those new quantum boards if you get the time, that would be awesome.

Or they can put them in the sphere themselves before they go around flexing and promoting an untested new product. That what companies are for...not competitors. They did the same thing with their COB light and we all saw those spheres numbers. Chirping bare chip data sheets to "out do" sphere tested complete units.