
Lol your idea of a conversation are nothing just insults. You're the only kid here. Just a take a look at your PUBLIC post history, you call members cunts, tell people to fuck off after they've stated an opinion. Get a life man or smoke some of your piss crop and cool off?

How about posting what's totally accurate instead of throwing insults? I mean you can't even formulate a sentence and you're calling someone stupid? Come on now. Did you even read that before you typed it up?

tell ya what son
you may want to make sure who you are arguing with, I've forgotten more about organics than you know.

so go do some reading, and then come back

or I could keep posting links

and you get the monkey-award for today
tell ya what son
you may want to make sure who you are arguing with, I've forgotten more about organics than you know.

so go do some reading, and then come back

or I could keep posting links

and you get the monkey-award for today
View attachment 3847343

*slow clap* Wow you googled. None of those links have anything to do with Cannabis. None of those links provided any actual proof of someone pissing directly on plants, nor pissing into a container and pouring it into your medium. Let's see your piss crop. If you don't have any proof of successful grow using nasty urine then please stop posting links from 2007 like it's gods written law. And please tell me whom I'm arguing with? And throw down some real knowledge you gathered from personal experience please. I can read that google crap all day.
*slow clap* Wow you googled. None of those links have anything to do with Cannabis. None of those links provided any actual proof of someone pissing directly on plants, nor pissing into a container and pouring it into your medium. Let's see your piss crop. If you don't have any proof of successful grow using nasty urine then please stop posting links from 2007 like it's gods written law. And please tell me whom I'm arguing with? And throw down some real knowledge you gathered from personal experience please. I can read that google crap all day.
so cannabis grows differently than other plants??
it's not "god's written law"
people have been using urine for LONGER than god has been "around" man
longer than Christianity my friend
and you should use that "google crap"
it'd save you the humility of looking reaaaaaally ignorant.
*slow clap* you googled. None of those links have anything to do with Cannabis. None of those links provided any actual proof of someone pissing directly on plants, nor pissing into a container and pouring it into your medium. Let's see your piss crop. If you don't have any proof of successful grow using nasty urine then please stop posting links from 2007 like it's gods written law. And please tell me whom I'm arguing with? And throw down some real knowledge you gathered from personal experience please. I can read that google crap all day.
You know I was trying to give you a hand gracefully ending this argument but since you wont let it go. Marijuana isnt a magic plant that grows different then other plants. Thats what the Nute companies want you tobelieve so you by cannabis specific bottles.
Insulting your intelligence is WAY too easy.
Why do you do this to yourself?
like shooting fish in a barrel...
You know I was trying to give you a hand gracefully ending this argument but since you wont let it go. Marijuana isnt a magic plant that grows different then other plants. Thats what the Nute companies want you tobelieve so you by cannabis specific bottles.
you are more loving than I, good sir.


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Haha shit has gotten real.. :D
Time for everybody to smoke a bowl and agree to disagree. Or else science at each other instead of babble. I want to see a proper experiment and numbers showing peeing (which IS nasty) is actually BETTER for a plant than other sources of the exact same types of nutrients.
I feel like this topic is alot like the recent election, two sides that cannot comprehend how one could be with the opposition

Hillary voter: the pee has been around for a long time, the pee is proven, sure the pee smells a bit but we know what to expect from it

Trump voter: ok but it's fuckin pee..
why is it nasty?
it's sterile...
bat guano is shit
seabird guan is shit and piss mixed
rabbit manure is shit and piss
steer manure is shit and piss
horse, alpaca, llama, etc, etc, etc.
it's ALL waste
you do understand how biology works right?

it's not "better" it's the SAME
urea is processed the same, the plant doesn't know the difference at all.
urine is sterile
wanna get freaked out by all sorts of bacteria and micro-organisms?
just go put fresh worm castings under a microscope man
damn near a horror-movie whats going on in there
bacteria is good, fungal activity is good, its what organics NEED.
urine is
s t e r i l e
even the casual observer would say your plants are the most fantastic ever gazed upon...
waaaay better than my piss-plants
Ive got a 3yr old son and a tween daughter, plus a crazy ex wife and a new wife.....Ive learned patience.....but man this guy is starting to test it
Failed marriage? And possibly not even taking care of your kids? Don't think I need your patience or advise pal.
Hey your plants look great. If your actually using straight piss. Even better for you. It's my opinion, I'll keep it. Good luck on your future crops.
ok, i'll dial this aggression back a lil if you do the same..
nobody uses pure piss undiluted, that's like using chelated chemicals undiluted.
urine at approximately an 1/8 ratio has a macro value of roughly 15%
its immediately available to the plant
I try to replicate nature as close as possible when I grow, utilizing microbial diversity, fresh humus, and leaf-compost as the base for my soil, I do not use peat or coco.
just take the time to understand the chemistry behind it, you'd see it quite clearly

everyone of those plants shown got at least one dosage of urea
typically the stretchy sativas are the ones that benefit as they tend to do more vertical growing at flip
Pee is not beneficial to your plants and will burn them. Don't listen to the trolls, idiots, or the "we've been doing it for 1,000 of years" guys. If Pee were beneficial or even remotely useful people would be using it instead of Nutrients that have been dialed in specifically for Cannabis.

Would you smoke weed that some pissed in? It's foolish and stubborn growers(broke kids) that are actually pissing on their flowers. Disgusting and useless, go ahead though and let's see those Piss crops. Smh.

Some stoner told me to get some urine from a woman on the pill so my plants wouldn't seed. Are you telling me I should skip the urine and just crush a pill? Im thinking of maybe some Doe Estreus oil on my next run to bring out the oils.

Urine works pal. Pharmaceuticals are the macro problem though. I trust my own pee but not my 95 year old neighbors who takes 38 pills a day.

"Current wastewater treatment methods require costs of between $200 to $275 to remove a pound of nitrogen from sewage.
By diverting urine before it enters wastewater systems, the cost of producing nitrogen from liquid human excreta falls to around $20 per pound"

"Adults produce between 100 and 150 gallons of urine per year, containing about 9 pounds of nitrogen and 0.8 pounds of phosphorus."
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Failed marriage? And possibly not even taking care of your kids? Don't think I need your patience or advise pal.
Listen here you little bitch first off my kids are well taken care of by me. You ignorant little fuck dont know where you thought that up. You come on here running your arrogant little cunt mouth off sounding like an idiot toeveryone trying to teach you something. I dont give a shit if I get banned you little bastard running your mouth behind a computer screen. Enough said now I need a joint!