why is trump freaking out about the recount?

why is trump so scared of a recount?

  • recklessly discarded votes will tip the balance to hillary

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • every case of voter fraud so far was from a trump voter

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • trump told his voters to vote more than once on several occassions

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • michigan gop officials just pleaded guilty to election fraud

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
it really is odd though how more votes were cast for president than votes cast total in several wisconsin counties, and conveniently they were all "errors" for trump by the thousands.

first they blamed it on "bad arithmetic", now they are saying it was a "faulty modem".

unless we can get to the bottom of what happened, hand recount all the votes, and forensically audit the machines that tallied the votes, there is no way trump can claim to be a legitimate president.

the trump voters need to get behind this effort even more so than hillary voters, because they have the most to lose here.

Like I said..it doesn't have to be online to tamper with results..all you need are login credentials.
Just my take on what Trump is thinking:

1. He's upset because he was chastised to no end by Hillary for saying he might not accept the election results. Hillary said the results must be respected and accepted. And now she's not accepting them.

2. Trump is also upset because of his belief that the election was somewhat rigged against him, and he sees this "recount" as a way to open the door to his win being stolen from him.

This recount fiasco undermines the designed opportunity to fill his appointment posts and get ready to govern. I didn't vote for him (or Hillary), and I'm not really happy he's our next president. But he won it. And Hillary voluntarily conceded.

Even Obama recently said, after talks of a recount began, that the original results should be accepted.

Trump said the system was rigged, so a recount is not out of order.

What is he afraid of?

Why is Kellyanne Conway such a crass gloating nudge?
Trump said the system was rigged, so a recount is not out of order.

What is he afraid of?

Why is Kellyanne Conway such a crass gloating nudge?

Conway has that "rode hard and put up wet" look to her, but I'll bet she could suck a golf ball thru a garden hose. She's fucking hot. I'd do her.
so apparently, about 20 precincts in wisconsin are refusing to hand over their votes for a recount.

trump is suing michigan to stop the recount there.

even before the recount proceeds, trump lost about 6,000 "mystery" votes in wisconsin, or about 20% of his margin.

even before the recount proceeds, trump lost about 2,000 "mystery" votes in michigan, again, about 20% of his margin there.

and just last night, trump's margin in pennsylvania dropped from about 70,000 to 45,000 ahead of the recount. that's almost 40% of his margin there.

what's he so scared of? it's not like they are going to find a ton of discarded votes in wayne, philadelphia, and milwaukee counties, are they? or another 6,000 votes here and there in like they did in wisconsin which were unexplainably added to the trump total, right?

he should just relax and let the recount officials discover the millions of illegal votes he talked about.
She lost Dude get over it..... you put a lot of words in peoples mouths it seems, not to mention your attitude.. your twisting the truth with your own spin and agenda .... she is no more, move on Trump is the President Elect...simple ..have a great day.