What if the recount uncovers some right wing shenanigans that ends up throwing the electoral college into Mrs Clinton's lap?
Is that a recipe for chaos or an affirmation of the will of the People?
if the recount changed the result it would really rock this country.
it would undermine the credibility of our system. already anyone who's not part of the 1% thinks this country is going to shit, regardless of their ideology or philosophy.
it would put another crack in the foundation and it would make it a lot easier for people to become convinced the gov. should be overthrown for one regime or another.
shenanigans happened, that's for sure. gerrymandering, making false allegations, intentional disruption of the system, a whole bag full of stuff and everyone was aware of it.......no seemed to care.........just keep the show on the road.
this isn't the first election that is tainted. and it would have been tainted no matter who won.
it seems everyone treats life as it if were a TV soap opera and game show.
this is the UNITED STATES of AMERICA and we can't trust our election results.......we've become a huge ass banana republic .....WTF have we let happen?
home of the fucking free my ass.