Donald Trump

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You really got to hand it to this POS he knows his audience he knows exactly what buttons to push and was able to pull off the greatest con of his life make millions of folks vote against their best interest all the while showing his hole cards that he was a hypocrite/conman.

I guess many of the same folks that voted for Trump (businessman) also voted for "W" (businessmen) and we all know how great of a President he turned out to be. All of the ethnic/gender breakdown of folks who supported Trump voted for this fool except educated white women the very same ones who will suffer the most under his policies, so much for education I guess. He did better with latinos in the mid west and southwestern states, shocking but true Latino media has been unkind to them lately.
can't wait to see what he says after trump runs a 3 trillion dollar deficit in one year alone.
He'll blame Democrats. It was Obama's fault. The Medicare privatization bill that the Democrats blocked -- that's what caused the budget deficit, not the tax cuts!!!!! Sanctuary Cities caused it. It will definitely not be due to Trump's transgressions. Man baby alert!
He'll blame Democrats. It was Obama's fault. The Medicare privatization bill that the Democrats blocked -- that's what caused the budget deficit, not the tax cuts!!!!! Sanctuary Cities caused it. It will definitely not be due to Trump's transgressions. Man baby alert!

i've been in contact with my city council members to make sure that they will petition for my town to be a sanctuary city. will be attending every city council meeting with as many people as i can take with me too.

so far, three towns/cities around denver have already done so.
Trump chumps will never admit anything. They are too stupid (read: stubborn) to say something bad about their chumpness.

So they will blame it on Obama.

oh the salt is strong with you huh?? the fact you'll lump everyone who supports a politician into one group shows your inability to grasp any higher level concepts. the world always needs ditch diggers.
I wonder what it will take for all the Trumpanzees to realize he's a con man. He isn't even President yet and he has backed off banning all Muslims, he has backed off deporting all illegal immigrants, he's not talking about the wall anymore, he's not repealing Obamacare anymore - just modifying it, he's not appointing a special prosecutor to jail Hillary Clinton - claims she has suffered enough and that he likes the Clintons - so much for the "lock her up" chant at the rallies, and he has appointed 3 billionaires from wall street to his cabinet - 2 of which to head the treasury and commerce dept. - so much for "drain the swamp".
I wonder what it will take for all the Trumpanzees to realize he's a con man. He isn't even President yet and he has backed off banning all Muslims, he has backed off deporting all illegal immigrants, he's not talking about the wall anymore, he's not repealing Obamacare anymore - just modifying it, he's not appointing a special prosecutor to jail Hillary Clinton - claims she has suffered enough and that he likes the Clintons - so much for the "lock her up" chant at the rallies, and he has appointed 3 billionaires from wall street to his cabinet - 2 of which to head the treasury and commerce dept. - so much for "drain the swamp".

Yeah, and all while he tells the trump chumps that he "won in a landslide!" and all of the idiots cheer. I guess those 2.6 million votes less than Hillary got does not matter.

And all of the idiots cheer!

Apparently no matter how much bullshit he spouts, his idiot supporters cheer like they believe it.

Yeah, and all while he tells the trump chumps that he "won in a landslide!" and all of the idiots cheer. I guess those 2.6 million votes less than Hillary got does not matter.

And all of the idiots cheer!

Apparently no matter how much bullshit he spouts, his idiot supporters cheer like they believe it.


Goes to show that the old saying "you cannot help stupid" is very true.

Look at his supporter..poor uneducated racist people in the majority.

I have no problem with poor and/or uneducated people. Im not rich Harvard grad.

But stupid racists should not have a right to vote and should have their internet privileges revoked.
I forgot to mention that during his campaign he also said that under no circumstances would he settle with all the people who were suing him for his Trump University scam. Within 10 days after the election he settled.

also said that the way to keep companies from moving overseas was to hit them with a 35% tariff. now, a 7 million donation from the taxpayers of Indiana and Carrier is still moving almost a 1000 jobs to Mexico
Nothing but Bullshit from Trump! So much so that the term bullshit will be changed again, all because of repuke presidents.

Just like when the idiot Bush was spewing so much bullshit that the word was changed to Bushshit, forever sparing the Bull from people demeaning his droppings. Now we will be using the term trumpshit to easily describe the constant crap that comes from his mouth.

And the idiot trump chumps cheer!

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