RIP Fidel Castro

Why dont we figure out why your medication is so expensive. I bet competition would drive those costs down.

Lets fix the problem, not keep paying for the symptoms.

But if you keep paying for the symptoms who gets rich by running the tests?

It's a double-edge sword.
Why dont we figure out why your medication is so expensive. I bet competition would drive those costs down.

Lets fix the problem, not keep paying for the symptoms.

Here in the mean time lets pass a law that will provide even more “Research Income” to expedite the cause.. Because people are dying a slow painful death.


How did Castro do it without competition?
Lets keep draining americans savings. My Diabetes meds are $800+ per month.
Any idea how much pot I have to grow to cover that?

10 chicken nuggets $1.79, it’s cheap to eat be in “America” It’s the living after eating that’s unaffordable.

That ain't chicken..

Besides, its confirmation of the state of our union..people stop buying at fast food and along comes the $1 menu and the new $5 meal.

McD is a huge barometer of the new all day stoners breakfast = MMJ acceptance.

You want to know what's going on in the US? Just look to McD.

I feel your dog started panting..then a week later excessive thirst..sound familiar? Apparently, it didn't to my vet and even though I was pretty sure it was diabetes (worst case Cushings). Would you believe they wanted to run every test except for blood glucose?
When you think about being a vet is about the best occupation:

  1. No managed healthcare
  2. It's all cash
  3. They have you by the balls when your pet is sick and know you'll do/pay anything for your baby.

I feel your dog started panting..then a week later excessive thirst..sound familiar? Apparently, it didn't to my vet and even though I was pretty sure it was diabetes (worst case Cushings). Would you believe they wanted to run every test except for blood glucose?

Yep, Money to be made.
Next comes Dialysis ,(a few years away I hope) I haven’t paid into that Industry yet, I’ll have to sell the house once that starts.
Here in the mean time lets pass a law that will provide even more “Research Income” to expedite the cause.. Because people are dying a slow painful death.


How did Castro do it without competition?

Do what? Do you think the cuban people had quality healthcare? They had food and toilet paper rationing.

The country was poor as fuck....
Do what? Do you think the cuban people had quality healthcare? They had food and toilet paper rationing.

The country was poor as fuck....

Quality health is an undersatment, peach fuzz.The WHO declared Cuba the first country in the world to stop the spread of HIV, from mother to child.

When the World Health Organization announced this good news, they shared some amazing statistics: In the past year, there were less than 50 cases of mother-to-child-transmitted HIV for every 100,000 live births in Cuba.

Plus, more than 95% of HIV-positive Cuban women now know their HIV status and have access to antiviral drugs. Whoa.

This magical button delivers Upworthy stories to you on Facebook:
The rest of the world can do what Cuba did. But without universal, equitable, and accessible health care systems, it will be a slower process.
Cuba gets a lot of press for their health care system, which is generally great despite the country's economic disparities. This is yet another example.
Castro welcomed 2 dozen Russian nuclear missiles to be operational 90 miles from our coast line. He was a fucking idiot.

Someone earlier in this thread admired him for "having balls". Well, Hitler had balls too.

The back story was the USA put in old Juipter ICBMs in Turkey in 1959 and Kruschev countered. The USA media never mentioned or mentions those nukes in Turkey.

I never liked the Kennedys until I learned more about JFK. The CIA and private Fed Reserve Bank plus others including LBJ got rid of him. LBJ and the others wanted a Vietnam War and it had already been planned after WW2. CIA wanted to take over the French heroin business in Indochina and did. JFK wanted to break up the CIA which was arguably created by the Rockefellers and other elites. He also fired Allen Dulles head of the CIA over Bay of Pigs. Dulles and his brother wrote the Treaty of Versailles after WW1. Very well connected and evil. LBJ made him head of the Warren Commission.

JFK started printing US dollars not issued by the Fed and backed by silver. They are still out there. Often called Silver Certificates. Issued by the US Treasury not the private Federal Reserve. The Fed and IRS were created in tandem.. Fed was in the middle of the night in Congress around Christmas Eve

Any US President who f**ks with the central banks with gold/silver gets killed. Garfield, McKinley, Lincoln (a creep not a hero) and JFK. They tried to kill Andrew Jackson twice. In his old age they asked Jackson his greated accomplishment, he said "I killed the (central) bank!"

Poor Latin America has been owned by the CFR NWO Rockefellers and other elites forever. They either get incompetent leftists or bank controlled right crony capitalists. Bushes, Clintons and Obama all owned by CFR elites. Same endless wars to bankrupt America, murder millions of innocents, etc. Both parties hate Trump so maybe he will be different.

Anyone who thinks Castro was a hero never met any Cuban immigrants and is talking shit. They also hated JFK for selling them out at The Bay of Pigs which was somewhat unfair because it would never have succeeded and JFK was not totally involved.
Quality health is an undersatment, peach fuzz.The WHO declared Cuba the first country in the world to stop the spread of HIV, from mother to child.

When the World Health Organization announced this good news, they shared some amazing statistics: In the past year, there were less than 50 cases of mother-to-child-transmitted HIV for every 100,000 live births in Cuba.

Plus, more than 95% of HIV-positive Cuban women now know their HIV status and have access to antiviral drugs. Whoa.

This magical button delivers Upworthy stories to you on Facebook:
The rest of the world can do what Cuba did. But without universal, equitable, and accessible health care systems, it will be a slower process.
Cuba gets a lot of press for their health care system, which is generally great despite the country's economic disparities. This is yet another example.

When someone is pointing a gun at your head you will say whatever they want you to.
He was a man for his people, not just Batista's puppets. Free healthcare and an educational system that was one of the best in the world. What more should a leader do? A true socialist that could give 2 shits what the US tried to do to him and his country for over 60 years. I liked the guy. He had balls
First move to cuba then tell us how fkn great the place is you are lost! State of the Art bet

You are being manipulated by propaganda.

Don't worry, I'll save you:-)

Don't worry, I'll save you:-)

Did you know that there are no homosexuals in Iran? Their leader says it is true....

Amazing huh? Except that if you are caught being a homosexual in Iran they put you to death.

Guess what happens if a Cuban citizen complains about the healthcare...