Michigan Medical Marijuana Sites ?


Well-Known Member
I hope this question isn't against the site rules here ,

What are the Best sites to read & gather information regarding Medical Marijuana in Michigan . I Appreciate Roll-It-Up has a dedicated Michigan MM area with several contributing posters so I figured who better to ask than the Michigan people here .

So feel free to post your Favorite Michigan information Sites and the reasons why , Thanks in Advance .

Also Thanks Roll-It-Up for the Great Site you provide , A Class Act ,,,:clap:
michiganmedicalmarijuana.org is the biggest, afaik.
rollitup is the best site for MI pt's, the site mentioned above suspends and banns people who dont agree with every thing the admin say's, You are better off here, plus it dont seem to be alot of infighting in here, just some healthy disagreements at times!

michiganmedicalmarijuana.org is the biggest, afaik.
Yeah, the mmma is not a good place for info. You basically have one guy there that gets a pass to post what he wants. When he gets called out for bad info, he puts up a rhetorical hissy-fit and then his pal admin comes in and deletes valid info from other members. Look it's run by an attorney that has a huge motivation to keep things confusing. The best you get from the mmma is one asshat claiming that his personal experience serves as fact for the rest of society. But hey, you can pay a $365 membership fee for 20 minutes of phone time with the lawyer guy! You'll need him if you take advice from that forum!

If you do visit, I'd follow a fella calling himself t-pain. He actually spends time posting court cases, filed briefs, and information not based in opinion from some anonymous basement dweller. Good luck!
Yeah, the mmma is not a good place for info. You basically have one guy there that gets a pass to post what he wants. When he gets called out for bad info, he puts up a rhetorical hissy-fit and then his pal admin comes in and deletes valid info from other members. Look it's run by an attorney that has a huge motivation to keep things confusing. The best you get from the mmma is one asshat claiming that his personal experience serves as fact for the rest of society. But hey, you can pay a $365 membership fee for 20 minutes of phone time with the lawyer guy! You'll need him if you take advice from that forum!

If you do visit, I'd follow a fella calling himself t-pain. He actually spends time posting court cases, filed briefs, and information not based in opinion from some anonymous basement dweller. Good luck!
I agree and poor t-pain got demoted from mod status!

He is a good guy, I wish he would just come here and leave that place, let them wither away, zap and resto site, they can be butt buddy's all by them selves, they like to talk to them selves any how!

3MG was the best one by far before it went belly up. Lots of good people there that were very active there. Some of them are here but just don't post anymore.
Mmma does have relevant information to current issues, case laws and the latest information about the act, but sorting through the b/s kind of negates all that great info that many of us put there.
I miss TheGreenMitten.

Never cared much for that one.

That was an escape for MosCutty when got called out for acting like he brought all these cuts to Michigan by himself. Then he deleted all his stuff from the other sites and set up the mitten for the few people who liked him to stroke his taint.

That guy was the king of pollen chucking and just renaming shit. I read a bunch of his strains were herming on people too. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy :lol:
I tried to make it more active, recently even, over and over. still get the same messages.
I have a short attention span, almost ready to give up on that one.

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Fvck that bs of a site. If you post something they don't agree with, you gett ban. Bunch of wanna be cry babies.
I checked in there yesterday, I posted two post and zap said bye lol, I Think im permabanned now lol!
mal is over there talking to himself, resto is talking to himself and zap is liking them both lol! They can have each other!


they should have known better, thinking they could keep you around as their whoopin' boy.o_O
they gonna sizzle in their pizzle now with a new crop of unsuspecting patients.:spew:

they should have known better, thinking they could keep you around as their whoopin' boy.o_O
they gonna sizzle in their pizzle now with a new crop of unsuspecting patients.:spew:
I think the last couple of times I got suspended they thought I would just behave bawahahahahaha! I said what I wanted imediatly when I noticed the post buttons back lol!

This time he just said good bye or something, its funny you go look at that thread and some of the idiots quote me, my post gets deleted and so does half of theirs, its like their bitching about me but I didnt say anything lol!

I got record time banning this last time, I think I did two posts in a thread I started and before I could get the 3rd one up it said you dont have permission to post lol!

Im so happy that them types dont want me around, I dont want to be around them either so it works for me,,,,,if they let me back I will be saying what is on my mind not theirs lol! and im sure I wont last longer than 5 mins unless zap is online than I may not even get to post!

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Go phaq..lol..i seen that post you are refering too. Lol its even got to the point that ppl who are normally just browsers are quoting in how dead it is and wondering where everyone else went lol