What did you accomplish today?

Not much of an accomplishment but a story worth sharing .......I was dropping off some meds to a lil old lady about 45 minutes ago and she was in her wheel chair and loves to never stop talking .....her grandson also happend to be there and proceeded to tell me what an awesome grower he was blah blah blah blah blah .....at about the moment I was guna fake an emergency to leave .....I shit you guys not a fucking golf ball came in like a rocket smacks the grandson in the head bounces off the old woman's wheel chair and then into there car ......I couldn't believe the sound it made and how quickly he dropped to the ground .....it was great and very hard to hold a straight face ......yes they live across from a golf course and the guy who hit the ball was at least 150 yards away .......I then gave my condolences to the injured very annoying grandson and drove around the corner ....parked and proceeded to laugh my ass off .....good stuff I guess I accomplished a pretty good laugh in the end .......damn I wish it was filmed ......
Still have a quesy stomach today, so may not do much. Laying down on my couch watching red green show and realised this was a pinnacle of Canadian television.

If I am up to it I may make a raspberry jam. I am also trying to make my posts legible.
Enjoy your lazy day! I'm taking one too. Love the Red Green show.

Enjoy your lazy day! I'm taking one too. Love the Red Green show.

Thanks man. My friend from guyana just returned and saod he had a bottle of rum for me.

I am going to roll a backwood of some sour daddy for us to smoke as we have a few shots.

On the topic of the red green show I feel that was the last Canadian show to truly be liked by ourfriends south of the border as well.

We really did slip up on good programming which is a shame imo.

If I can find qhere I out my hash I will add some bubble of ghost og to the backwood.

Enjoy your day as well, you earned it I am sure.