Rooftop SE Asia

Coke isn't as bad as they say. Treat it like champagne. Meant for special occasions, and like, only half a gram in a night max, in small lines. You don't buy expensive shit that lasts 15-45 minutes a line to make it a habit.

Meth and other amphetamines (including MDMA) are more efficient and enjoyable, in my opinion. I would recommend avoiding heroin, fentanyl, and synthetic or semisynthetic opiates. Go with a natural constituent like small amounts of codeine or morphine, or better yet, pure opium.

Tried coke a couple times. Never did shit for me. Figured I'd leave it at that.

Fucking hate opiates- they make me feel sick, not good. I didn't even finish my scripts from my surgeries, weed just plain made me feel better.

Tried meth once, 30 years ago. Hated it so much I gave the rest back!

I haven't tried ecstacy or DMT, would like to in controlled circumstances. NOT at a fucking concert lol

I don't trust pills.

Guess I'm just a stick in the mud lol
Tried coke a couple times. Never did shit for me. Figured I'd leave it at that.

Fucking hate opiates- they make me feel sick, not good. I didn't even finish my scripts from my surgeries, weed just plain made me feel better.

Tried meth once, 30 years ago. Hated it so much I gave the rest back!

I haven't tried ecstacy or DMT, would like to in controlled circumstances. NOT at a fucking concert lol

I don't trust pills.

Guess I'm just a stick in the mud lol
Ayahuasca will make you not mind dying if you find yourself dying of lung cancer. It would definitely bring comfort to you.
Im pretty random and like i said i overdo everything and even now i still try n slow up but cant..ive excepted now im a bit different to my average mates but thats me...kinda like a hidden bipolar fuck lol
I used to do a lot of amphetamines, particularly. Started trying to avoided nightmares. I liked feeling like I could take on anything. I became pretty violent and aggressive, and spent 3 years staying up for 3-5 days at a time with a single day between dedicated to sleep.
Ive never minded the thought of dying though I also have never been faced with it in that way, but yes have heard many positive experiences from it. Just another tool to further open your eyes to yourself
Everyone should do a good dose at least once when you're ready. If you don't leave your body, you didn't take enough. You will realize how eternal your soul is. And that you are a facet of a God that loves and doesn't judge.
I used to do a lot of amphetamines, particularly. Started trying to avoided nightmares. I liked feeling like I could take on anything. I became pretty violent and aggressive, and spent 3 years staying up for 3-5 days at a time with a single day between dedicated to sleep.
I did that for a few years a few different times in my earlier years minus the violent part. I did have a pretty extreme don't give a fuck attitude which wasnt the normal me
Everyone should do a good dose at least once when you're ready. If you don't leave your body, you didn't take enough. You will realize how eternal your soul is. And that you are a facet of a God that loves and doesn't judge.
I left my body once after I drank some almost pure GHB after I was already drunk as shit, woke up in the ER with those fucking sticky deals on my chest, after the fact. Apparently my vitals were so slowed down, I was close enough to death. @ruby fruit I am the fucking master of overdo, another reason its only cannabis, mushys, wine, (and pussy).
I smoked the cancer sticks for about 15 years too, never knew why as I always hated the taste, nasty fucking shit. I gave those up 1/2 dozen years ago

Respect. I see people around here putting them down, only to get drawn back in again and again.

Save your lungs for the GOOD stuff! It's even fucking legal now, at least here...
I left my body once after I drank some almost pure GHB after I was already drunk as shit, woke up in the ER with those fucking sticky deals on my chest, after the fact. Apparently my vitals were so slowed down, I was close enough to death. @ruby fruit I am the fucking master of overdo, another reason its only cannabis, mushys, wine, (and pussy).
Yeah. It was probably because you saw through an NDE what Ayahuasca reveals to you. Except on Ayahuasca, you can come back in 1-3 human hours.
I smoked the cancer sticks for about 15 years too, never knew why as I always hated the taste, nasty fucking shit. I gave those up 1/2 dozen years ago
I used to chain smoke in the Army. I can't get through half a cigarette anymore. No clue why that is. I just get super dehydrated. I can smoke an ounce in a week and a half, no issue.