What did you accomplish today?

The gifts have started rolling in for letting everyone use my dumpsters all year while remodeling. Still have the last one here half full.
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Chopping up scrap wood today with battery sawzall, lent electric one out, batteries shot in 10 minutes, then wait 45 for recharge while banging one hitter.

My kind of Saturday.

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Fuck yeah!
At least they kicked down some good brewha's!
This is what my cheap ass neighbor got me for lending him a bobcat for a few hrs when I was renting one.
What a fucking cheap ass. Fucking yucky!!!
Uptown girls will let you right away. Just sayin

I have been seeing this new young chick almost every day since we met.

What is the social convention, do I imply I want to go out with her or from my perspective we are pretty ateady already.

I know she aint with no other fucbois from what she tells me and well my drugs keep her here although we met sober the firat time(shewas sober, till we went to thw alley)

I have kids with another woman that really only enxed because of her moving. I didnt even ask her out. I od one night and my friends daughter talked to her about me. .

I'd say I am falling dor this new one, but honestly am too jaded these days.
Gawd dillemas like these got my panties in a bunch

I have been seeing this new young chick almost every day since we met.

What is the social convention, do I imply I want to go out with her or from my perspective we are pretty ateady already.

I know she aint with no other fucbois from what she tells me and well my drugs keep her here although we met sober the firat time(shewas sober, till we went to thw alley)

I have kids with another woman that really only enxed because of her moving. I didnt even ask her out. I od one night and my friends daughter talked to her about me. .

I'd say I am falling dor this new one, but honestly am too jaded these days.
Gawd dillemas like these got my panties in a bunch
If I was you, i'd stop OD'ing and I would be hanging out with baby momma to be good with her so you can see your kid. I would most likely be at least trying to get some from the new chick also :-D
But only if I was you
When i moce ill upload some new picsof this dope i got.

5700 a zap compared to what I get. Totally better and said if it keepa this way hes my new connect. I dont grab small. Gripped a o earlier sold a few g and saod grab Nother half till I see what he about. Dudea a paranoid mofo but after a while we seemed chill. Kept making aure I wasnt a jackboy.

Smoking hard waiting on my lady to stroll through.

Getting a new hook was stramge. Being a boy my self I had a fewtroublesqhen helearned who I was.

Straight tho. When a man has better product I aint gunna beef. Let me know the prices and I can do it. Bit of a thing as my name fly arounda lot as a "dboy"

Honeat I am just doingme. Ill concede if your dope ia better juat make it worthselling. Aka 70nunder a brick i can do


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If I was you, i'd stop OD'ing and I would be hanging out with baby momma to be good with her so you can see your kid. I would most likely be at least trying to get some from the new chick also :-D
But only if I was you
My kids n the mama live a province away.

I support her finacially and see my kids qhen she comes back. Monday ia the next day.

I wanted to move qity her but I got xourtdrama. Ahe moved as her mom is dying.

I get lots from new chick ;) ahes probably 1/3 your age lol :)

I just sont know if i gotta ask ger out or if that implied. 8 aint used to makingrelationahips
My kids n the mama live a province away.

I support her finacially and see my kids qhen she comes back. Monday ia the next day.

I wanted to move qity her but I got xourtdrama. Ahe moved as her mom is dying.

I get lots from new chick ;) ahes probably 1/3 your age lol :)

I just sont know if i gotta ask ger out or if that implied. 8 aint used to makingrelationahips
Wait, she's 14yrs old? Lol
As for ods, I havent had one in a long time. I was worse duringthose days. I know my limit and rarely try new stuff.

The last batxh i got free had fent in jt. Im lucky i aniffed or id be dead. Never truat anyone
I have the same fricking fridge butthe model qithout the ice dospenser.

Hey my p.o wants me to so rehab again. You get done drunk drivingorwhat?

I have 59days left on house arrest. Then I am taking a large vacation(4weekz) probably to west coast of canada or mayve newfoundland or nova Scotia.

I canmot wait. I got medals but arethey thesame in thw u.s? Ill find one n try and pixtar it

Edit: you cloudblowing monateryou!
Yup. My stupid ass got another dui. It's a number one again. Here they last 10 yrs.
Dang bud.

I rarely drive veingin a large city, walkingworks or public trans.

Im currently serving a sentenxe oc house arreat for 7 months (6left, but 1 month is the equivalentof probation) then 12 montha probation.

My homie gothit qith a min 2.5 years. He hasnt even gone to pre lim atthe provincial level so the crown is asking more time.

I gave him fucking law firm and lawyer to use. Thw isiot chose someone elae. Whatever
Im poor.

This is my night for my darling n me. Anyone else wamna toke?

Thats close to 14g.

Crack if ypu aint know now you know


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