Trumps Tax Plan screws most Americans (except himself)


Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump's proposals would modestly cut income taxes for most middle-class Americans. But for nearly 8 million families — including a majority of single-parent households — the opposite would occur: They'd pay more.

Most married couples with three or more children would also pay higher taxes, an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found. And while middle-class families as a whole would receive tax cuts of about 2 percent, they'd be dwarfed by the windfalls averaging 13.5 percent for America's richest 1 percent.

Yet all independent analyses show most of the benefit flowing to the wealthiest Americans. Nearly half of Trump's tax cuts would go to the top 1 percent of earners, the Tax Policy Center found. Less than a quarter of the cuts would benefit the bottom 80 percent.

Trump proposes to reduce the number of tax brackets from seven to three, with rates of 12 percent, 25 percent and 33 percent. That would slash the top rate from the current 39.6 percent. He would repeal the estate tax, which affects only about 0.2 percent of estates — those worth above $5.45 million.

For middle-income earners as a whole, the Trump proposals would cut taxes, even taking into account the increases on single-parent families. Those earning nearly $50,000 to about $83,000 — the middle one-fifth — would receive an average cut of $1,010, according to the Tax Policy Center. That would lift their after-tax incomes 1.8 percent.

By contrast, the wealthiest 1 percent — those earning over $700,000 — would enjoy a tax cut averaging nearly $215,000, boosting their after-tax incomes 13.5 percent. And the richest 0.1 percent — those making above $3.7 million — would receive a bonanza: An average tax cut exceeding $1 million.

Way to go you dumb as fuck Trump supporters. Already your boy is screwing you, and I hope you are ready to be pissed on again by a Republican administration. LMFAO
Good... It will create jobs.... And all those people that get jobs will go from 0 to whatever they earn. That is the benefit. If the plan works good enough then so many jobs will be created that we will have a salary rise across the board due to supply and demand....

Make America GREAT Again!!!


Well-Known Member
Good... It will create jobs.... And all those people that get jobs will go from 0 to whatever they earn. That is the benefit. If the plan works good enough then so many jobs will be created that we will have a salary rise across the board due to supply and demand....

Make America GREAT Again!!!
LSD can be a great drug, or one of the worst because it can fuck with you brain, like irrevocably. You my friend are an example of the latter. You should have never tripped, because your brain is fucked.(you did eat acid, right?)


Well-Known Member
LSD can be a great drug, or one of the worst because it can fuck with you brain, like irrevocably. You my friend are an example of the latter. You should have never tripped, because your brain is fucked.(you did eat acid, right?)
How does a person go from poor to rich?


Well-Known Member
You people want a good laugh, read this one.
Earlier this week, Donald Trump launched a Christmas ornament modeled after the president-elect’s signature “Make America Great Again” hat.

Its cost? $149. The profit goes to a joint fundraising committee for Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee.

“Friend, I’ve got just the gift for you and every President-Elect Trump fan on your Christmas list,” Trump’s campaign wrote to supporters. “We’ve created a collectible Make America Great Again Christmas ornament in the shape of the classic red MAGA hat, finished with 14k gold.”

The message continued: “President-elect Trump loves Christmas and makes a point of proudly saying ‘Merry Christmas’ every chance he gets. This collectible ornament commemorates Trump’s commitment to the Christmas spirit and will be a great addition to your family’s tree this year.”
Unfortunately, that's no different than the prior President's "fund raising" efforts. Obama did it with golf balls and t-shirts. Bush did it with golf balls and dunce caps. Clinton did it with cigars.

The difference being that the prior mentioned Presidents charged reasonable prices, like $10 or $15. No doubt these way overpriced Chinese made ornaments cost no more than $3 to make, box and ship. And just as likely much of the proceeds will end up in Trump's pocket.


Well-Known Member
Good... It will create jobs.... And all those people that get jobs will go from 0 to whatever they earn. That is the benefit. If the plan works good enough then so many jobs will be created that we will have a salary rise across the board due to supply and demand....

Make America GREAT Again!!!
There has been literally ZERO evidence that reducing taxes on the wealthy and corporations has created job growth. Stop repeating unfounded bullshit, it makes you look stupid.


Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Donald Trump's proposals would modestly cut income taxes for most middle-class Americans. But for nearly 8 million families — including a majority of single-parent households — the opposite would occur: They'd pay more.

Most married couples with three or more children would also pay higher taxes, an analysis by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found. And while middle-class families as a whole would receive tax cuts of about 2 percent, they'd be dwarfed by the windfalls averaging 13.5 percent for America's richest 1 percent.

Yet all independent analyses show most of the benefit flowing to the wealthiest Americans. Nearly half of Trump's tax cuts would go to the top 1 percent of earners, the Tax Policy Center found. Less than a quarter of the cuts would benefit the bottom 80 percent.

Trump proposes to reduce the number of tax brackets from seven to three, with rates of 12 percent, 25 percent and 33 percent. That would slash the top rate from the current 39.6 percent. He would repeal the estate tax, which affects only about 0.2 percent of estates — those worth above $5.45 million.

For middle-income earners as a whole, the Trump proposals would cut taxes, even taking into account the increases on single-parent families. Those earning nearly $50,000 to about $83,000 — the middle one-fifth — would receive an average cut of $1,010, according to the Tax Policy Center. That would lift their after-tax incomes 1.8 percent.

By contrast, the wealthiest 1 percent — those earning over $700,000 — would enjoy a tax cut averaging nearly $215,000, boosting their after-tax incomes 13.5 percent. And the richest 0.1 percent — those making above $3.7 million — would receive a bonanza: An average tax cut exceeding $1 million.

Way to go you dumb as fuck Trump supporters. Already your boy is screwing you, and I hope you are ready to be pissed on again by a Republican administration. LMFAO
I'm a trump supporter and I'm all for what he's doing with taxes.. He's a business man, supporting other small and large business owners. Alot of people in the legal industry will be happy with what he's doing as long as he doesn't bring down the hammer on them (which the AG may) I'm not worried either way though.. kind of childish how all the democrats act towards the republicans. Id never go around calling democrats dumb as fuck and your about to get pissed on.. kind of ironic you say that though considering a lot of trump supporters probably are in the middle to upper class.. Apparently all those dumb fucks have something figured out you don't in order to reach that middle-upper class. I'm done here, all these childish, pointless arguments ARE dumb as fuck.


Well-Known Member
I'm a trump supporter and I'm all for what he's doing with taxes.. He's a business man, supporting other small and large business owners. Alot of people in the legal industry will be happy with what he's doing as long as he doesn't bring down the hammer on them (which the AG may) I'm not worried either way though.. kind of childish how all the democrats act towards the republicans. Id never go around calling democrats dumb as fuck and your about to get pissed on.. kind of ironic you say that though considering a lot of trump supporters probably are in the middle to upper class.. Apparently all those dumb fucks have something figured out you don't in order to reach that middle-upper class. I'm done here, all these childish, pointless arguments ARE dumb as fuck.
Bye bye


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, that's no different than the prior President's "fund raising" efforts. Obama did it with golf balls and t-shirts. Bush did it with golf balls and dunce caps. Clinton did it with cigars.

The difference being that the prior mentioned Presidents charged reasonable prices, like $10 or $15. No doubt these way overpriced Chinese made ornaments cost no more than $3 to make, box and ship. And just as likely much of the proceeds will end up in Trump's pocket.
Amazing. I am guessing that these are being made by Ivanka's fine jewelry friends. So the Trump campaign will pay an inflated rate going in, i.e. the Trump campaign would pay $99 each for them. This would leave about $90 (probably more like $70) pure profit before anybody has to reveal a damn thing. MAGA indeed.


Well-Known Member
There's no such thing as luck in this world. Luck is the very moment when preparation meets opportunity. The people who truly believe that its luck are the ones looking for an excuse, who will never go anywhere in this world.
Perhaps a more appropriate word would be, chance.


Well-Known Member
Amazing. I am guessing that these are being made by Ivanka's fine jewelry friends. So the Trump campaign will pay an inflated rate going in, i.e. the Trump campaign would pay $99 each for them. This would leave about $90 (probably more like $70) pure profit before anybody has to reveal a damn thing. MAGA indeed.
Thank god Drumpf is draining that swamp! Amirite!?


Well-Known Member
I'm a trump supporter and I'm all for what he's doing with taxes.. He's a business man, supporting other small and large business owners. Alot of people in the legal industry will be happy with what he's doing as long as he doesn't bring down the hammer on them (which the AG may) I'm not worried either way though.. kind of childish how all the democrats act towards the republicans. Id never go around calling democrats dumb as fuck and your about to get pissed on.. kind of ironic you say that though considering a lot of trump supporters probably are in the middle to upper class.. Apparently all those dumb fucks have something figured out you don't in order to reach that middle-upper class. I'm done here, all these childish, pointless arguments ARE dumb as fuck.
So you swoop in, same some dumb shit without backing any of it up, then accuse others of "pointless arguments" that "ARE dumb as fuck", yea, we totally take you seriously.


Well-Known Member
And now it is time for some Amazon reviews of the Make America Great Again Christmas Tree Ornament.

(Note: now that I see a close up... yeesh, what a piece of shit this thing is at any price. A flashy, tacky, garish piece of junk pretending to be classy. It will be popular.)

I didn't order this! So I tried to return it, but Amazon said I couldn't since it was a gift from an unlisted Russian address.

What's not mentioned is that this thing talks, or rather screams, a lot. It just bitches about everything, dividing our household even though things are going a lot better than 8 years ago when we finally got rid of a somewhat similar ornament. And we keep thinking that it will mellow, but it just seems to get more obnoxious. We bought a lot of ornaments this year, but we can't find the other ones. Our cat won't go near the tree, for some reason.

It insists on being at the top instead of our angel, but since it's so heavy, it just drags everything down.

At 3am one morning my wife and I thought there was an intruder in the house, but it turned out to be this thing yelling about one angel being too fat. It told me you have to treat all the reindeer like sh*t and that angels really can't be very angelic if they're flat-chested.

It can also move around. One day it walked into my 15-year-old daughter's room while she was getting dressed, saying he can do that since he owns the place (but I pay all the mortgage...he hasn't paid anything for 18 years!).

It made fun of Rudolf's disability.

Called the Santa ornament "a fat pig."

Claimed the heat given off by cheap Chinese-made lights wasn't real.

We've had it only since November 8th, but it feels like we've had it since July...of last year! We feel like we may never get rid of it or its attitude.

Despite ordering a more reasonable ornament, this one arrived. It. Is. Yuge. It's absolutely yuge. It's the biggest ornament. Yuge.
I hung it on my tree, but it is so yuge that it has totally unbalanced my whole tree. No matter where I hang it, the tree leans waaaaaay over to the far right.

Came with an entire crate of white hood ornaments. Great bargain! Downside: My tree is now on fire.

Perfect for your rotten tangerine. Its small size makes it easy for tiny hands to handle. Poorly made though, almost like it was made from substandard materials by severely underpaid employees in a dilapidated factory overseas. The gold started turning green almost immediately.

This ornament appeared on my tree, against my own choice, and now my tree is very aggressive towards my wife. There's empty breath mint containers around the floor near the tree, and I'm discouraging female friends and family to go anywhere near the tree.

Not safe if you have cats in the house.

I didn't actually order this but somehow it's on my tree anyway. I'm trying to make the best of it... at least that's what people are telling me to do. But I don't know. I'm trying, but there's suddenly swastikas painted on my other decorations, half of my presents are just dog s***, and the tree itself is on fire. But my conservative friends are telling me the fire is a good thing and I should just be united in celebrating what this ornament has to offer. They're also saying I need to leave the tree in my house for four to eight years. That doesn't sound right. Source?

This ornament keeps tweeting at 3 a.m., demanding apologies from the casts of various Broadway musicals. For what, I don't know. You'd think now that the Christmas season has officially arrived, the tree is up, and the stockings are hung, this ornament would finally get serious about being an ornament and doing the things an ornament ought to do--you know, stuff like hanging on the tree, looking merry and bright, and not destroying the Republic in its quest to satiate an unquenchable thirst for power. But no such luck. It just keeps tweeting and tweeting and tweeting. I'm not even sure how it manages to use a phone for such time-wasting endeavors, given how microscopic its teeny-tiny, wee little hands are.

Very strange. I'd like to return this, but I hear it will take an act of Congress to do so, and in any case, I'm not sure the backup ornament I'm stuck with is any better. It keeps trying to electrocute me.

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