Make Liberalism Great Again


i think there are more important things than you guys separating based on political views
Did you love everything about Clinton?

yep, especially her platform. ya know, the platform which was basically 100% adopted from bernie sanders. ya know, the guy whose "ideas" you supposedly love.

i guess that wasn't the case. you didn't love the ideas, you just liked bernie.

well too bad, he's just an old washed out loser pimping his book tour now. go buy his book.
immigration is such a big deal right?

hey, i have a thousand bucks just sitting here, it should pay for a plane ticket over to the middle east. heck, i'll even throw in a few hundred extra so you can take a bus to the front lines and go fight ISIS.

all i ask in return for the money is a postcard of you on the front lines fighting ISIS.

do we have a deal, or are you some kind of total pussy?
yep, especially her platform. ya know, the platform which was basically 100% adopted from bernie sanders. ya know, the guy whose "ideas" you supposedly love.

Bullshit. Bernie's whole message was getting corporate America out of the pockets of our elected leaders. Hillary was busy courting wall st bankers the entire election. She's the antithesis of Bernie's message, and people rightly rejected her because of it.
hey, i have a thousand bucks just sitting here, it should pay for a plane ticket over to the middle east. heck, i'll even throw in a few hundred extra so you can take a bus to the front lines and go fight ISIS.

all i ask in return for the money is a postcard of you on the front lines fighting ISIS.

do we have a deal, or are you some kind of total pussy?
you sound a lot like a politician. "ill give you american currency to fight for your life" what an idiot
Bullshit. Bernie's whole message was getting corporate America out of the pockets of our elected leaders. Hillary was busy courting wall st bankers the entire election. She's the antithesis of Bernie's message, and people rightly rejected her because of it.

demonstrably untrue.

and here i was thinking that "post truth" only applied to deluded right wingers.

well, i have some good news for ya. your hillary derangement syndrome has been cured. the bad news? the cure is a trump administration.

enjoy your medicine, crybaby! at least your fragile white feelings are safe now.
hmm no im suggesting you reconsider fighting within the states and focusing on the common enemy of your country. fueling civil war is not intelligent at this time.
and im not trying to call you out @UncleBuck so i apologize. i simply have a problem with the way americans are separating based on the political agenda of this nations leaders
To reiterate, I don't think there's anything wrong with calling actual racism what it is. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the people that make up a small segment of the extreme left using racism or sexism or whatever to silence free speech. Instead of saying "You have a right to say that, this is why I think you're wrong", they say "You don't have a right to say that". That distinction is important.
You realize people on the right have tried to damp down racist speech by David Duke without much effect. Nobody is censoring them. Are you also saying that somehow we should censor this small segment of the extreme left?

Are you just voicing disapproval? Probably as ineffective as people on the right voicing disapproval of David Duke and Trump's rhetoric.

I disagree that this is the reason why the Rust Belt states went to Trump. This article covers a much larger issue than the hurt feelings of a few racists.

Semi-retired Wisconsin pig farmer John Lader does not think much of Donald Trump as a messenger, but voted for what he described as the Republican president-elect's message of change and economic hope for America.

"The last few years, there hasn't been much optimism and hope among working people in rural areas in this country," said Lader, 65, who lives in the farmland outside the southern Wisconsin city of Janesville.

Around 65 miles (105 km) to the northeast in the state's biggest city of Milwaukee, Jose Boni, who cleans offices at a local university and rents out several homes, heard a different message: Trump's plan to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border and vow to deport the estimated 11 million immigrants who are in the United States illegally, most of whom are Hispanic.

"He doesn't care about our community or working people, he only cares about himself," said Boni, 57, an Ecuador-born U.S. citizen.

The different worlds of Lader and Boni help illustrate the rural-urban divide that was critical to the outcome of Tuesday's U.S. presidential election.
soo we should keep arguing until the radicals get mad and go attack people? then arrest them? i mean yea that'd get something accomplished in the end but at the expense of a few hurt or killed innocent.
soo we should keep arguing until the radicals get mad and go attack people? then arrest them? i mean yea that'd get something accomplished in the end but at the expense of a few hurt or killed innocent.

so if you don't go fight ISIS, despite my generous offer to pay your way, then who will?

you're just lazy and want other people to go fight ISIS?

Acknowledge it, point out that its wrong and that you don't condone it, and stay on message. Stooping to that level and hurling insults back doesn't work. Michele Obama recognized that.

I really think racism is getting more play in this election than it deserves. Trump did not win because he channelled the inner-racism from millions of folks. People voted for him IN SPITE of the rhetoric. Hillary Clinton was not the right candidate. A lot of people voted against Hillary, not for Trump.

Of course there are racist people in America. Of course they're going to vote for Trump. Those people didnt decide the election though. To suggest that everyone who voted for Trump did so because they're racist is ridiculous. Did you love everything about Clinton, or did you vote for her in spite of her shortcomings in order to keep Trump out of office? Why is it so hard for people to understand that this is true for a lot of Trump voters too?
I think you are agreeing with me that truly racist speech is open to criticism. It seems to me that any criticism will be deemed an offense by the recipient but I agree that angry name calling will only alienate those around the offensive speech maker rather than inform them.

That said, what about Trump's hateful speeches about Muslims and Hispanics? Hate crimes increased dramatically during the election cycle. If I'm right in believing that Trump's speeches contributed to this increase then what is the correct response to his repeating them? Is it wrong to point out that his words matter and that leaders have a special responsibility to mind what they say? Was it wrong for people to protest his speeches? Recognizing that those protests angered Trump's supporters I still think the protests were appropriate. What would you suggest?