Make Liberalism Great Again

& what, financial issues can't affect social issues?

You got your ass handed to you because the Democratic Party failed to win over working class Americans. Every other minority group voted democratic.
OMG. You trying to desperately make a point, but only making yourself look foolish. Financial and social issues can go hand and hand. Stop acting like Sky, before you get vetted.
I got my ass handed to me ??? by whom ? Are you not the one who wanted so bad to see an increase in minimum wage. Not about to get what you want are you. How important was that for you really ?
Well, would you rather have a progressive candidate do what it takes to win and then have the ability to effect change while in office, or would you rather have a candidate run on social issues and lose to someone like Trump?
Bernie was about social issues, so what are you saying.
Bernie babies can really get dumb on you
How's it accepting bigotry and racism when I'm the one who want's to have an open and free discussion about it and you're the one who want's to just shut everybody up and get them fired from their job for sharing a different opinion?


you poor thing.

i know you are just a low-to-minimum wage retail worker, so basically unskilled and hopeless in all ways, but imagine by some fluke that you end up owning a business. we'll call it "Curtis' Car Dealership".

now imagine you hire a guy, and he goes online and publicly states that he works for you. and on that same account, he also says you need to look at how a woman's clit was cut off to find out what kind of muslim they are.

would you be angry or grateful if someone simply brought it to your attention? would you keep the guy on, or fire him?

you seem to want to normalize immoral racism as simply "a difference of opinion".

"chocolate is delicious" is an opinion. "your skin color makes you worthy of derision" is not.

so brave.

profiles in white courage here, folks.

I'm not trying to brave or courageous here buckles, that'd be your crew. I'm simply pointing out that the more you stomp your feet and accuse everyone of racism the more people you turn off. I'm as liberal as they come and I'm sick of listening to it. It's a losing strategy. You lost to a reality TV star.
When you make comments like "100% of the people that voted for Trump are racists". That's a good example of shutting down a conversation and alienating swing voters who might otherwise be compelled to vote for the Dem candidate.

but how is it a false statement?

trump ran an openly racist campaign. he ended his campaign complaining about somali immigrants and calling elizabeth warren "pocahontas".

if you voted for that, you are a racist, or OK with racism. being OK with racism makes you a racist too.

you say you are sick of talking about racism, too bad. boo hoo. racism is here, real, and needs to be addressed and condemned whenever it rears its ugly, immoral, violence promoting head.

you know what i, on the other hand, am sick of? "post truth".

so either disprove my statement or just whine to one of your fellow white people. go vote for trump for all i care. we don't need racists or racist apologists in our party. we'll do just fine without you.
I'm not trying to brave or courageous here buckles, that'd be your crew. I'm simply pointing out that the more you stomp your feet and accuse everyone of racism the more people you turn off. I'm as liberal as they come and I'm sick of listening to it. It's a losing strategy. You lost to a reality TV star.
The whole country lost idiot
Lets put it this way, not all Trump supporters are racist, but all racists are Trump supporters.

And its turning out thousands of Trump's supporters in some places don't even exist...

funny how 5,000 votes for trump, or 20% of his margin in wisconsin, just vanished.

wooooooops, sorry about that folks. nothing to see here. not even reported on.

suppose hilalry won by similarly small margins in three states, lost the popular vote by millions, and suddenly had votes start to vanish.

it would be all we'd be talking about here and on the news for at least three weeks.
Where else will go after Trump breaks his promise of a great america for everyone, while lining the pockets of the 1%

Well you've already written them off so what do you care?

Ohhhhhh, you mean you actually might need them?

Then start listening to their concerns and address those you can.
but how is it a false statement?

trump ran an openly racist campaign. he ended his campaign complaining about somali immigrants and calling elizabeth warren "pocahontas".

if you voted for that, you are a racist, or OK with racism. being OK with racism makes you a racist too.

you say you are sick of talking about racism, too bad. boo hoo. racism is here, real, and needs to be addressed and condemned whenever it rears its ugly, immoral, violence promoting head.

you know what i, on the other hand, am sick of? "post truth".

so either disprove my statement or just whine to one of your fellow white people. go vote for trump for all i care. we don't need racists or racist apologists in our party. we'll do just fine without you.

No you won't. You'll end up losing to the next Chump.