Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)

Bookmarked.. I have to read this bullshit at a better time. "Fuck the police" is like saying "fuck the laws they enforce." Which is basically like saying "fuck the rest of you and your laws, I do what the fuck I want."

Think about it OP, you and other assholes like you.. your mentality is the problem. Get a job, obey basic laws which are there to protect the innocent, respect fellow citizens, how fucking hard is that?? Want to enjoy cannabis? Do it peacefully. How fucking hard is that?

I'm not a cop, I'm not a racist, I'm not a biggot, so don't even try it civil rights crybabies. So disillusioned.. this shit disgusts me.

What ever. I'm for cops enforcing laws of morality like stealing, rape, murder, etc.

I'm not for cops enforcing other bullshit laws. If there is no victim, there is no crime.

Furthermore, we as citizens have rights that cops trample on. Like the video Tyler just posted. That cop had no right to bother that guy. How is a cop supposed to enforce law if he doesn't even have a grasp on basic law?

Now go on and suck some more cop dick. They are public servants and should act as such.

You saying you are not a cop leads me to believe you are a cop.
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I know a young white southern baptist family, father in the county sheriff's dept. He responded to a domestic violence call which escalated to a child abuse/neglect case. A young African American boy was on his way to foster care. This father of a young girl fought a difficult battle to adopt the young boy. He's now a loved member of an amazing family.

I challenge you.. for every example of police brutality you cite, also cite a case where a life was saved, or changed for the better. They're out there folks, every day, in every state. Think about it, think about how many lives have been turned around through intervention. You may HATE the idea of it, but law enforcement intervention is often the catalyst to someone changing for the better. Unfortunately we can reach rock bottom, a point where even family can't help. To every disillusioned chap who cites an example of being arrested, or knowing someone that was arrested, take two minutes to find a story where a life was changed as a result of law enforcement intervention. Sometimes, we're too full of pride to save ourselves from ourselves. Who helps, family? Who helps when they fail?

Regarding use of force, I pose this.. it's cause and effect. You chaps who feel your civil rights are being violated are more vocal and more dangerous anyone previous. You think it's okay threaten and kill cops. How is one to respond? How does any force respond an opposing force? Use less force? Use more force? We have two choices.. disarm or arm. Who's fault is it if the latter is chosen? Our country's? Our local government? Our local law enforcement? I say it's yours, people carrying this torch. You and the assholes actually out there showing their asses to cops. YOU are the problem.

This last point will sting and I'm sorry, but it needs to be said. African Americans.. think about your culture. Think about your households. Think about what is common belief among a growing number of your group, that you should fear and hate law enforcement. Teachers, parents, aunts, uncles, sisters and brothers all okay in communicating to their own that police are to be feared and hated. Look at every other ethnicity that comprises the US population; do you see any other ethnicity doing this? Let's keep the challenges Hispanics are having out of this; admittedly there's work to do there. Do you see whites, Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, or any other ethnicity doing this? Okay with saying fuck the police? I'm talking as a larger percentage; we all have bad apples.

To this I say, it takes one side starting somewhere. You're waging war when you could be enjoying whatever it is you enjoy while having a basic respect for people. I love speed, know how many times basic respect has gotten me out of a ticket? It's not my skin color, trust me.

If there were a highly respected African American, someone of a Martin Luther King caliber to rise up and plea for change, saying that African Americans should take the first step, could you? Could you teach your children that the police are there for good reason? Imagine the possibilities. Imagine what could happen if all of a sudden, cops nationwide didn't have to fear for their lives, if they knew that no certain ethnicity had the propensity to respond violently against them vs. the next.

Again back to my point, how does one respond? Disarm? Arm? Be less cautious? Be more cautious?

Trust. Respect. When that shit flows both ways, anything is possible. This can end one of two ways. More violence or less. Blaming another is way too easy. I challenge an entire ethnicity to bring about change. We all need to take care of our own. I challenge you to find a Hindu in your state who's committed a violent crime. Google away. I say this in hopes only to demonstrate the power of what happens when an ethnicity takes care of their own. If African Americans want to be perceived as peaceful and non-threatening, you all need to initiate the change. You can't kill people and demand equal rights. It's your fault the perception is "on the whole." You have not taken care of your own. You let your brothers and sons commit violence. Yes, it's your fault.
I know a young white southern baptist family, father in the county sheriff's dept. He responded to a domestic violence call which escalated to a child abuse/neglect case. A young African American boy was on his way to foster care. This father of a young girl fought a difficult battle to adopt the young boy. He's now a loved member of an amazing family.

I challenge you.. for every example of police brutality you cite, also cite a case where a life was saved, or changed for the better. They're out there folks, every day, in every state. Think about it, think about how many lives have been turned around through intervention. You may HATE the idea of it, but law enforcement intervention is often the catalyst to someone changing for the better. Unfortunately we can reach rock bottom, a point where even family can't help. To every disillusioned chap who cites an example of being arrested, or knowing someone that was arrested, take two minutes to find a story where a life was changed as a result of law enforcement intervention. Sometimes, we're too full of pride to save ourselves from ourselves. Who helps, family? Who helps when they fail?

Regarding use of force, I pose this.. it's cause and effect. You chaps who feel your civil rights are being violated are more vocal and more dangerous anyone previous. You think it's okay threaten and kill cops. How is one to respond? How does any force respond an opposing force? Use less force? Use more force? We have two choices.. disarm or arm. Who's fault is it if the latter is chosen? Our country's? Our local government? Our local law enforcement? I say it's yours, people carrying this torch. You and the assholes actually out there showing their asses to cops. YOU are the problem.

This last point will sting and I'm sorry, but it needs to be said. African Americans.. think about your culture. Think about your households. Think about what is common belief among a growing number of your group, that you should fear and hate law enforcement. Teachers, parents, aunts, uncles, sisters and brothers all okay in communicating to their own that police are to be feared and hated. Look at every other ethnicity that comprises the US population; do you see any other ethnicity doing this? Let's keep the challenges Hispanics are having out of this; admittedly there's work to do there. Do you see whites, Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, or any other ethnicity doing this? Okay with saying fuck the police? I'm talking as a larger percentage; we all have bad apples.

To this I say, it takes one side starting somewhere. You're waging war when you could be enjoying whatever it is you enjoy while having a basic respect for people. I love speed, know how many times basic respect has gotten me out of a ticket? It's not my skin color, trust me.

If there were a highly respected African American, someone of a Martin Luther King caliber to rise up and plea for change, saying that African Americans should take the first step, could you? Could you teach your children that the police are there for good reason? Imagine the possibilities. Imagine what could happen if all of a sudden, cops nationwide didn't have to fear for their lives, if they knew that no certain ethnicity had the propensity to respond violently against them vs. the next.

Again back to my point, how does one respond? Disarm? Arm? Be less cautious? Be more cautious?

Trust. Respect. When that shit flows both ways, anything is possible. This can end one of two ways. More violence or less. Blaming another is way too easy. I challenge an entire ethnicity to bring about change. We all need to take care of our own. I challenge you to find a Hindu in your state who's committed a violent crime. Google away. I say this in hopes only to demonstrate the power of what happens when an ethnicity takes care of their own. If African Americans want to be perceived as peaceful and non-threatening, you all need to initiate the change. You can't kill people and demand equal rights. It's your fault the perception is "on the whole." You have not taken care of your own. You let your brothers and sons commit violence. Yes, it's your fault.
Sorry. I couldn't understand a word you just said with the cop pecker in your mouth.
It is not as simple as that.

I'm not an idiot. I am a military vet that had a secret clearance and a job that required intelligence. I also have a college degree.

How do you support cops that lie for a living and break laws along with violating civil rights?

Oh and so you know, the white on white crime rate is nearly identical to black on black crime.

Now when cops quit using military equipment and swat teams to serve non violent warrants and quit violating civil rights then I will show them some respect.

Cops are not needed for law an order. Actually cops rarely stop a crime from happening. Thier numbers for actually solving crimes like murder and rape are quit low because they are so worried about the bullshit war on drugs and seizing peoples assets to line thier pockets.

Wake up and pull your head out of your ass.
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Germany has a famously authoritarian culture.

You bring up bigger cultural differences imo. Those do not translate well across national borders.

Germany has LAWS AGAINST NAZISIM. America has no laws against white supremacists. Germany had an authoritarian phase and has moved on, it's legal strictures reflect this clearly. Your guesses about German culture are only 75 years out of date.
I know a young white southern baptist family, father in the county sheriff's dept. He responded to a domestic violence call which escalated to a child abuse/neglect case. A young African American boy was on his way to foster care. This father of a young girl fought a difficult battle to adopt the young boy. He's now a loved member of an amazing family.

I challenge you.. for every example of police brutality you cite, also cite a case where a life was saved, or changed for the better. They're out there folks, every day, in every state. Think about it, think about how many lives have been turned around through intervention. You may HATE the idea of it, but law enforcement intervention is often the catalyst to someone changing for the better. Unfortunately we can reach rock bottom, a point where even family can't help. To every disillusioned chap who cites an example of being arrested, or knowing someone that was arrested, take two minutes to find a story where a life was changed as a result of law enforcement intervention. Sometimes, we're too full of pride to save ourselves from ourselves. Who helps, family? Who helps when they fail?

Regarding use of force, I pose this.. it's cause and effect. You chaps who feel your civil rights are being violated are more vocal and more dangerous anyone previous. You think it's okay threaten and kill cops. How is one to respond? How does any force respond an opposing force? Use less force? Use more force? We have two choices.. disarm or arm. Who's fault is it if the latter is chosen? Our country's? Our local government? Our local law enforcement? I say it's yours, people carrying this torch. You and the assholes actually out there showing their asses to cops. YOU are the problem.

This last point will sting and I'm sorry, but it needs to be said. African Americans.. think about your culture. Think about your households. Think about what is common belief among a growing number of your group, that you should fear and hate law enforcement. Teachers, parents, aunts, uncles, sisters and brothers all okay in communicating to their own that police are to be feared and hated. Look at every other ethnicity that comprises the US population; do you see any other ethnicity doing this? Let's keep the challenges Hispanics are having out of this; admittedly there's work to do there. Do you see whites, Asians, Hispanics, Native Americans, or any other ethnicity doing this? Okay with saying fuck the police? I'm talking as a larger percentage; we all have bad apples.

To this I say, it takes one side starting somewhere. You're waging war when you could be enjoying whatever it is you enjoy while having a basic respect for people. I love speed, know how many times basic respect has gotten me out of a ticket? It's not my skin color, trust me.

If there were a highly respected African American, someone of a Martin Luther King caliber to rise up and plea for change, saying that African Americans should take the first step, could you? Could you teach your children that the police are there for good reason? Imagine the possibilities. Imagine what could happen if all of a sudden, cops nationwide didn't have to fear for their lives, if they knew that no certain ethnicity had the propensity to respond violently against them vs. the next.

Again back to my point, how does one respond? Disarm? Arm? Be less cautious? Be more cautious?

Trust. Respect. When that shit flows both ways, anything is possible. This can end one of two ways. More violence or less. Blaming another is way too easy. I challenge an entire ethnicity to bring about change. We all need to take care of our own. I challenge you to find a Hindu in your state who's committed a violent crime. Google away. I say this in hopes only to demonstrate the power of what happens when an ethnicity takes care of their own. If African Americans want to be perceived as peaceful and non-threatening, you all need to initiate the change. You can't kill people and demand equal rights. It's your fault the perception is "on the whole." You have not taken care of your own. You let your brothers and sons commit violence. Yes, it's your fault.

You seem flustered.
It is not as simple as that.

I'm not an idiot. I am a military vet that had a secret clearance and a job that required intelligence. I also have a college degree.

How do you support cops that lie for a living and break laws along with violating civil rights?

Oh and so you know, the white on white crime rate is nearly identical to black on black crime.

Now when cops quit using military equipment and swat teams to serve non violent warrants and quit violating civil rights then I will show them some respect.

Cops are not needed for law an order. Actually cops rarely stop a crime from happening. Thier numbers for actually solving crimes like murder and rape are quit low because they are so worried about the bullshit war on drugs and seizing peoples assets to line thier pockets.

Wake up and pull your head out of your ass.

It is not as simple as that.

I'm not an idiot. I am a military vet that had a secret clearance and a job that required intelligence. I also have a college degree.

I'd not normally call someone an idiot, but you pissed me off.. there is no penis in my mouth. And I posses ALL the same my friend.

Sorry if this offends, but I have to classify you as a liberal. I previously didn't understand or really care what it meant to be liberal. But getting involved in this debate has taught me a lot. Liberals don't listen to reason. You attack and insult, rather than concede when it's blindingly obvious you should.

Hell yes I support cops. That doesn't make me a cop or a cocksucker. Where is your logic? Feel free to take on any of my mentioned challenges..
I'd not normally call someone an idiot, but you pissed me off.. there is no penis in my mouth. And I posses ALL the same my friend.

Sorry if this offends, but I have to classify you as a liberal. I previously didn't understand or really care what it meant to be liberal. But getting involved in this debate has taught me a lot. Liberals don't listen to reason. You attack and insult, rather than concede when it's blindingly obvious you should.

Hell yes I support cops. That doesn't make me a cop or a cocksucker. Where is your logic? Feel free to take on any of my mentioned challenges..

We've been saying it for pages now. Your willingness to allow police to abuse our civil rights with impunity, your acceptance of the principles of race based policing all point to you being part of the problem, not the solution.

Get knee pads.
You know, I respect your contributions on growing topics ttystikk. I'm kinda surprised to see you supporting this nonsense.

I'm not surprised you refuse to understand my position. I'm just fighting for civil rights. EVERYONE'S, not just for white people, you racist.
We've been saying it for pages now. Your willingness to allow police to abuse our civil rights with impunity, your acceptance of the principles of race based policing all point to you being part of the problem, not the solution.

Get knee pads.

Fucking civil rights. When does it stop for Christ sake? Amazing.

I know someone else who might be a liberal.. ;)
You know, I respect your contributions on growing topics ttystikk. I'm kinda surprised to see you supporting this nonsense.
It's not nonsense. As another veteran, one of the Afghanistan Campaign and medically retired former infantryman, I'm pretty sure I know what selfless service looks like. The oppressive agenda of municipal and state police ain't it. I hope you get popped for some stupid, illegitimate bullshit someday. You will find out most ricky fucking tick what we are all trying to help you understand.
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Here's my cop story for the day.
I got a ticket going to work one day. I beat a stop sign. Fair enough. I got caught. Doesn't happen a lot but I do sometimes get caught. Its not like I beat a lot of stop signs but that's a different story. So I pull over and give Officer so and so my documents and wait for the damages.
I don't even care about the $100 fine. Its the bs that comes along with it. But yeah, so my out of state license is suspended. I forgot about that little detail. I knew it was gonna be a headache if I got convicted so I filed for a hearing.

Couple months later I'm in a small court in Nogales, AZ. Its completely empty. I could hear a pin drop.
Cop arrives. Yeah that's him I think. Hispanic, good looking, about 33. So its just me n him in the place and I start chatting him up. Might as well. The silence was uncomfortable. Small talk mostly. I got around to telling him that if the judge found me guilty my out of state license which was already suspended would be hit for another three years.

Well, judge comes in, blah blah I'm fucked. Nothing she could do she says. Cute, hispanic grandma she was. I loved the lace collar she wore. I liked her immediately. Anyway in the middle of thinking about how much my butt hurt from the how fucked I am the cop says "your honor is there anything I could do to make it so Mr. Dannyboy's license doesn't get suspended for another three years?"
All you have to do is withdrawal the charge she says.

I was quite happy that day. I do have other cop stories where the cop was a complete fucking asshole and it cost me a fucking fortune. But that's for another day.
It stops when it's actually achieved.

It never will, when one side persists in feeling it's best to offended about something. I mean seriously, when are certain people satisfied? Remove our skins, there will be a percentage of people not happy about something. Some of you just have to have it that way.

Unbiased critical thinking comes when you embrace logic over emotion; which means give it a rest for God's sake.

ChillOk, see what happens..
It never will, when one side persists in feeling it's best to offended about something. I mean seriously, when are certain people satisfied? Remove our skins, there will be a percentage of people not happy about something. Some of you just have to have it that way.

Unbiased critical thinking comes when you embrace logic over emotion; which means give it a rest for God's sake.

ChillOk, see what happens..
It won't be achieved as long as ignorant people like yourself still breathe.

You are preaching ignorance, the opposite of logic.