Sigh, there is really no such thing as a cheap or affordable
quality "multi" meter pen..
I love Hanna
BUT, can not bring myself to suggest their multi-meter pens! The probes are fussy and costly to replace if you don't keep them stored in proper storage solution.....They tend to shift out of calibration and calibrating all the time is annoying at least.
I LOVE their lab quality equipment and would not settle for anything else but....Their field meters for soil, at serious big bucks are the best....
I have never been a fan of Bluelab, many are, but I've had nothing but short term quality from them..The greenhouse's and Medical plant farms I've run, would not allow Bluelabs (I never asked why but, it has been a influence!)
So then.....For the small scale gardener. The best thing I have found that works all the time. Is
extremely tolerant of probes drying out (Hanna and Bluelabs are NOT) from "I forgot" or even as stored for a
year and then rehydrated briefly......THIS pen is BOSS! Easy to use. Auto temp, auto adjust in 2-3 easy button touch's and this
pen has held calibration longer then
any I have
ever used!
This is still the makers brand and they used to be in the 28 dollar range until Sunleaves bought out the major production amounts produced yearly....The "Sunleaves" labeled ones are $10 higher in price!
I can not say how much I like this pH pen! WAY worth the price and I will never switch away!
Do you really need a TDS meter? If so simply buy that 2 tone brown and tan one that's on every hydro stores shelves at the lowest fine for years and years!
This is the one in Blue and black -
I find that avoiding the combo meters is far less costly to start and for sure down the road!