Make Liberalism Great Again

Yes the DNC did so after one of Bernie's people exploited a known bug to allow him to access files that he should not have. It was a complete overreaction on the part of the DNC but was triggered by an intrusion by Bernie's campaign staff. It was an ugly scene but not an example of campaign manipulation.


actually, what REALLY happened was:

  1. Bug was found and reported by Sanders campaign to DWS a FULL 6-months PRIOR..apparently she couldn't be bothered as DNC chair to fix.
  2. File access went BOTH ways..didn't know THAT now did ya?:wink:
  3. Schuylaar is in possession of an EM from Hillary campaign with personal information that only Sanders campaign had..imagine THAT!
  4. Sanders IT staffer was subsequently fired for leaving trail on purpose. On purpose to get the DNC to take notice and fix.
  5. Clinton campaign knew too, just never reported..wonder why?
and since i know you like links so much:

actually, what REALLY happened was:

  1. Bug was found and reported by Sanders campaign to DWS a FULL 6-months PRIOR..apparently she couldn't be bothered as DNC chair to fix.
  2. File access went BOTH ways..didn't know THAT now did ya?:wink:
  3. Schuylaar is in possession of an EM from Hillary campaign with personal information that only Sanders campaign had..imagine THAT!
  4. Sanders IT staffer was subsequently fired for leaving trail on purpose. On purpose to get the DNC to take notice and fix.
  5. Clinton campaign knew too, just never reported..wonder why?
and since i know you like links so much:
laughable. You are still bent about this?

I already knew the facts reported in that article. Was aware of the notice Sanders gave. Bernie's guy did take information that he should not have. It was a transgression on Bernie's side, but really a tempest in a teapot.

Clinton is so last month.
Bernie, I hope he's able to run in 2020. That would be a campaign of the aged. Two 74 year old men slugging it out with bathroom breaks.
laughable. You are still bent about this?

I already knew the facts reported in that article. Was aware of the notice Sanders gave. Bernie's guy did take information that he should not have. It was a transgression on Bernie's side, but really a tempest in a teapot.

Clinton is so last month.
Bernie, I hope he's able to run in 2020. That would be a campaign of the aged. Two 74 year old men slugging it out with bathroom breaks.

Bernie was born in 1941. Surely you knew that. 79 in 2020.

Hey, I like the guy, but come on already.
I also think you should google exactly what are FEDERAL TAXES before you bet.
are you taking the bet ?

Before I take it. Clarification and agreement. If you think I will be limited to what is codified as a "federal tax" by the same government that codifies marijuana as "having no medicinal use" then you are just off base.

Its a double edged sword. Would you sit here and point to the CFR and say cannabis has no med use? You would not.
jhonnybravosc commented on a video 4 years ago
Here's my point: Fuck all of yall, black and white and brown who feel you are entitled to what is mine. I don't owe anyone anything. Fuck my skin color and yours and the Presidents. I saved my money while most of you bought new stuff. I grow my food while most of yall go out to eat on credit. I put 30% down on my home while a lot of yall forced my tax money to guarantee loans to people of no account and speculators. I gross 30k and net 20k but don't qualify for ANYTHING. Screw all yall:p

just going by your own words here, but if you net $20k a year for a family of three, you are below the poverty line, pay no net taxes, get more back than you paid in via the EITC, and qualify for virtually every welfare program available.

so there's that.
Popular vote margin exceeded 2,000,000 today.

Only in America. Literally.

So, votes count LESS in certain areas of the country, MORE in others but that's the 18th century idea of 'fair'?

Maybe Trump was right, it is rigged. Reminds me of gerrymandering, in an 18th century sort of way. Nobody should ever have to say, 'my vote doesn't count' because they live in Texas or California, both of which weren't even a part of the United States in the 18th century.
Before I take it. Clarification and agreement. If you think I will be limited to what is codified as a "federal tax" by the same government that codifies marijuana as "having no medicinal use" then you are just off base.

Its a double edged sword. Would you sit here and point to the CFR and say cannabis has no med use? You would not.
I would never agree to this.

Every American adult Citizen pays some form of federal tax. I could do that.

Also, you want to bet siggy's and mine is blank. I want you to be mentally competent for this.
What definition can we agree upon as a Federal Tax with link. This should be easy , you are making it rather hard.
You bullshit with iPhone tax like everyone has an iPhone geezz.
How about not every adult pays a federal income tax. You don't pay a federal income tax. Don't you qualify for EIC
What definition can we agree upon as a Federal Tax with link. This should be easy , you are making it rather hard.
You bullshit with iPhone tax like everyone has an iPhone geezz.
How about not every adult pays a federal income tax. You don't pay a federal income tax. Don't you qualify for EIC

( are entering into a 'bet' with an 8th grade dropout white supremacist that's spent most of his life on some form of state you really think he even knows what it is to pay taxes? ;))

sleepy hollow red cratesjpg.jpg
Popular vote margin exceeded 2,000,000 today.

Only in America. Literally.

So, votes count LESS in certain areas of the country, MORE in others but that's the 18th century idea of 'fair'?

Maybe Trump was right, it is rigged. Reminds me of gerrymandering, in an 18th century sort of way. Nobody should ever have to say, 'my vote doesn't count' because they live in Texas or California, both of which weren't even a part of the United States in the 18th century.

What are the top 3 countries that "do it better" in your opinion?
What definition can we agree upon as a Federal Tax with link. This should be easy , you are making it rather hard.
You bullshit with iPhone tax like everyone has an iPhone geezz.
How about not every adult pays a federal income tax. You don't pay a federal income tax. Don't you qualify for EIC

I pay income tax. Don't qualify for EITC. The iphone was an example of an import tax. Who has any phone that isn't imported? It's applicable to anything imported. Your car or your tighty whities.

In the free world we are free to define. No link needed.

Federal Tax - a monetary payment caused directly or indirectly by the Federal Government.
I pay income tax. Don't qualify for EITC. The iphone was an example of an import tax. Who has any phone that isn't imported? It's applicable to anything imported. Your car or your tighty whities.

In the free world we are free to define. No link needed.

Federal Tax - a monetary payment caused directly or indirectly by the Federal Government.
link please and we good

your own words say otherwise.

You mean words you found 4 years ago that were 4 years old when you found them? I have three kids and am married. This is literally why you lost your election so PLEASE continue.

You define yourself.

How's those damn purples treating you?
Always good. Going Turkey hunting with some purples soon enough, that's always fun. They have the best jacked up trucks.
You mean words you found 4 years ago that were 4 years old when you found them? I have three kids and am married. This is literally why you lost your election so PLEASE continue.

Always good. Going Turkey hunting with some purples soon enough, that's always fun. They have the best jacked up trucks.

You don't have to hunt turkey. Just look in the mirror.