Yes the DNC did so after one of Bernie's people exploited a known bug to allow him to access files that he should not have. It was a complete overreaction on the part of the DNC but was triggered by an intrusion by Bernie's campaign staff. It was an ugly scene but not an example of campaign manipulation.
actually, what REALLY happened was:
- Bug was found and reported by Sanders campaign to DWS a FULL 6-months PRIOR..apparently she couldn't be bothered as DNC chair to fix.
- File access went BOTH ways..didn't know THAT now did ya?
- Schuylaar is in possession of an EM from Hillary campaign with personal information that only Sanders campaign had..imagine THAT!
- Sanders IT staffer was subsequently fired for leaving trail on purpose. On purpose to get the DNC to take notice and fix.
- Clinton campaign knew too, just never reported..wonder why?