getawaymountain 16/17 seeders

I think the Pineapple chunk was first recommended by you to me in a different thread and all I've ever heard since was good things about it. It's one of the few strains that im FOR SURE running. That and GWM's stock. :hump:
I believe @ruby fruit recommended the PC to me and I might have parroted that. I'm strongly considering that myself but would just be 1-3 of it.
Found out my niece is on streets in Laguna Beach area. Wish she could be helped. Imagine a girl from bumfucked small Kentucky town who leaves a rehab center and ends up on streets there of all places.
So sad to hear everyone's stories, its more commonplace these days unfortunately. I don't think there's anyone who doesn't have a family member or someone they know who is in a situation like that these days... thoughts go out to everyone. Im excited for the shop to open, if got buddies waiting too. Gonna be hard to decide which gear to grab but R2 is a must for sure.
well im in pheonix looking for my son that got wrapped up in the meth out here and has been missing for 10 days now so ive been busy trying to locate him hard job finding a homeless meth head in this city its the worse drug out there far as im concerned sorry to hear that GM...that meth is no joke. I was up for 2 straight years on that shit. Got myself off of it. Good luck in finding him and getting him help. My heart goes out to you and Momma