getawaymountain 16/17 seeders

well i found the kid in a big homeless camp after 5 days of non stop walking thru the jungles of the homeless i cant beleive the amount of meth here in pheonix !! and 10-12000 homeless meth heads crazy as hell now that i got him in the hospital to get him stable enough to fly then he's going home with me and get straightened out slippery little fucker for sure been a long week so far and the worse is yet to come cold turkey for him going to be awhile before i can let him out of my sight
Good luck to both of you,and your a great dad.
Getaway, been a while since we talked. Sounds like you have been having a time there in Phoenix. Glad you found your son and will be back on that sweet little island soon. I sold my farm in 2015 and I've been looking online at real estate up that way- need a new place to set up- legal! Missed the past 2 seasons so I'm a little nervous about my seed stock going going bad. No hurry, and I know you're busy, but pm me if you have chance.

GreenJeans (Bud)
ya friday we go home 2 long weeks here in pheonix for sure wont be missing this place at all on the island we live on its like rehab just being there ha just cant walk down the street and get meth anywhere here hes 45 miles from the nearing little city so thats a long walk haha
How do I send you a pm?i got some honey to mail out to you this week,only 3 pints for my bees did not do to well this but the honey is very tastey,send me a pm please
headed to airport to get out of pheonix and back to the island just in time to get back on a plain and fly to sac i feel like a yo yo latley criss crossing the country back and forth but at least the next flight is to go see a bunch of great people in ca. update from the greenhouse coming tommorrow after i get home carry on all bbq is just around the corner !!
headed to airport to get out of pheonix and back to the island just in time to get back on a plain and fly to sac i feel like a yo yo latley criss crossing the country back and forth but at least the next flight is to go see a bunch of great people in ca. update from the greenhouse coming tommorrow after i get home carry on all bbq is just around the corner !!
Your 3 pints of honny is in the mail headed your way.I hope you and yours enjoy beans did GREAT for me and as you said they was the last to be planted and was the first to be cut and all did great and that island afgain was a god send from heaven.merry x to you and
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the seeders have grown the 2 weeks i was in pheonix and are looking good

Glad to hear you have brought your boy home. wishing him the best these next few weeks an onward. That gh is very very impressive! you near bath maine ? there's a chance I may be moving there in 2 years. that's one option of a few places though and only time will tell.