Well-Known Member
You're holding two inconsistent beliefs;
1. Clinton rigged the primary!
2. Clinton forgot to rig the 2008 primary
3. Clinton forgot to rig the general election
You're holding two inconsistent beliefs;
put social issues on the back burner for the good of the party
Identity politics will be the death of the democratic party unless we abandon the bullshit and start working for middle class Americans. Corporatist establishment shills love identity politics because they don't have to discuss policy. The democrats have lost one of their biggest voting blocs since Reagan because they've adopted republican interests.The point of the op was asking liberals to set aside their morality and put social issues on the back burner for the good of the party and to keep the likes of Trump out of office. Nope, no way, no how. Not gonna happen.
Identity politics will be the death of the democratic party unless we abandon the bullshit and start working for middle class Americans.
Yeah Yeah we know just how much Clinton is a BITCH. We also know that Trump is going to be fucking worst with pants.The point of the op was asking liberals to set aside their morality and put social issues on the back burner for the good of the party and to keep the likes of Trump out of office. Nope, no way, no how. Not gonna happen.
Paddy doesn't vote for Clinton because she's morally reprehensible to him, and he's taking it up the ass for not setting his morals aside for the good of the party and to keep the likes of Trump out of office.
Paddy, you selfish prick
She lost the election because she lost the rust belt
Except I live in California, which renders everything you said mootYeah Yeah we know just how much Clinton is a BITCH. We also know that Trump is going to be fucking worst with pants.
Now I look to see who going to do more for the people and a few things I would like. I made a grown man decision and voted Hillary, because those were the only fucking two that had a chance of doing or not doing what I wanted.
Paddy so desperately wanted 15 dollars an hour, so he fucked himself/herself.
For the record I hated Bernie tax plan. Me and my wife joint would have most certainly paid more, but I would have voted for him had he won the primary. He did not.
Bernie lost and he voted for Hillary, because he too wanted to see minimum wage increase.
Paddy not selfish. Just made a stupid idiotic choice this election season.
Obama won the rust belt. So much for your "they'z all justz racitz!!" claimdeep insight. real talk.
So, so selfish of me. How dare I consider the democratic rights of future generations important above a corporatist sellout democrat.
How did I "go to work for the other side"? You guys still have yet to explain your accusation of me joining the alt-right simply because I oppose your corporatist shill of a democratic loser, Hillary Clinton, who lost in one of the biggest political upsets in American history to a guy who once sold steaks at Sharper Image...
If I couldn't have had my ideal candidate win, I would have supported the democratic nominee over Donald Trump had he/she led a fair campaign. Hillary Clinton didn't, so I couldn't in clear conscience support her for president. If you want me to support your candidate, you need to run a candidate I can support. Seems pretty simple, to be honest..
lol. now you're starting to confuse your bubble logic with fact.
you win man. electoral college is legit and you (the figurative you) had nothing to do with Hillary's loss. it was all her fault. because benghazi!
don't make me put you in 'that' pile bro. you don't want to be in 'that' pile.
You remember what I said about your negative energy...that part.Except I live in California, which renders everything you said moot
I'm not sure if you understand how the electoral college system works, as you've criticized my vote knowing full well where it was cast from, and knowing full well that Clinton won California, and won the 55 electoral votes, even without my vote. So me not voting for her had absolutely zero influence on the outcome of the election. I mean, you keep calling me and others who didn't vote for the shill 'low information voters', yet you keep claiming I'm responsible for all this nonsense since I didn't cast my vote for the person who lost to the reality TV show star..
You and others refuse to admit the democratic primary was rigged, so I have no interest in anything connecting that point. It was, and I've posted the evidence that proves it. If you don't believe it, then that's your own prerogative. That is another significant reason Clinton lost the election.
Obama won the rust belt. So much for your "they'z all justz racitz!!" claim
nothing to add. Just wanted to see it bigger ^^^^But there were 2 legitmate choices in that election.
One choice was unarguably progressive, the other choice was arrested progress and a giant step backwards for ALL of us.
Sometimes, for the greater good of us ALL, you have to compromise.
I've been following politics for literally over 50 years. Hillary did nothing crooked or unusual in the world of politics. All this bullshit is frankly, weird.
No way in fucking hell I can be convinced our lives are somehow improved because she had to concede with a million and a half more votes because she somehow cheated?
Richard Nixon was a crook. Hillary was no crook. She lacked charisma, maybe, but charisma is over fucking rated compared to ignoring global warming, tolerance of racism, lying about bringing lost jobs back and cutting health care costs (unless we're kicking off the 20 million people who got on via the ACA) and even then they won't go down, not to mention the Supreme Court that will impact your life for decades.
Sometimes, it's important to take one for the team. I liked Bernie in the primaries. He lost. There was one choice left and Bernie whole heartedly agreed with that.
Now we're in a bad way.
If my vote actually mattered, I would have voted for Clinton, regardless of everything I've said, because of everything you've said. But I live in California, I knew going into voting for president that she was going to win this state no matter what. That's why I didn't vote for her. I voted because I got to legalize marijuana in the most populous state in the union and become a part of motherfucking history!But there were 2 legitmate choices in that election.
One choice was unarguably progressive, the other choice was arrested progress and a giant step backwards for ALL of us.
Sometimes, for the greater good of us ALL, you have to compromise.
What does the qualification "in the world of politics" mean? Has she done anything "crooked or unusual" in the real world? Would you qualify the time her campaign was fed debate questions from the DNC as "crooked or unusual"? Or when Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned in shame from the DNC chair and the same day joined Clinton's campaign?I've been following politics for literally over 50 years. Hillary did nothing crooked or unusual in the world of politics. All this bullshit is frankly, weird.
Would you qualify the time her campaign was fed debate questions from the DNC as "crooked or unusual"?
Right. Here is her response directly to the allegations, if it was as commonplace as you make it out to be, she wouldn't have had any issue with answering it;not in the least. donna brazile is what is called a "political operative". she gave her all the information she had about what questions might be asked. some of them were asked, and other weren't. this is absolutely 100% normal in the world of politics.
you are naive to believe otherwise. this was a main trump talking point too. you got conned. congrats.
WTFI've never claimed "Clinton stole the election". ?
Racism is part of the problem, but it's not the main reason Trump wonThe more I read some of Paddyfuckingcakes post the more I see he makes some fuck up comments. Fucker thinks that racism is not part of the problem,
The more I read some of Paddyfuckingcakes post the more I see he makes some fuck up comments. Fucker thinks that racism is not part of the problem,