Yeah there is alot to take into consideration on picking the right male. I never really got to choose males myself. Seen it done alot but I never payed attention. I remember a older hippie telling me really strong males they would roll a pinner of in the morning as first days smoke to test potency. He said really good males will give u a little stoned buzz. I don't have that long to wait tho lol.
Sure is man, sure is!
I usually smoke my males once as well, I find they can actually give you a real trippy stone, there is definitely something in what those hippies did mate!
Sure is man, sure is!
I usually smoke my males once as well, I find they can actually give you a real trippy stone, there is definitely something in what those hippies did mate!
Well that's good to know. I will have to give it a go when he ripens up. I wish all the years of listening to growers out west I woulda asked a few more questions about breeding. Guess being the quiet stoner finalley came back to bite me in the ass lol. I'm excited to make a few of my own crosses tho. Everyone seems to say their crosses generally come out better than both parents alone but not always.
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Made a stuffed crust sausage pizza last night, it was alright. Gotta say it beats the hell outta paying 40$ for a delivered one. Seems like just yesterday I could get a pie for like 20 then tip the delivery guy 5 bucks. Those days are long the fuck gone around here. I wanna start making my own dough. I made my own bread for years and it was pretty good. I need to start doing that again. Fresh baked bread with some good butter is good anytime of day.


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40 for a delivered pizza, wtf. That shit was like 12 bucks when I lived there!!! I guess Americans are fat enough already so they start putting the prices up, sad state of affairs that
So true! Saddest thing about Amsterdam was I saw a fat tourist family from the states as we where on a tram to a museum. They where fish belly white and just as we passed a kfc they went ape shit with excitement. The wife was taking wtf. Everyone in the tram was staring at them like fat Americans. I'll never forget that shit it was embarrassing.
So true! Saddest thing about Amsterdam was I saw a fat tourist family from the states as we where on a tram to a museum. They where fish belly white and just as we passed a kfc they went ape shit with excitement. The wife was taking wtf. Everyone in the tram was staring at them like fat Americans. I'll never forget that shit it was embarrassing.
I used to work for a Danish company so I was in Copenhagen more often than not. Could always hear where the Americans were before you saw them. Obnoxious fat fucks, just the name we want, fml. Yes, embarrassing to say the least
Well that's good to know. I will have to give it a go when he ripens up. I wish all the years of listening to growers out west I woulda asked a few more questions about breeding. Guess being the quiet stoner finalley came back to bite me in the ass lol. I'm excited to make a few of my own crosses tho. Everyone seems to say their crosses generally come out better than both parents alone but not always.
Yeah give it a hit mate, you might enjoy it lol. I know what you mean hey, I got most of my knowledge from books and the guys at the hydro shop. Would've loved to get more info out of my pop before he passed, the way he mineralised his soil was spot on and his plants and veges were second to none!
What do you mean "mineralized"? Permaculture?
He basically built his own super soil every year, he'd test his soil and then amend it to have a high calcium ratio with all the macro and micro nutrients in check. He was a soil chemist so knew his shit! He used to test his veges as well, they were so nutrient dense and delicious!
When you think about it, he was just adding back to the soil, what leaches out and what is used by different plants. It's how I will be building my gardens when I buy a house :)
Not a supersoil per se, but what an optimum soil should be ;). Yep he was maintaining it yearly, awesome. I bet he had some killer veges
Yeah that's it man! His veges were and still are the best I've ever had, so much flavour and so fulfilling, we didn't eat much meat when we stayed with him, if we did it was meat from his mate's farm who also remineralised his paddocks each year! Funny thing is, my pop, nan and none of his mate's family ever needed fillings and never had any form of cancer etc. He died at 94, nan at 93 and his mate at 95. Something has to be said for growing nutrient dense food :-D
I have been less sick (with allergies, colds, etc) in the last 10 yrs I been here than I was when I lived in the States, simply because the food is fresh daily and the veges are fresh, not store bought, meats, fish, & poultry all chopped up that morning when you buy it.
Agreed, these days we are made sick with the shit that is produced for sale to eat only to recycle us through the health "system" to make some money. Truly fucking sad!
Totally agree man, the health system relies on having sick people...cue monsanto etc to 'help' with their poison, what a bloody joke!

I have been less sick (with allergies, colds, etc) in the last 10 yrs I been here than I was when I lived in the States, simply because the food is fresh daily and the veges are fresh, not store bought, meats, fish, & poultry all chopped up that morning when you buy it.

Awesome man, just goes to show what good quality food does to your system :)
I was reading that back in the day most families had a 1/4 acre garden per family per house that was tended by the women and children. I always remember my brother and I had our chores and collecting eggs and veges was one. We milked the shit head goats too. My mom still does a huge garden. She cans a bunch of veges for the winter months. She had like 50 butternut squash lol. She does potatoes, carrots, parsnips, jalepeno, tomatoes, asparagus, radishes, brocolli, onions, squash, and I'm probably forgetting a few. My dad's to lazy so I usually do a garden in their yard lol. I had 4 giant tomato plants and like 20 pepper plants along their fence. I was pissed I had 5 pots of "jalepenos" that turned out to be some weird shitty peppers I used in canned salsa. I had no jalepenos for the year which kinda sucked.
I'm growing a stupice tomato in the back corner of the garden now. It's a early variety finishes in 60 days indeterminate. If it produces I won't have to buy hot house shit tomatoes from the store. I've been saying I would do a tomato plant in the garden since 2 winters ago so I finally pulled the trigger. It's nice to stem rub it and smell that tomato plant smell in the winter months.
I was reading that back in the day most families had a 1/4 acre garden per family per house that was tended by the women and children. I always remember my brother and I had our chores and collecting eggs and veges was one. We milked the shit head goats too. My mom still does a huge garden. She cans a bunch of veges for the winter months. She had like 50 butternut squash lol. She does potatoes, carrots, parsnips, jalepeno, tomatoes, asparagus, radishes, brocolli, onions, squash, and I'm probably forgetting a few. My dad's to lazy so I usually do a garden in their yard lol. I had 4 giant tomato plants and like 20 pepper plants along their fence. I was pissed I had 5 pots of "jalepenos" that turned out to be some weird shitty peppers I used in canned salsa. I had no jalepenos for the year which kinda sucked.
I'm growing a stupice tomato in the back corner of the garden now. It's a early variety finishes in 60 days indeterminate. If it produces I won't have to buy hot house shit tomatoes from the store. I've been saying I would do a tomato plant in the garden since 2 winters ago so I finally pulled the trigger. It's nice to stem rub it and smell that tomato plant smell in the winter months.
Last year we had a kid fresh out of college intern on the vessel I worked on. I was checking up on him having a little discussion one day at lunch, asked him if he knew anything about growing his own food, he said he didnt. Told him thats what was wrong with his generation, what would they do, if they had to grow themselves, they would starve. He said he would just buy it from the company which sold it :wall:, thats what those companies were there for. They got the blinders on him already.....
Last year we had a kid fresh out of college intern on the vessel I worked on. I was checking up on him having a little discussion one day at lunch, asked him if he knew anything about growing his own food, he said he didnt. Told him thats what was wrong with his generation, what would they do, if they had to grow themselves, they would starve. He said he would just buy it from the company which sold it :wall:, thats what those companies were there for. They got the blinders on him already.....
Yeah its kinda sad. So many kids are taught money is the answer to all their problems. I can't stand that frame of mind where kids think they can buy anything with money. Well I guarantee when the shit hits the fan, money won't be the answer to anything. GMO vegetables is what he will be buying and I'm kinda thinking fuck that. Homegrown veges are way tastier too.
Fuck I grew up on a operating farm that was run by my parents. I watched chickens, geese, pigs, emus, rabits, deer, cows, u name it I seen it die to benefit myself. I take pride in learning that shit tho. It takes a special pair of balls to be able to kill your own dinner and eat it too. It's some real true native American living in my eyes. You gotta pay respect and give the animal dignity in death. Too many people used to a plastic wrapped chicken or steak in a store, not thinking a soul lost its life for us to enjoy that blessing of life the animal had to sacrifice. It's deep shit when your there witnessing the death yourself.
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This is the keeper male double buck. He actually does have some frost upon closer inspection lol. Im happy enough with him and culled the other runty looking male. If I find a better one out of last of the seeds awesome if not oh well.


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So far 1 out of 7 double bucks is up. I'm gonna give it one more day and start looking at gently digging them up. They show no signs of intelligence. I'm gonna inquire with the worm about the orange glue and double bucks. I think I should be getting better germination results than 3 out of 13 orange glue, and 3 out of 13 double bucks.

Figured I'd drop one of these and see what happens.


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