
Well-Known Member
I knew alot of people planted by the moon but I didn't thin it was so popular these days. A older lady explained what u quoted, awhile ago to me. She was telling me about underground vegetables are planted at a different moon phase then say corn or above ground vegetables.

That's the mango sapphire after a slight cure. I can't help myself from picking out buds to smoke. It's getting a much better smell too. Kinda like a mango/og smell


Well-Known Member
6 dollars for a farmers almanac lol. I guess times being what they are, they had to raise the prices just like everything else. I remember when they were 2.95 at the country store 18 years ago lmao. I was gonna get the moon phase calender but the almanac has all that anyway.


Well-Known Member
I found this chart in the almanac. Pretty useful little chart I'd have to say. It's gonna change my pruning, pest control, and transplant times. My harvest dates already fall in line. I'm a pretty regimented person so all this makes it easier for me. I like having my dates of pruning, transplanting and harvesting all lined up so I can plan accordingly.


Jah Earth Collective

Well-Known Member
I found this chart in the almanac. Pretty useful little chart I'd have to say. It's gonna change my pruning, pest control, and transplant times. My harvest dates already fall in line. I'm a pretty regimented person so all this makes it easier for me. I like having my dates of pruning, transplanting and harvesting all lined up so I can plan accordingly.
helps keep everything grouped together, makes things easier imo


Well-Known Member
Alright getting back to it I got 3 orange glue to come up and they have gone into solo cups. They seem to be doing alright, one is kinda slow to go.

The god stompers are looking much better since switching my lights. They still have a ways to go yet.

Turns out both of the double bucks I have are males so I ended up germinating the last 7 double bucks since I need a female. All 7 double bucks popped and hit peat pellets this morning. One male is super short and showed sex super early, thats the one with offset internodel spacing. The other male is taller, sexed much later and has more stretch and pretty uniform growth which I like. Both smell about the same. I'll probably keep the taller one and try to add

Docs tpr is a female so I'll probably be crossing that with the double buck male.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'd keep the one on the left too man. Does he have any noticible frost on him?
Only through the scope which isn't much help lol. I wanna try to get a picture in the dark and use flash then look at it on the computer to get a better idea. That's the best idea I could Come up with to compare the 2 since I don't really have a good camera. I keep stem rubbing the 2 but they seem the same on the nose and stickyness. I'm hoping the keeper starts putting up some more stink and frost.


Well-Known Member
Only through the scope which isn't much help lol. I wanna try to get a picture in the dark and use flash then look at it on the computer to get a better idea. That's the best idea I could Come up with to compare the 2 since I don't really have a good camera. I keep stem rubbing the 2 but they seem the same on the nose and stickyness. I'm hoping the keeper starts putting up some more stink and frost.
That's a good idea man, I just used my phone (with flash) after lights out, the one I kept had some crazy trich production!! Frosty isnt the be all and end all of traits though, but it's desirable!


Well-Known Member
Structure first and foremost, good lateral branching, stem rub smell, overall smell, frost. These all depend on what I want to put into the mix too. If I want to put some sativa into a cross, I look for a very open, Christmas tree structure with lots of branching etc...all really depends on your goal for the cross hey :)
Yeah there is alot to take into consideration on picking the right male. I never really got to choose males myself. Seen it done alot but I never payed attention. I remember a older hippie telling me really strong males they would roll a pinner of in the morning as first days smoke to test potency. He said really good males will give u a little stoned buzz. I don't have that long to wait tho lol.