Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0


Well-Known Member
This years the first time ive had any problems with one preflowering that was my mk ultra...reckon i will do 3 mk ultras for my spring crop next season after my experimental northern lights
The mk must be a quick flipper as the others never flowered
Heres the NL tonite without flash on camera
View attachment 3832766
That northern light looks great. Yeh I'm gunna breed some of these fast flippers and do a couple of winter crops with them in the greenhouses. At least it let's me know which strains to put outdoors later next year or earlier depending if I want a spring crop again.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
That northern light looks great. Yeh I'm gunna breed some of these fast flippers and do a couple of winter crops with them in the greenhouses. At least it let's me know which strains to put outdoors later next year or earlier depending if I want a spring crop again.
the northern lights was in the tent under T5 for approx. 8-9 weeks from seed before placed outside as soon as we hit 12 hours sunlight


Well-Known Member
I just pulled my 630 lec grow not real impressed at all buds look inmature but where starting to die off. give it 1 more go then I may be back to hps. but it was a bit of a messed up grow i killed a couple plants in veg the pump failed water pump I mean.