Trumps pick for Attorney General wants harsher sentences for marijuana


Well-Known Member
did you not read my entire post? i didn't vote for trump or hillary.

Then why even go and vote then you should of just stayed at home, I just don't get this,
does any remember Nancy Reagan ? get ready to say No. They can' t even pick Cab. Members. and the one's they do are Racist, Bigots
So why is it a double standard, that is the question.
Oh and for the feds, they won't even reschedule it, what does that tell you. doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.


Well-Known Member
So no actual proof he is the selection? I'm hearing names being bandied about but no actual pick.

I've heard:

Trey Gowdy

Nobody has an actual choice. Just who may be.


Well-Known Member
So no actual proof he is the selection? I'm hearing names being bandied about but no actual pick.

I've heard:

Trey Gowdy

Nobody has an actual choice. Just who may be.
what's up, white supremacist bottom feeder? still making $14 an hour as a grown man doing carpentry? that's pathetic.

anyhoo, how is any name on that list better than any other when it comes to anything? they are all right wing, authoritarian, drug war fucktards.

big gulps, eh? welp, see ya later!


Well-Known Member
plus as bad as trump is he's a business man first and foremost he's not going to want to lose the sweet recreational money
It's illegal now because of money. It's all about money , always. How many Department of Corrections officials probation officers judges police officers get their money office it? They're scared you're going to lose some of does government jobs. Not to mention the private prisons who want to keep their Workforce. The government makes money off of it whether it's legal or not


Well-Known Member
For those who don't remember, Jeff Sessions,

In 1986, he was denied a federal judgeship after former colleagues testified before a Senate committee that he joked about the Ku Klux Klan, saying he thought they were “okay, until he learned that they smoked marijuana.”

“If you have nostalgia for the days when blacks kept quiet, gays were in the closet, immigrants were invisible and women stayed in the kitchen, Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions is your man,” Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) said in a statement. “No senator has fought harder against the hopes and aspirations of Latinos, immigrants, and people of color than Sen. Sessions.”

I have no idea if any democrats will be willing or able to block his nomination, but if you love weed like I do, this is definitely not great news


Well-Known Member
he was denied a federal judgeship after former colleagues testified before a Senate committee that he joked about the Ku Klux Klan, saying he thought they were “okay, until he learned that they smoked marijuana.”........:roll:
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Well-Known Member
yes but that money still goes through the state/government in some form and sweet money? you mean the 30mil generated yearly by 1 state? add up all the legal states and you've got your self a pretty penny

and plus the fed's have already out right said as long as it's being done correctly and monitored we will leave the states alone to decide for themselves
Obama said that he won't interfere, but I'll bet my ass Trump and his alt-right buddies will. The DEA is smiling right now, because business will be brisk.