Trumps pick for Attorney General wants harsher sentences for marijuana


Well-Known Member
Say goodbye to pot if you live in a legal state. Foolish Trump supporters.

"Lives Are at Stake": GOP Senator Suggests Marijuana Can Be Deadly

Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions does a 21st Century version of Reefer Madness as he calls for harsher drug sentences.

"Now we have states legalizing it, and they are already talking about recriminalizing it. It is a mistake. We have seen that experiment before. Lives are at stake.”

“I am worried about it,” Sessions said. “It is just tragic to me that we are making the same mistakes we made in the 1960s and 1970s. According to new data, 4.3 million people abuse or are dependent on marijuana. Marijuana is stronger today–several times stronger–than the marijuana of the 1960s, and it does impact people adversely.”


Well-Known Member
you might want to look back further because while i didn't vote for him or killary (voted 3rd party) trump has been on record numerous times stating he wants to legalize all drugs and tax them using the tax money for rehabilitation and education on the dangers of drugs
Yea he said that back in the 90's, but during an interview with Chris Matthews over the summer he was asked about it and he said 'he's been hearing bad things coming from states that have legalized and it needs to be looked into'.


Well-Known Member
Yea he said that back in the 90's, but during an interview with Chris Matthews over the summer he was asked about it and he said 'he's been hearing bad things coming from states that have legalized and it needs to be looked into'.
doesn't mean he'll find anything. there's alway's a few bad apples that ruin it for the rest of us tho. i'm in oregon and constantly hear people talking about taking it out of state and im just like nope. why ruin a good thing.


Well-Known Member
You do realize the AG decides which Federal laws to enforce, not the President, don't you? Also, exactly what 'sweet recreational money' are you talking about?
yes but that money still goes through the state/government in some form and sweet money? you mean the 30mil generated yearly by 1 state? add up all the legal states and you've got your self a pretty penny

and plus the fed's have already out right said as long as it's being done correctly and monitored we will leave the states alone to decide for themselves


Well-Known Member
yes but that money still goes through the state/government in some form and sweet money? you mean the 30mil generated yearly by 1 state? add up all the legal states and you've got your self a pretty penny

and plus the fed's have already out right said as long as it's being done correctly and monitored we will leave the states alone to decide for themselves

LOL, Obama's AG Eric Holder made that statement. Jesus Christ man do you guys even know how govt works?


Well-Known Member
They are not going to enforce fed law over the states. States will not allow. Will the Fed be a dick? Of course. Will they change fed law allowing weed? Of course not. We'll see the states continue to vote and turn one state at a time. Just won't happen as fast.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
You must have been in diapers during the Bush administration.
There wasn't much in the way of marijuana legislation besides a nonfunctional or very small medical system in a couple states during the Bush Administration. People are wiser now. It would be really difficult--even damn near impossible at this point for the Federal Government to stop the Cannabis Legalization Movement.

I truly don't think Trump will try to recriminalize. I think this shit is just a bunch of bitching and fear mongering. In any case, if you're going to try to terrorize people into paranoia and despair, at least use something more reputable than some Conspiracy Theorist news site.

I've said it before: I hate Trump as much as Hillary. I am definitely not supporting him. I'm just saying that this is just bullshit propaganda. Nothing is going to happen. If you can show me 5 reputable sources and citations, I'll believe it. 'Til then, baseless, fear-oriented news like this is just going to piss me off.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
They are not going to enforce fed law over the states. States will not allow. Will the Fed be a dick? Of course. Will they change fed law allowing weed? Of course not. We'll see the states continue to vote and turn one state at a time. Just won't happen as fast.
I don't necessarily think it's a certainty that the Feds won't legalize weed while GOP has control. I think historically, it makes sense, but things are much different than they were in when Bush was in office, even. Pretty sure the majority on both sides of the aisle actually want legalization to happen.


Well-Known Member
Say goodbye to pot if you live in a legal state. Foolish Trump supporters.

"Lives Are at Stake": GOP Senator Suggests Marijuana Can Be Deadly

Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions does a 21st Century version of Reefer Madness as he calls for harsher drug sentences.

"Now we have states legalizing it, and they are already talking about recriminalizing it. It is a mistake. We have seen that experiment before. Lives are at stake.”

“I am worried about it,” Sessions said. “It is just tragic to me that we are making the same mistakes we made in the 1960s and 1970s. According to new data, 4.3 million people abuse or are dependent on marijuana. Marijuana is stronger today–several times stronger–than the marijuana of the 1960s, and it does impact people adversely.”
Where did you see that Trump named Sessions AG?