RIU poll Trump VS Clinton


didn't you lose a bet and need to gtfo? you said, are you reneging? guess so, so you are completely untrustworthy and undependable? makes sense, it is BUCK after all...

funny i have power, internet, and a computer to post from... that I paid for...

how far along is your wife now, buck?

nice and fucked that i can't quote your post, even though you promised not to post if you lost the election bet. cool trick! i guess we know which way things 'swing', huh?
every quote you have of mine is you breaking rules. you have posted yourself and your ideals, and it's pretty sad buddy.

would you like a hotline number? i hear those can help people like you...

tell you what, why don't you come over, i'll make you some chicken and dumplings, and you can sleep on the bunk beds, and you can choose which one! i'll help you heal like an abused puppy, and find you a good, loving home :)

View attachment 3829171

didn't you lose a bet and need to gtfo? you said, are you reneging? guess so, so you are completely untrustworthy and undependable? makes sense, it is BUCK after all...

funny i have power, internet, and a computer to post from... that I paid for...

how far along is your wife now, buck?

Reported for being a creeeeepy redneck and attempting to sexually cajole/harass.
View attachment 3829171

didn't you lose a bet and need to gtfo? you said, are you reneging? guess so, so you are completely untrustworthy and undependable? makes sense, it is BUCK after all...

funny i have power, internet, and a computer to post from... that I paid for...

how far along is your wife now, buck?

nice and fucked that i can't quote your post, even though you promised not to post if you lost the election bet. cool trick! i guess we know which way things 'swing', huh?

wait... you DON'T hang with testicles, sneakerninja and unclebuckf?

oh wait, yeah... yeah you do...

try again baby troll

reported for not being warned about being reported.

ever have a good reply?

didn't think so. you look dumb, and i've tried to help your image... why do you want to be seen as a buff?

Whoaaaaa.....SOMEone's disability check must be late.....those minorities probably had something to do with it....

ever have a good reply?

didn't think so. you look dumb, and i've tried to help your image... why do you want to be seen as a buff?

  1. feeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.
    "a desperate sadness enveloped Ruth"
    synonyms: despairing, hopeless;More
    • (of an act or attempt) tried in despair or when everything else has failed; having little hope of success.
      "drugs used in a desperate attempt to save his life"
      synonyms: last-ditch, last-gasp, eleventh-hour, do-or-die, final;More

    • (of a situation) extremely bad, serious, or dangerous.
      "there is a desperate shortage of teachers"
      synonyms: grave, serious, critical, acute, risky, precariou
  1. feeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.
    "a desperate sadness enveloped Ruth"
    synonyms: despairing, hopeless;More
    • (of an act or attempt) tried in despair or when everything else has failed; having little hope of success.
      "drugs used in a desperate attempt to save his life"
      synonyms: last-ditch, last-gasp, eleventh-hour, do-or-die, final;More

    • (of a situation) extremely bad, serious, or dangerous.
      "there is a desperate shortage of teachers"
      synonyms: grave, serious, critical, acute, risky, precariou

try again, you are only showing that you can't follow rules, laws, bets, or morals.

you guys spout racist, but you dislike blacks, blues, and history.

why are you even here? do you even vape?
only because the rest of us pay for your alcoholic wife's medical bills.
OH, NOW I CAN REPLY, holy fucking shit! bet you hate missing that aspect...

my wife paid her bills, as have i. insurance paid, deductible paid and still paying in. with a real job, not pretending to play with windows...

nice trick with the admin toys bub. reported. what's good for the goose SHOULD be good for the gander, but we all know who the 'favorites' are...