It sure has gotten quiet around these parts today.
I'm a positive gal and I don't believe in bullying, chastising and badgering people because they don't believe in the same values as I do. I can't tell you how many times someone has come to my positive thread to start trouble with me because they didn't like my opinions/beliefs and I had to set them straight and let them know being positive isn't so bad, matter of fact, it's not bad at all.
A lot of people on the forum were having it out every day for months and now some that were friends before this election aren't anymore. This is ridiculous! We are all different. No two people are going to like exactly the same things, it just isn't possible. We are all different for a reason! It's not feasible to expect other people to understand your own personal logic because it is, in fact, yours and yours alone to understand and live by.
I want to say for the record that I voted for Trump. Go ahead and blame me for him being President elect if you need to. I had my reasons as I'm sure all of you had yours as well. I'm not going to rub it in or play childish games with anyone about it either. I didn't talk about it much because I wasn't going to engage in conversation just to be attacked, ridiculed and bullied as I was and still am.
Just today a member told me that I disappointed them and they couldn't believe they were supposed to be nice to me, all because I cheered Michigan for their votes. I mean, really??? and this is someone whose opinion is supposed to matter to me why exactly? This is all it takes to get bullied, to be joyful? That's just sad...
You can hate me, cuss me, and talk shit about me all you want, I don't mind and you know why? It doesn't bother me one bit because opinions are like assholes.
Everybody has one.