What did you accomplish today?

Holy shit! You are an ambitious sort :)
I know guys where I used to live that would smoke 3-4 hogs a night and sell sandwiches the next day in parking lots. You would be amazed at the money they make. No one is doing it here. That and hit up all the festivals around the state in the fall.

I figured out a way to make saplings grow twisted. I made up about 2000 trees up this year and will do more each year. I figure sell bbq and walking sticks.

I want the smoke shack because no one here does real smoking of meats.

I got my ducks in a row and if I bust my ass for another 5-7 years I wont have to hit a lick again. I'll be free to spend time with the kids, hunt and fish.
I don't think I ever hit a lick.

I have licked up a few hits though

