Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0

Dont forget with light hours you get another hr or so either side as well.

First light Sunrise Sunset Last light

This is mine atm;

05:48 EDT
20:10 Not including first light and last light
Last edited:
So I heard if you cross a female auto with a photo male all plants will be photos got about 12 six inch tall ak49 crosses flowering really nice smelling plants
Heard bad things about incredible bulk so I chose THC bomb instead . will see how they turn out at the end of the season. But will be defiantly doing some incredible bulk crosses at the end of the season (:
Word gets around quickly bout shit strains i heard thc bomb was quite pathetic but we all need to try different shit or we would only ever grow one strain eh
Word gets around quickly bout shit strains i heard thc bomb was quite pathetic but we all need to try different shit or we would only ever grow one strain eh
My brother in law grew it indoors and said he liked it, although he's not grown it since so it mustn't of been great.