President Donald J Trump .

Looking forward to all the conservatives Trump is going to let down. The first disapoinment will be the non prosecution of Hillary.

I heard something interesting the other day. Someone stated that the president cannot pardon someone for a crime they have not committed yet or just blanket pardon them. He has to pardon them for a specific crime they have been charged with. Sooooo.... If Hillary isnt charged before Barak Obama leaves the White House then she may still be in jeopardy.

Her being prosecuted is way down on the list of things I want to see trump do.
I heard something interesting the other day. Someone stated that the president cannot pardon someone for a crime they have not committed yet or just blanket pardon them. He has to pardon them for a specific crime they have been charged with. Sooooo.... If Hillary isnt charged before Barak Obama leaves the White House then she may still be in jeopardy.

Her being prosecuted is way down on the list of things I want to see trump do.
unless Obama prosecutes her & then pardons her before he leaves office.....double jeopardy
@sneakyninja FYI nobody " gave " the election to president Trump,many radical leftist social justice warriors caused the loss of millions of votes from moderate democrats like myself though,search my panhead posts & see I was a Hillary Clinton supporter in 2008,Hillary's treason against america drove us away by the millions .

The rabid leftists demanding more socialist driven programs sucking america dry,and demanding we fold under the weight of " your " political correctness drove us away in number 10 fold.

Most of you are doing the same shit the DNC is doing,which is to cast blame in everybody but yourselves,you've lost the ability to self scrutinize & deal with problems in a constructive way,the DNC fires a criminal & replaces her with another criminal,only this time a " black " criminal,in hopes political correctness will give her a pass,and none of you can see what " you " did to elect Donald Trump .

The hard core trolls on this site lie,body shame,insult,attack members family's,wish death on people,wish arrest on members,threaten to post members personal info,call members probation officers,and wish my fucking wife would die faster because my political ideals aren't politically correct !

The foulness I outlined above is the average sjw who's slashing & burning in city's across america the last 3 days,its psychopathic behavior that cost Hillary the election,until you get a handle on the party ideology & leave the radicals behind america will stay a red republican country .

So many democrats are to blame for the loss,debate has became impossible,exchange of ideals isn't met with honest replys here anymore ,they are met with personal attacks,slander,threats,memes,name calling & every uglieness we can think of,I am guilty of that behavior as well as the rest of you ,instead of looking for somebody to blame why not look at what " you " did that's abhorrent to people .

As far as my betting accounts with @UncleBuck on the elections outcome I won the bet,I'm willing to drop the terms of the bet & chalk it up to stupidity,I'm willing to forego all " in your face " trolling of buck & declare the bet finished if buck agrees to stop trolling me as well .

Everybody has acted like assholes,most are still looking for somebody to blame,adults are shaking hands & going about their lives,my hands out how about you buck ?

Hillary got more votes.

Keep trying to say otherwise.
unless Obama prosecutes her & then pardons her before he leaves office.....double jeopardy

I was more thinking he would have to admit she committed a crime to pardon her but there have been some pretty sketchy things in the past. Here is the hook. I bet he can pardon her for all the e-mail stuff. However, can he pardon her for the Clinton Foundation? That may be a separate issue.
I heard something interesting the other day. Someone stated that the president cannot pardon someone for a crime they have not committed yet or just blanket pardon them. He has to pardon them for a specific crime they have been charged with. Sooooo.... If Hillary isnt charged before Barak Obama leaves the White House then she may still be in jeopardy.

Her being prosecuted is way down on the list of things I want to see trump do.

I was more thinking he would have to admit she committed a crime to pardon her but there have been some pretty sketchy things in the past. Here is the hook. I bet he can pardon her for all the e-mail stuff. However, can he pardon her for the Clinton Foundation? That may be a separate issue.

Screenshot 2016-11-06 at 6.38.38 PM.png

This fuckbag needs gone.
lets see trump unite this mess.....

Ah, meant to drop this in your thread/PM (too lazy/buzzed) might dig it....


“Uh … listen,” I said. “You don’t have to—”

“I want to, friend.” He glanced quickly at me, then back to Dennis. I think I cringed when his gaze pierced me. “I want to tell it all. They were fighting and screaming and dying all around me, and I felt the bullets tug at my clothes as they passed through. I know I was screaming too, but what was coming out of my mouth sounded bestial. I ran. The only way I could save my own life was to step on their bodies and drive them down into the mud. I heard some of them choke and blubber as I put my boot on their faces. I knew all those guys like brothers … but at that moment they were only pieces of meat. I ran. A gunship chopper came over the paddy and laid down some fire, and that’s how I got out. Alone.” He bent his face closer toward the other man’s. “And you’d better believe I’m in that rice paddy in ’Nam every time I close my eyes. You’d better believe the men I left back there don’t rest easy. So you keep your opinions about ’Nam and being ‘behind you guys’ to yourself, Mr. Trooper. I don’t want to hear that bullshit. Got it?”
so enjoy Trump
no.. fuck all that shit. I'll just live my life.

I know alot of people hated obama... I myself liked him and voted him for 2 times.

when obama was in office for the first time in my life i had health insurance i could actually afford.

Trump won. Theres nothing any of us can do about it so I'm not gonna bitch about it.