'The Irony Is Delicious..'


Well-Known Member
Canada doesn't want them.it's harder than one thinks to become a resident I've heard.better have 0 criminal record.
My ex brother in law worked for a company that also had a plant in Canada that he had to go and work at occasionally. This was years ago before you needed a passport to cross. Once while crossing the border he was randomly stopped for a check, they found out that he had a felony from when he was a stupid teenager,at the time he was in his fifties. They held him for some time then threatened him with prison if he ever tried to enter the country again, I can only imagine things are even tougher now.


Well-Known Member
My ex brother in law worked for a company that also had a plant in Canada that he had to go and work at occasionally. This was years ago before you needed a passport to cross. Once while crossing the border he was randomly stopped for a check, they found out that he had a felony from when he was a stupid teenager,at the time he was in his fifties. They held him for some time then threatened him with prison if he ever tried to enter the country again, I can only imagine things are even tougher now.
From what I understand,Americans cannot cross the border if they have a dui on their record.


Well-Known Member
Funny, not once did I utter the phrase, 'radical left'. So that's all you, all half dozen references or more.

Liberals in this country would have been ecstatic over Bernie, because centrist is what liberalism has come to mean in this skewed country.

I think the working class was itching to vote for Bernie because they told me so. They did not like, trust or respect Mrs Clinton or her policies. If the Chump spoke to them, that's kudos to him.
sorry about that. You are right, your main point wasn't about the radical left. You do end your post with: "In other words, the Chump managed to capture the radical LEFT vote, or at least enough of it to gain victory" so I went with that identifier instead of liberal. It IS funny how the politics of this country have become so scrunched up to the right and authoritarian corner of the political matrix that a centrist is called liberal. And I do agree that Clinton did not resonate with the white working class. No matter how much she said she cared.

Trump won and it's my hope that the Clinton and Bush dynasties are done. I'm worried that rat-faced Trump jr will have ideas. I'm also not going to say "I hope Trump fails" I've always felt the GOP leadership were treasonous for saying that at the time of a recession which they caused.
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Well-Known Member

The Democratic coalition of abused minorities are deep thinkers and Trump voters were just a bunch of ignorant racists. Got it. Great strategy on the Democratic side. Worked beautifully for you guys.

If you can just figure out how to tell ordinary Americans to shut and listen to their betters without offending them you might get elected dog catcher someday.
I didn't say that. You did. Not saying you are wrong, but you should know that white supremacists are too few in number.


Well-Known Member
Can't disagree and much of this has been stated all over this forum all day but... why the need to say that liberals are the only ones needing to watch that?
Give him a break. He has reading comprehension problems. He can't comprehend anybody's posts other than his own.


Well-Known Member
Well, I am not at great odds with Desert Dude much. Sometimes anyone can be caustic with their words. I sure can
I didn't really mean to give him a break. Dude has a "punch me" sticker attached to his nose. By all means, let him have it. It's what keeps him hanging around. He's going to miss Buck trrbly.


Well-Known Member
One can get away with paying no tax by gaming the system. the only irony is that in doing so you threaten every gov program that is not a black op so the system that let you get away with not paying for it will erode. That is right in line with what the dark forces want so go ahead cheat the systemy
Sounds like you're rocking the tin foil hat. You go ahead and pay extra taxes then, I'll write off everything I can and use all available legal options out there so I can save some of that hard earned cash. You're really just arguing against the tax laws i suppose because those are what we all are following come tax time. If you feel more American by paying more than you have to, that's your thing, have at it I suppose.

esh dov ets

Well-Known Member
Sounds like you're rocking the tin foil hat. You go ahead and pay extra taxes then, I'll write off everything I can and use all available legal options out there so I can save some of that hard earned cash. You're really just arguing against the tax laws i suppose because those are what we all are following come tax time. If you feel more American by paying more than you have to, that's your thing, have at it I suppose.
fuck yeah write off as much as you can without cheating. but some taxes go towards what they should still and there is no other source unlike the money for the dirty siht. "sall i"m saying. you just heard black helicopters and figure i"m that guy right. love you bro. i don't know what the hell your avatar is but i love that to. peace


Well-Known Member
i started a whole thread called why be happy about having trump , so far 1 out of 1000 views have posted a real answer, although there was one guy posted a pic of him smiling so maybe 2;)
Are you promoting your thread here? If you were a Trump supporter, you wouldn't be asking. So my advice would be to tell you the election is over. Everybody is exhausted from all that. Give Trump a chance.